What's this? What's that? Are these feelings in the air?

"Alrighty then everyone! How are we feeling today? Good? Gooood. Well, the matches are about to begin and I hope everyone's ready! But remember, the important thing is to have fun. Heavens to Besty, I'd just die if my little birds got hurt! Remember kids, if no one else does, I think you're special! Now would you like to tell the team anything Fang-bear?"

As Fang marched up in front of the team, she noticed everyone looked focused, but you could still see that they were a bit weirded out by the coach's speech. It was just something you would never get used to…the woman was practically bi-polar. Before every speech it was the same love-filled message, but she was a monster when it came to training.

"Err, thanks coach. Right then, listen up mates!" Fang yelled and immediately replaced the slightly awkward air with electricity.

"It's the first match a' the season and we must destroy 'em! Do ya hear me team, DESTROY! You are no longer people. Nah, yer all blood thirsty BEHEMOTHS! ANIMALS!" She roared, her ever ready smirk was now tinged with something more vicious than confidence, something a little more…maniacal. Fang was out for blood and the rest of the team wasn't too far behind.

"YEAAHH!" They shouted with such ferocity, you would have thought the ground was shaking.



"Failures is…" Fang growled out

"UNACCEPTABLE!" And with that last chorus, each member filed out in single line chanting "kill, destroy, kill"

With a nod of her head Fang stepped out last, knowing that her team wasn't just going to win, they were going to annihilate.

"Aw my little monsters make me so proud" The coach sniffled as she wiped a tear from her eye and watched them march out.

"Because if they dooon't" she sang with a hand clasped against her heart as she popped one foot up

"Hell will be a paradise they'd be begging to get in to when I'm done with 'em." The coach finished, her other foot hit the ground with such force that seemed filled with all of her dark promises.

Even though the coach had added that note after they'd left, the whole team felt a shudder run through them and terror grip their hearts. They had no idea what it meant, but when they looked at their coach who merely smirked their way…well the word "losing" was completely wiped from their vocabulary.

Damn woman was practically bi-polar I tell ya.

But all thoughts were wiped out when the bell rang to begin. Poor, poor other team.

"No calls Light?" Amodar asked as he walked by the front desk.

"No." Light replied, not even looking up from her paperwork.

"Jeez, at least look up when I'm speaking." The older man shook his head. Lightning dropped her pen and looked straight into Amodar's eyes, held his gaze, lit her eyes a fire with hot electricity fanned by the malice in her mind and said

"No, no one called." She then went back to the paperwork at hand and left Amodar in shock, he would never admit it, but he got a good number of chills from that one.

"Damn girl is going to be the death of me." He muttered and retreated back into his office, making eye contact with all other employees along the way and transmitting the clear message of "stay away from Lightning today or you may not live to see tomorrow"

When Amodar left, Light let out a long sigh. She knew Amodar didn't really deserve that, but she was feeling so…no, no no no. She was not upset that she hadn't called or anything silly like that. It was just her…her period! Yeah, that's right, Aunt Flo was coming to visit soon is all.

So, sorry Amodar, it's a completely biological process that she had no control over. It had definitely nothing to do with the fact that she still hadn't called and it was a whole hour passed the usual call time.

"Usual call time? Get yourself together, it's been what three days? If even that." Light muttered to herself, but that did nothing to stop her hand that had been drawing phones for the past half hour.

Oh! It was also genetics! Mhm, yup. See Farron's are creatures of habit so if there are changes, even small ones, their whole day is thrown off. So it wasn't the fact that Light was feeling dejected, she was just irritated at the complete disregard of schedule.


Know, what? She's not even going to answer the phone. Nope, that phones not going to get her again. After three false calls, Lightning was done.


Fuck you phone! Fuck you and the people who call on you..through you..whatever. You're not going to fool this Farron again. No sir.


Do you know how weird and disappointing it is to expect a wonderfully accented woman's voice and get a nasally boy going through puberty instead. No bueno.


"Light it you miss that phone call so help me!"

"Hello, welcome to Bodhum Total Fitness" Lightning spit out. Damn you consquences!

"Oh thank goodness, I thought I missed ya sunshine."

Oh, it's her. Well whoopty do for her.

"I'm sorry you must be terribly confused ma'am, our hours are from 7am-12pm."

"Really that late? Wait, doesn't matter 'bout the gym silly girl. I meant you! I had a match today 'n it completely slipped my mind the other day 'n I forgot ta tell ya. My match just ended and I really didn't want ta miss ya."

Ahh, a match…well it wasn't like Lightning was angry or anything weird like that. Nope, no sadness here.

"Oh really? I didn't know you played in a sport. Wait, why would you think you missed me?" Lighting asked, it was only a couple of minutes before 5.

"Um, because you said you got off at 5? Oh yea! I'm on the martial arts team."

"I get off at 5:20, you have plenty of time. You fight?" Light was pleasantly surprised at that bit of information, good fighters are always appreciated.

"But you said 5…but yeah, 'n I'm pretty good if I do say so myself and myself is a pretty good judge."

Lighting had to roll her eyes and scoff at that, her friend liked to get a little cocky from time to time. But, I guess you could say it was a bit endearing…

"Shut up you jock. And what do you mean I said I get off at 5? I've never told you-oh. Stupid, you asked when you were prank calling. Why would I tell a prank caller my real hours?'

"Ohh, I guess that makes sense. Annd bragging isn't boasting if its truuee~" Sang the other girl and Light had to laugh again.

"Whatever. So did you win?" Amazing how a little misunderstanding nearly ruined her whole day, but now that its corrected all is swell inside the mind of Farron.

"Naturally, oh, wait…The next match is starting. I have to watch ta support ma team an all that so I gotta go. Just wanted ta call an let ya know I didn't forget about ya or nothin' like that sunshine. Talk to ya tomorrow ya."

And with that the other girl was gone, but Lighting wasn't feeling too sad about it. It was way shorter than normal, but if that last part didn't make her feel special…I mean, who wouldn't…It was so…

Oh no Lightning's rambling. What's that? Could it be?! Tis a smile forming on thy lady's face! A real smile, it's not even little.


"Light! One of the newbies made a mess in the weight room. We need your help ASAP" Amodar called out.

Aaand it's gone. Good bye little smile! Your very existence was a miracle in itself despite its shortness.

"I'm coming! And I swear if it was Selphie again…"

"Sorry Light"

Light heaved out a heavy sigh and counted to ten. This was the 4th time this week that Selphie had somehow managed to get all of the weights off their rack, even the super heavy weights that had place holder like an inch off the floor. That doesn't even make sense.

It also didn't help that Selphie was a tiny little thing so Light had to do most of the heavy lifting. The few guys that worked here at this hour weren't much better as they tried to "console poor Selphie" for making a mistake "they'd done a thousand times when they started out."

If that wasn't an Odin sized piece of bull shittery, what is? Work, it sucks…unless you get nice phone calls. Then it didn't suck so bad.

And with that Lighting went to deal with her imbecilic co-workers and heavy weights, but it was kinda ok, because, well I think you know by now.

1 week later

"So then I said, I don't want buns 'a steel, I want buns 'a cinnamon!" The other girl laughed so hard you could hear it through the phone and Light couldn't help but laugh too.

"You're so ridiculous. I can't believe you said that during practice"

"I was hungry dammit! Coach was running us ragged 'n had us all on a strict diet. I was starvin' sunshine starvin!" If Lightning got a penny for every time she rolled her eyes during these conversations, she'd be rich.

"Anyways, how was your day? Is your little brother still sick?"

"Ah, that reminds me…"

If you hadn't guessed by now, these two have been going strong with their calls and getting closer every day. If you just listen in to their conversations, you would think the two had known each other their whole lives. Both parties are happier than ever and it gets even better with each coming day. The two are learning something new about the other during each call and by the end of it they like each other even more.

"No way! You know what movie I'm talking about?!"

"It's only the best kung-fu moive ever"

"Sunshine, ya get better 'n better the more I talk to you"

"I know, I'm pretty cool."

"Well look at you miss conceited"

"Bragging isn't boasting if its truuee~"

While this isn't a bad thing, quite the opposite actually, the resulting effects are going to start to become quite problematic for the two.

I mean at some point, they are going to have to acknowledge the fact that they have growing feelings for someone (that's pretty big by itself) who they, technically don't even "know." The term used is technically because while they don't know the basic facts which society would dictate equates to "knowing" someone, names are a big one; they know more important and meaningful things. For example, did you know that if Lightning sneezes, she sneezes 3 times in a row no matter what? Or, that for all of Fang's "toughness" she is deathly afraid of centipedes and millipedes? Does a name really mean that much in this case?

"Achoo. Achoo, achoo."

"3 times the charm as always huh sunshine?"

"Millipedes. All over your body. Crawling. Everywhere"

"Gah! Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

There is also the fact of the overall time the two have been talking. Some could easily argue that the two have not had nearly enough time to properly grow these feelings. But then, some could easily argue against that as well.

"Do you know what day it is?"

"Um, the day after yesterday? The days kinda blur 'cause I'm so busy ya know? That's pretty out there though, why ask?

"I was doing some calculus homework and needed to write down the date. I know what you mean though, some days I don't know if a week's gone by or a day."

"Crazy, right? Oh, but speaking of calculus, lemme tell you this hilarious joke"

"You mean hilariously lame right?"

"Ha ha, ever think about be a comedian smarty panties"

"Don't you mean pants?"

"But panites are so much more fun. Yours especially. I bet what you got between them legs would look great against the bracelet on my hand. Get it, get it."

"See, lame. That was the lamest line ever. Anyways the calculus joke?"

These are very important consequences, but they won't be addressed till later, as they won't be fully realized until later. Right now, a big effect would be on behavior. While the feelings don't have definite name/shape, they have a definite change in the two's moods. Fang for one, has been smiling a lot more. She usually just smirks all the time, but these are actual smiles. So technically, only Vanille sees them and she still smirks all over the place, but I think you get the point! Light is a little bit, and I do mean little, happier too. She hasn't said "fml" in days and her co-workers certainly feel safer.

"So anything else happen today?"

"No, not really…"

"Work been good?"

"Surprisingly yes, but I swear if someone messes up another room…"

Safer…not safe. Ah, but these changes in mood, unlike the aforementioned ones which can really go unnoticed by the word around them, don't go unnoticed.

"Light I need to talk to you." Amodar called from his office.

"Boss, is calling so I'll call you back."

"Potty break go!"

"Yea, ok bye" Light laughed and hung up.

"Ah, Light, I see they weren't lying" Amodar smiled as he took in her happier disposition.

"What do you mean?" Light's good mood was slowly vanishing and she was beginning to get suspicious.

"Well, everyone at work has said you seem, er, less hostile. Yup, that's a good euphemism" Amodar nodded, he didn't think Lightning would take the actual words to well. "The she-demon isn't out for blood" doesn't sound like something a girl would like to hear.

"Who is saying this?" Light was simply curious to know what the actual words said…and maybe see if her fists agree with the words.

"I don't think that's important. We are here to talk about you after all. And guess who is no longer on phone duty?" Amodar cheered. Poor Gippal didn't deserve what he knew Light would give him, so it's best that she didn't know it was him.

"Oh great, you took me off a whole two days before my sentence was up. I'm overjoyed." Light deadpanned.

"What? I thought you'd be happy? I thought I'd get hugs and 'Thank you oh so much Amodar' or 'you're the best boss ever!". Light could only laugh at Amodar's ridiculous attempt at replicating her voice. Have you ever seen a giant talk with an abnormally high voice? It's some funny stuff.

"I get it, I get it. Thanks. Happy now?" Light said and shook her head at the over exaggerated thumbs up Amodar sent her way.

"Great. If you had your work over there, go clean it up and head over to the floor. I already sent Selphie over there to take your place at the desk." And with that Amodar shooed Lightning out of his office and Lightning understood the extent of what no longer manning the phones meant.

As Light walked over to the desk she couldn't help that her mood took a sharp turn for the worse. If she wasn't answering the phone, she'd never talk to that girl again. There was nothing else to tie them together.

When she got the desk she saw Selphie twirling around in the chair as fast as she could. It was at that exact moment, when Selphie was preparing for her next super-mega-fast-spin, that Lightning realized something horrible: what if she called and Selphie answered the phone. Besides the small feeling of jealously, really what is that feeling even doing here, the rumors that would spread about her could make her the topic of interest at work, even worse school. She could see it now, 'Farron is having sexual rendezvous over the phone with her new secret lover.' That would be fun to deal with.

No, Lightning had to call her back and tell her to never call again. And so, Light must personally end one of the few happy things in her life.

"Selphie." Lightning barked out. She didn't particularly like to pick on the weak, but she was feeling bad and her ethics code wasn't at 100%

"Eeep! Light! Um, Amodar said that, that-" The poor girl was crumpling under Light's vicious glare.

"I know. Go, now." Selphie's eyes widened in fear and she was having a serious crisis on her hands, to obey her boss, or to live.

"B-but, Amodar, he said, he-"Light waved her hand and just pointed. Selphie sent a silent apology to Amodar as her will to live won the battle and she went off to the back.

Lightning sighed as picked up the phone and dialed. Here goes nothing,

"Took ya long enough. Also, did you know that chocobo can actually understand what ya say to 'em?"

"Really? Anyways, I have to tell you something."

"Your lactose intolerant? I didn't really peg ya as an anti-milk type though"

"What? No. How did you even get that?"

"Oh, sorry, the tv was talking about people bein lactose intolerant. Please go on, I'm listenin, I swear,"

"Right… so like I was saying, you can't call here anymore."

"What? Why?"

"I was only put on phone duty as punishment for creating an 'unfriendly work environment' and I'm off punishment now. I can't have you calling here because, well it's just a bad idea" The more Light thought about it, the more she realized that actually, she could go ahead and keep calling, but Light didn't want her to talk to anyone else.

Hmm, that might be that jealousy thing popping up again.

"Hahaha so you got put on phone duty because you scared your co-workers?! That sounds just like you"

"Yeah, yeah. Point is don't call anymore ok."

"Yeah ok, so 951-941-3816"

"Yeah so- wait what? What's that?"

"My number silly girl. So you can call my cell. Ya know, so I don't have to call ya at work."

Cell phones…Lightning had completely forgot about that. Well now doesn't she feel a bit over-dramatic?

"Right, yeah that makes sense. Ok I'll put it in." Lightning was nearly laughing at how ridiculous she was being as she pulled out her phone and entered the number.

"Didja forget ya had one? Anyways, now call the number 'cause if I leave it up to you, yer gonna forget and I won't get my daily dose a sunshine. Can ya feel me winkin?"

Light laughed and was feeling incredibly relieved that she didn't have to say goodbye

"Shut up."

"I don't hear a ring~"

"Well that's because I just dialed now"

"There we go. Now I save this here number under sunshine an I am done."

"Alright then, I have to go now. So I'll…talk to you tomorrow?"

"You got it. Are you ready to be woken up at 5:30 in the wonderful mornin by my beautiful voice? Better be. Wait, can ya text?"

"Call that early and I will hunt you down. And yes, I can."

"Ooo is that a promise?But fine, I'll leave ya alone. Now get back ta work."

"Bye." After hanging up Light was feeling better than ecstatic. That feeling only multiplied ten-fold when she felt a little buzz from her phone and saw a little text message from the unnamed number.

I now have your number. Let the sexting begin. But after work cuz if you got fired who would feed me ;)

Light laughed again and put her phone away as she made her way to the floor. On the way, she passed by a terrified looking Selphie and sighed to herself.

Maybe she was a little out of line.

"Hey, Selphie." Lightning just sighed again when she saw that the girl was still terrified.

"Er, look. Sorry to snap at you earlier, but I was, um, going through some things and I kind of took it out on you." Light was a little taken back at the instant change in mood the girl had.

"Oh, like a headache? Or a stomach ache? I get pretty grouchy too when I get those. I understand completely and it is ok. I just thought you hated me or something." Selphie giggled as if the very thought of someone hating her was a silly idea in itself.

"Yeah, let's go with that. I'm glad you understand." Light said and was about to move on but was shocked when the smaller girl hugged her.

"Yay! I'm so happy we're becoming friends." Light was practically frozen. No one just hugged Lightning Farron like this. Maybe Serah, but that was in private dammit! But then again, Light did unfairly snap at her so I guess..

"Yeah, sure, friends" Light sighed and awkwardly returned the hug.

Is this what happens when you feel super happy? You get soft?

Unbeknownst to them, Amodar looked on from the office and made a mental note of Light's reaction. Something strange was happening to his favorite worker, a good strange.

Fang couldn't stop smiling. She feared her face was stuck that way, but she didn't really care. Thanks to today's strange events, she still had a whole half an hour before she went on her run, but she wasn't bothered in the least bit. How could she be bothered about anything when today, she got Sunshine's number? Her cell phone number.

When Sunshine said they couldn't talk anymore, Fang almost freaked out and she honestly wasn't even sure asking for her cell would work. She thanks the maker it did because Fang wasn't so sure what she'd do if she couldn't talk Sunshine anymore.

Now, Fang couldn't stop thinking of all the possibilities. It was like she had an unlimited source of the other girl. It didn't bother Fang so much before, but it kind of sucked to only be able to talk to her for about an hour a day. Now she could talk to sunshine practically whenever she wanted.

Today is the awesomest day ever. Forget the 10 mile track, Fang's going for the full 16. Right now, she could do anything.

"Whazzat? A text? Well whaddya know; it's the devil herself."

Really -_-. You're perfectly capable of feeding yourself. It's time for your run anyway.

"Well I can't just leave it at that now can I ? Well then sunshine 'didn't ya know that w/o outright refusal yer agreeing? Why feed me, when you can do it?' "

Fang laughed at her own text and went to change into her running gear. When she came back she had a new message waiting on her phone.

Shut up and go.

Fang smirked and sent one more text off before putting on her shoes. She was pleasantly surprised to hear her phone go off, but the message left her feeling a bit conflicted.

"I'm disgusted 'n amused at the same time."

It was a picture of a centipede and millipede crossing each other with a little :) at the bottom.

'Finne, I'll go! That was xtrmly unneeded!' Fang shot back before exiting the house and going off on her run.

Yup, life was definitely looking up.

So I think we should just ignore any and all promises for me to update and just hope that I do. I'm hoping just as hard as you guys trust me. I will not stop apologizing though because I love you all and feel so bad when I can't update for forever. But I hope you know that I will always try and make it the best I can so you're not reading crap. I'd hate to update quickly but sacrifice quality for it. Tell me if my quality is slipping though!

I liked what this chapter was saying and I really want you to notice how little name means to these two at this point. They are mostly just happy to have found someone and little detail like names are so unimportant. You fall in love with the person not the name right? So yes, it was ON PURPOSE that neither of them bothered to ask for a name to go with the number.

ALSO! I hope the phone call bit and the texting bit wasn't too confusing. I'm trying to make it so those conversations flow as naturally as possible. Tell me if I failed and you got uber confused though. I'll just get back on the drawing board.

Please review, cuz I love you!