The Concept of Brevity

They shouldn't be doing this. No. It was the middle of a war outside his tent. General Kakashi was two rows over having the War Council.

His body was unable to suppress a shudder as he felt the familiar weight of a body shift on top of his.

"Dobe," a voice said huskily in his ear.

He opened his eyes and felt the tingle of a genjutsu fall over him. Naruto allowed it and they were suddenly sitting at Ichiraku's Ramen; the bustle of midday in Konoha around them. He glanced sideways at his silent companion, who sat in the stool next to him.

"What is this, Teme?" he asked harshly.

A response was not forthcoming.

Teuchi came forward with a usually large bowl of steaming ramen. It smelled just right. In his other hand was a large slice of birthday cake. The vender slid both items in front of him. "For my favorite customer! Happy Birthday!"

Naruto stared at the ramen in front of him looked askance at Sasuke. "This isn't real."

"What is real," he was looking away when he responded, his dark hair ruffled in the unnatural breeze. "All of reality is all but a lie."

He bit through the illusion and they were back in his tent that smelled vaguely of old socks and dog food. One of these days he was going to get Kiba back for switching tents with him.

"Stop lying to me," Naruto said as he reached up. He slid a finger along the gaping opening of fabric in Sasuke's shimenawa, feeling the heat of the man's chest, the erratic pulse of his heart beneath his finger. The Uchiha quickly grabbed his finger in his hand and pulled it away, easily pinning his arm over his head. The movement was painful, causing his back to arch off the cot.

"You always talked too much," Sasuke whispered.

Their kiss was heated. He tipped his head back as a groan erupted from his throat, while he batted his tongue with his oldest friend's. He continued to squirm under Sasuke, their lower bodies rubbing erotically. After a few minutes, they pulled their abused mouths away from each other.

"Damnit, why are you-" Naruto started to ask, his voice loud in the stillness of the dark tent.

"Be quiet. Your voice is too loud."

"Stop telling me what to do!"

Sasuke inserted three fingers into Naruto's mouth to ostensibly shut him up. It did.

For once Naruto embraced the concept of brevity.

"Suck on these," Sasuke ordered; a growl underneath his tone of voice.

He did.


A/N: Please Review ^_^

Written for the "Cold Ramen Challenge" on Banana Pajamas – For Naruto-kun's Birthday. Drabble 1,000 words or less utilizing one of the following: Ramen, cake, and/or Sasuke.

Bam. I knocked out all three. And in less than 500 words.