Disclaimer: I don't own Obi-Wan, Siri, or Star Wars. Sad, right?
Chapter 6
Obi-Wan breathed a sigh of relief when he had finally dropped all the children off at the crèche. Alone with his thoughts at last, Obi-Wan wondered again why this was happening to them. How could they be in such an alien alternate world where nothing was as it was supposed to be. Siri was right when she wondered how they could be effective Jedi and still have a family.
Siri was definitely taking it hard that was certainly true. He was just as freaked out as she was, but he had a little more control of his emotions. In this world he was married to Siri, an attachment they had done their best to avoid ever since they discovered their feelings for each other as teenagers. Jedi didn't have romantic attachments because it could lead them to the Dark Side. How could Jedi Masters such as Yoda be married and yet seem to be wholly unaffected by the attachment.
"Master!" said a very familiar voice that startled Obi-Wan from his thoughts. He looked up and grinned as he saw Anakin Skywalker heading towards him.
"Anakin, where have you been?"
"With Padmé mostly," he said, with an apologetic smile.
"Of course," Obi-Wan said, remembering that Anakin was married to the senator Padmé Amidala in this reality.
"So how are you doing? Is Ben letting you get much sleep?" Anakin asked.
"Not really," Obi-Wan answered, thinking of Siri's complaints that morning.
"It will get better, the twins are sleeping through the night now and they are only 7 months old," Anakin replied.
"Twins?" Obi-Wan blurted out.
"You REALLY didn't get enough sleep," Anakin joked. "The twins, Luke and Leia."
"Right," Obi-Wan replied. So not only was Anakin married, but he already had children, Force help them all! He was about to make another comment when his comlink signaled.
"Kenobi here," he said into the device.
"Master Kenobi, you need to pick up Riyan from the crèche, he is running a fever," the crèche Master said.
"I'll be there shortly," Obi-Wan said, before turning off the comlink.
Spending the afternoon trying to comfort an irritable, sick child was not at all how Obi-Wan planned to spend the day. Riyan wouldn't stop crying, and he clung to his father like he never wanted to let go. Obi-Wan tried to give the child some medicine, but Riyan threw it up almost immediately. And to make things worse, Riyan woke Siri up with his crying.
"What happened?" Siri demanded, stepping out of the bedroom with her hands on her hips.
"He is sick, I had to pick him up," Obi-Wan explained, trying to speak loud enough for her to hear him over the boy's sobbing.
"Mommy!" Riyan exclaimed, reaching out for her.
Siri's irritated expression was frozen on her face for one moment, but then it evaporated as she looked at Riyan. She opened her arms and took Riyan and rubbed his back soothingly, as she spoke to him softly. To Obi-Wan it looked as though she really was Ryan's mother, and not just a woman thrust into the role.
It was a matter of minutes before Siri had gotten Riyan to take his medicine and fell asleep in her arms. She carried him to his room and she returned a minute later, looking much more subdued.
"I think we have to try and make this work," Siri said, not meeting his gaze.
"What do you mean?" Obi-Wan asked cautiously.
"I mean that we can't fight what is going on here, so we have to embrace it," she said.
"I'm not a father," Obi-Wan replied.
"You are now, and we need to play our roles for the sake of the kids," Siri replied.
Obi-Wan nodded slowly, seeing the sense in what she said, "You're right." As he looked at Siri, beautiful, funny, sarcastic Siri, a part of him was very glad about this change of attitudes.
AN: Sorry it has been SO long since I updated this. I was sick for over a month, my cat died and then the holidays took up to much time to even think about writing. Thanks to all of you who have encouraged me so much with this story and I hope you enjoy this!