Two years have passed since that fateful day. The day when the Demon Emperor, Lelouch Vi Britannia was slain by Zero. In that one day everything changed. The world that was once rife with war and conflict suddenly vanished. All of the hatred that once fueled wars was extinguished. All it took was the death of one man. By conquering the world in such a brutal manner, Lelouch the Demon Emperor assured that all people would throw their hatred to him and finally see the true tragedy of war.

The plan worked perfectly, as did most of Lelouch's clever schemes. The Zero Requiem, as he called it, destroyed what people had once thought of as discrimination. It drove the reality of war to everyone effectively causing to see the ineffective way it solved problems. Instead of needless bloodshed, people found that discussing problems and working to a combined goal was possible and greatly improved the quality of life.

The world moved forward from its bloodied past. Britannia released its colonies as sovereign nations. It then joined the United Federation of Nations. The new Empress, Nunnally Vi Britannia, enacted many policies that gave non-Britannian citizens the same freedoms as true citizens. She also abolished the honorary Britannian system, thereby making all citizens equal in public standings.

Trade was extended to the once Chinese Federation to stabilize their economy and repair damage done to land by the High Eunuch's neglect. Japan became the new center of the world's science development and entertainment production.

The EU was re-established and each member nation agreed to participate in the UFN separately to resolve problems in world affairs.

All around the world, people were working to ensure their futures and those of their fellow brothers and sisters.

The evil intent that once caused wars was not entirely erased however. From time to time some small revolts would take place from former members of nobility that felt cheated and preferred the old way of life.

These incidents were stopped by the Order of the Black Knights. The Black Knights were the official peace keepers and police of the new world order. Led by the masked hero Zero, they put down revolts, crime rings, corruption, and any other disturbance that arose. With a major cut to military research, the Black Knights easily out-dated any type of knightmare that an enemy force could put together.

The peace that Lelouch Vi Britannia died to create was finally achieved after all the suffering he went through.

This first chapter is just a basic overview of what happened to the world as a whole. The rest of the story will be about the individual characters.