Burning Raindrops…

Disclaimer: No, me owning G.A is about as likely as me being part of it! So no I don't own it and never will! DX T_T


Normal POV

He ran, sprinting and puffing, tripping on tree roots that poked up from the ground, Natsume's hand wrapped firmly around that of a brunette girl. He glanced behind him, and saw that the AAO was still chasing them persistently. Not only were the AAO all fully grown athletic adults, but they were all very accomplished Alice users.

'Tch… just like them, hypocrites.' The AAO, or the Anti Alice Organization, was a group of people against united against Gakuen Alice hoping to stop the academy's teachers schooling their students on how to use their Alices for corrupt purposes. What most people didn't know (including the AAO) was that group of students in Gakuen Alice called the Dangerous Abilities class, was in fact a collection of trained assassins working for the Government as body guards and personal security. Natsume was one of those assassins.

But today he had been sent to do something else, not killing anyone, not protecting some stuck up politician, but 'fetching a package' as the higher ups had said.

'Natsume, your mission is this, go to the AAOs Research Development Department and you will find a girl in one of the rooms. You must remove her from there and deliver her to us. Under stand this, Natsume. The girl must be alive, if she dies all is lost. You must bring her here alive or you will be punished, the same goes for each one of those brats that you stay with during school.''

So here he was, dragging a frightened girl through a forest trying to escape the AAOs elite. He had one more use of the teleportation Alice stone around his neck and his fire Alice would be no use here, but the stone might break if he tried to use it for to long a distance. Suddenly the girl gasped and stopped, dragging him backwards and holding onto him.

'Wha-!' Natsume started to protest only to look at the ground three feet away from him and see it dropping sharply away. He had been about to walk off a cliff.

'Shit that was too close.' He looked at the girl behind him. She looked worried that he might hit her for saving him.

'Hn.' He said without much expression, and if you've just met Natsume for the first time and he's not straight out ignoring you, that's pretty good.

'Tch.' they would have to use the Alice stone, even at this distance. He shut his eyes and just as they were about to be whipped away, he heard a large bang, but before he had time to think about it much more, he was standing in front of Gakuen Alice gates with the girl. He turned to look at her, and noticed she was staring wide eyed at him. From what he knew, she should have seen that done a million times over, so why did she look so shocked? He followed her eye line to the middle of his torso, when without warning the pain hit him hard, almost knocking him off his feet. The big noise he had heard as they teleported, it was gunfire, and it had hit him. He grabbed the girl and clasped a hand over his wound. Then he shouldered the iron gates of Gakuen Alice, and waited. Academy teachers appeared all around them and but only one walked to the gates and opened them. Perhaps it was his tall dark figure and white mask that made all of the other teachers stand back from him. But it was probably the fact that he had the 'Mark of Death' Alice. Persona. Natsume's most hated person.

'Natsume, this is the girl?' He said it in such a way that it was more like 'If she isn't the right one your dead.' than anything else.

Natsume stayed silent, as was his usual answer, Persona continued.

'Well then. Natsume mission complete. You may go and address your wounds.' Natsume bowed his head and started to back away. But the girl walked up to him and closed her eyes, putting a hand on his shoulder. It was as if she was sucking the pain out of all of the wounds that he had gotten that day. The cuts and bruises healed at impossible rates and the gunshot wound ceased to hurt entirely within 1 minute.

The girl stepped back and held out a hand, she dropped a single bullet from it and turned and left with Persona. As she was walking away she turned and gave him the biggest smile that anyone had ever given him before, and best of all it was genuine, there was only one other person that ever really smiled at him, and even then he didn't think that it was ever quite like that.

Natsume sat in class. His head was in turmoil. As much as he wanted to say that the pretty (?) brunette that he had collected last night did not once cross his mind, he would be lying.

She completely occupied it.

Every moment today he was contemplating not only why the academy would want a girl with such an ordinary Alice, and why the AAO would have her protected so well, but her appearance as well. Her golden brown, waist length hair and beautiful hazel eyes. It shocked him every time he caught himself thinking about her. Never before had he ever given a girl so much thought.

Natsume's best friend Ruka, noticed his friends far away expression, and questioned him.

'Hey Natsume, what are you so preoccupied with, your totally out of it. You have been all day, I've been trying to get through to you all day.' Ruka asked for the 10th time.

'Huh, oh sorry Ruka. What?'

Ruka sighed and repeated what he had been saying for the best bit of two hours.

'Oh.' Natsume surveyed Ruka slowly, giving the impression of a scientist looking at a subject. Ruka could tell that Natsume wasn't sure if he should tell him.

'A- a girl.' He finally said quietly. Ruka nearly fainted.

'Seriously, dude are you feeling ok?'

Natsume scowled, he new that he shouldn't have said that. He himself was not sure of his mental health.

'Fine and you will be too if you close your mouth.' Natsume spat. He knew that he should apologize, but his pride was in the way.

'O-okay. Ruka stammered. Natsume sighed and shut his eyes, putting his manga over his face and attempting to fall asleep. Eventually he did, but even his dreams, (to his utmost horror) contained the AAO girl. He was now convinced that he was going mad.

Soooooo O.o was it any good? Honest opinions please but I am new to this so you could go a little easy on me? oh i dont no i just want to no if i should keep going with it or not?
