Author's Note:
Please read the bold. You might get a nice surprise if you liked this short story.
I do not own Transformers. I did not create the Transformers. I am just a fan of the Hasbro creations. So that means that I have a little forgiveness for making any character act out of character by accident, correct? I am not perfect, this story is not perfect, but I hope you still enjoy it. From one fan to another.
More bold at the bottom. PLEASE READ IT!
"Look, I know you're just acting under orders, Bee, but I would appreciate it if you told me you would be driving off to pick up my ex-girlfriend." Sam spoke rapidly while he tried to find his wallet while tying his tie at the same time. "I would just like to be informed of these things. You guys are supposed to tell me these kinds of things, right? That's my job now, isn't it?"
"Sam," the British accent of Carly Spencer made the youth freeze and she wrapped her arms around him, patting his shoulder with one hand while resting her chin on the other. "You said that you wouldn't be upset."
"I know, I know, Carly." Sam sighed, rubbing his face, "I just—it's been, I don't know, Bee, what's it been? Two years? Yeah, two years since we last seen each other."
"And that is plenty of time to forgive and forget, Sam." Carly said soothingly, stroking his cheek with her index finger. She released him and maneuvered past him to the freight elevator where Bumblebee was sitting inside, not daring to crawl into the home after his previous experience with the chandelier. She reached up and patted his armored cheek before twisting back to face Sam, crossing her arms over her chest. "I've never been to a funeral like this, Sam. Are you sure you want me to go?"
"Yeah," he nodded, pulling his jacket on and shoving his wallet into his pocket, his nerves settled with the sobering thought of Ironhide being gone. The Twins seemed to pass out of existence as if they never were there to begin with when Sentinel attacked NEST headquarters. Apparently, Skids engaged him first and was killed almost immediately while Mudflap sprung into action trying to avenge his twin, only to be blown away without a blink on Sentinel's part. Their deaths passed out of thought though since the events unfolded rather rapidly the moment the old Prime went crazy on them and took off with the pillars. They were able to properly grieve and bury them now, a few days after the events occurred.
It wasn't right leaving their bodies alone. No matter how chaotic things were, everyone was frustrated with it after the world was safe and time wasn't pressed anymore. But Sam wasn't the only one who knew Ironhide or the Twins. In fact, Mikaela was a reason he met them in the first place.
"I wouldn't have gotten a car to begin with if I didn't want the girl." Sam murmured, glancing at his keys on the counter that he hardly needed but picked them up anyway. He liked Banes all of his school life practically, watching her since first grade and growing up with her hardly knowing her but always understanding that there was more to her than meets the eye. When he discovered cars were the way to get girls, he pounced on the idea, begging his father for one until they came to an agreement that pushed him into saver mode and he studied feverishly to make sure he had two A's. He got Bumblebee as a result and with him came the rest of the Autobots shortly afterwards. Now, he knew they wanted his grandfather's glasses but how would it have happened if he wasn't looking for a car?
"Sam, we should go." Carly coaxed, "It's time."
Mikaela swallowed, tugging at the pencil skirt uncomfortably behind the cover of the NEST officers in uniform. She wasn't used to donning strict clothing like this. The officers would perform a military funeral for the fallen Autobot team members to memorialize them but the trio had already been buried by their robotic comrades the night before as it was their dearest friends who they knew the longest out of any human. For the time being, the Autobots were in vehicle form driving in a slow procession towards the edge of the burial site. Mikaela followed along with Sam beside her, Lennox and Epps behind them and followed by the rest of the NEST team. Government officials that had enough heart to respect their saviors stood around the massive graves with Carly waiting beside the British embassador to which she had been reassigned to after losing her previous job for obvious reasons.
Standing beside Sam again felt almost as if they never separated by how tigtly he held her hand when they walked. Why they joined hands she was not sure, she hardly noticed anything but the dark rectangles of dirt marking the grave sites of the three buried Autobots. Even if she prided herself for being a strong young woman, she was struggling to hold back tears while she walked and was vaguely aware of Sam's grip on her hand. This wasn't about them, this was the friends of the deceased trying to find means of not bawling their eyes out in front of everyone.
They circled the graves and Sam released her hand, looking down at Ironhide's resting place while Carly stood beside him keeping her head slightly bowed. Mikaela glanced over at them, taking a deep breath to fight back the urge to sob, she looked determined not to cry but others might have mistaken it for anger if they caught her looking at Carly in that moment. The woman was tall, blond, and supermodel-esque with big lips that had no shape and big blue eyes that made her think they were almost the same color as her own. But she was also radiant, almost like she was glowing with light compared to her who was more fit for a seedy garage in comparison.
Mikaela lowered her eyes again, focusing on Ironhide. She slowly couched down even though she could hear Lennox speaking about the Autobots, she didn't focus on it, recalling the first visual of Ironhide's sleek but powerful black form approaching them through the alleyways. Resting her hands on the dirt, she dug her fingers into it slightly, wishing she would feel traces of metal underneath but found nothing. Sam was suddenly beside her, an arm coming about her and she turned her head to look at him. His face was just as striken as her own, a tear already sliding down his cheek and his eyes glassy from the efforts to hold them back.
She cracked then, drawing her hand out of the dirt and disreguarding the soil still on her fingers, she covered her face with a hand and sobbed into her palm. Sam continued to hold his arm around her and she was grateful for the comforting gesture but at the same time, it hurt to have that kindness after what she had done. What she did in hopes of saving the Autobots from being discovered. It was wasted. And this funeral was poof nothing was going to change it back. But even with that in mind, she sank against his side until they fully knelt on the ground, Mikaela trying to hide her tears with her hand while Sam rubbed her shoulder and wept right along with her.
"Thanks for letting me come, Optimus." Mikaela said, her voice a little weary but steady as she spoke. "I know it's hard for you guys to put up with me."
"No, Mikaela, your presence here would have been what Ironhide would have wanted. You were with us in the beginning, it is only right that you see us off when we meet our end." Optimus Prime said gently, lowering himself to keel before her as he spoke to devote his attention. "We do not hold human relationship alternations above our own friendships with them."
She nodded a little, looking up at the robotic organism before her. This awe-inspiring creation of a world lightyears away from their own that called her a friend in spite of her severe efforts in trying to push them away years ago. "Optimus, when I broke up with Sam, I…I had to do it." She began but the leader of the Autobots held up his hand and shook his head.
"You do not need to explain yourself. We understand your reasons, and we are grateful for your efforts."
"But it didn't help, Optimus." She frowned, turning slightly towards the entrance of the NEST hanger where they had all gathered after the service. "The Autobots were supposed to be safe. If I didn't hide Brain and Wheelie with me, the Decepticons wouldn't have found out about their betrayal. I sent them here to keep them safe and I broke up with Sam beforehand so that they would know I had no reason to be connected anymore. I thought you guys would remain under the radar like you always do but then I heard about Ironhide and the Twins…"
"The fault is mine." Optimus said gravely, standing up again with his head hanging a little lower than he normally held it. "I trusted Sentinel to be on our side, he was my mentor during the war…he was the one who passed on the title of Prime to me. I thought that we had a chance with his resurrection and the discovery of the Ark. But, I was wrong."
"Don't tell me you're blaming yourself for this too." Miakaela sighed, standing beside him and setting her hand upon his armor. "Look, I don't want to be a hypocrite but I have to say this. Don't blame yourself. I know it's hard to get it off your mind, but I think you'll get over it in time."
"Perhaps you are right. But if I am to let this go, you must learn to let go of your own guilt as well." He pointed down at her and she smiled slightly, crossing her arms.
"You first." She challenged.
"Easy," he cautioned but she could hear a more joking undertone in his voice when he spoke. He regained his normal tone when he spoke again however, "When you decide to depart, I will escort you back to your home."
"The leader of the Autobots is personally driving me home? I'm flattered." She touched her chest above her heart. It was good to speak easily with him, something that she rarely was able to do since most of their time together was during times with Decepticons shooting at them or dangerous missions were hanging over their heads. Yeah. This was a nice alternative.
Optimus approached the entryway to the hanger but as he walked, Ratchet asked for him to pause for a moment. He turned around to face his fellow Autobot as he approached. "Yes, what is it?" he asked.
"Optimus, the human scientist Dr. Phillip Pullman has requested for permission to work on a project he is particularly eager to commence." Ratchet explained, bracing his hands on his hips, "I told him I would confer with you before giving the final word. It is a rather fanatic idea in my opinion."
"What is this project that you speak of?" he crossed his arms, "Why does he require assistance from us?"
"Well," Ratchet sighed, glancing back at the chamber doors belonging to the lab of the doctor in question. He had set up shop in the hanger to study the Autobots since their arrival on earth and Ratchet was rater perturbed by his presence since he never liked the idea of humans poking and prodding in areas under his armor he wasn't too fond of being touched. "He says it is a means of alternate transport for us if he accomplishes the desired outcome."
Optimus shook his head, "Until I return from taking Mikaela back to her home, I want you to defer the project further until Dr. Pullman enlightens us further on his plans."
"Very well, but I am not to be held responsible for what I may do if he harasses me further on it until your return."
Ooh, what's this now? The cliffhanger to another story?
Right now I am writing another fiction for the movies involving Optimus and the Autobots finding a new set of Alternate Forms to take on. This story will be much longer and harder to stay true to the movieverse alone. If you guys want to read it, please review. There is some OC relations but aw we all know, this is a fanfiction site so that's bound to happen whether we like it or not. I am also thinking about coaxing Sam and Mikaela back together. But that's not going to happen unless I get feedback. Otherwise this story will just be my little Optimus Prime fix. I've spent many nights already writing several chapters of it so feedback would be awesome. A simple "DO IT" would be nice but you can also help control the story. For now we'll start with some basics.
1. Should the Autobots recieve more help from the remaining Autobots "taking refuge among the stars"?
2. Should Carly be back in Britain working for the British Embassy but maintain her relationship with Sam in a familiar long-distance relationship?
3. Should Ratchet have a hand in creating the Autobots' optional other forms?
4. Should Starscream be brought back?
And the big one...
5. Should Megatron return?