Phone Call

Lightning Farron pushed open the door to the gym and trudged her way to the employee locker room. School had just ended and with two grueling pop quizzes, she was in no mood to play nice.

After changing into her uniform which consisted of a simple grey polo with the gym insignia on it and pulling her soft pink hair into a loose ponytail, she made her way over to the front desk to sign in.

"Hey Light!" shouted a co-worker who had just came in happy as teenage boy could be.

Lightning was disgusted.

She merely glared in his direction, blue eyes narrowing and delivering a message of intense pain if the boy tried to talk to her again. She was tired and pissed off and didn't even want to breathe in the same air space as another human being at the moment.

Frozen in fear the boy called out "Amodar, Lightning is in one of her moods again!"

"Is she now?" A deep voice called out. Lighning rolled her eyes and steeled herself for the conversation to come.

A large man came out of the office in the back; he wasn't the young man he used to be, but you could tell that even though his muscles had rounded out, he could still beat you down with no problem.

"Now Light, you're a veteran worker here and you know that a gym needs to have a friendly environment. Happy workers equal happy customers which in turn equals less business for those PSICOM bastards." Amodar explained, anger seeping through when he talked about PSICOM.

"God damn name doesn't even make sense." He grumbled under his breath.

Lightning rolled her eyes at his growing anger.

The gym, Bodhum total Fitness, had an vicious rivalry with the only other gym in town called PSICOM. PSICOM or as they would say, People Supreme In Control Over Mind and body, had come to town a couple of years ago and took a good number of Bodhum's regulars as they had a few more new advanced equipment.

It didn't help that when Amodar had gone over to welcome them to the neighborhood PSICOM's owner, Barthanderlus, had been a complete ass and talked down to Amodar and his gym.

"You know how important it is we beat those jerks right Light? So you gonna fix that attitude of yours or what?" Amodar questioned.

Lightning merely intensified her glare and let out a low growl.

Amodar sighed and wearily pointed towards the front desk. "You're on phone duty."

Lightning stomped of towards the desk but not before glaring the boy who did this. If looks could kill, well the boy would wish looks could kill because Lightning's eyes were filled with promises of cruel and unusual punishment.

"Remember Light, sound friendly and sincere! Read that script with enthusiasm!" Amodar called out behind her.

"Fuck enthusiasm." Lighining grumbled.

"If you don't I'm revoking your gym privileges" Amodar added as if he had heard her and then closed the door to his office.

Lightning's eyes widened and she let out a string of curses which doubled when she saw the actual script.

One of the few perks of working at this job was the ability to use the equipment whenever she wanted. Lightning would habitually go through an intense workout when no one was there in order to ease the day's frustrations.

It was either she hit a punching bag or she hit a person and the latter would have rather annoying consequences she didn't want to deal with.

After sending a text to her friend Lebreau about her crappy work situation, Lightning got out some homework to work on while she waited for the phone to ring.

Well, more like she worked on homework while she prayed that the phone would never ring.

Oerba Yun Fang pushed open the door to her and her friend's favorite café: Gran Pulse Tea Time!. Practice had just ended and she couldn't wait to just sit back with her friends and relax.

Towards the back she spotted her gang and let out a wave as she made her way over to them.

"Heya Fang! Late practice today?" A small little red head asked as she gave the taller woman a hug.

"Yea super star, we had to order for you and everything!" shouted a bubbly blonde whose beads clicked as she tossed her head up to look at Fang.

"Hey Vanille, Rikku. Sorry I was late, but we our first competition of the year coming up so practices are gonna start running late." Fang said as she returned the hug and sat down.

"So Vanille and Rikku get hello's but not us! Oh I knew she hated us!" cried a blue haired man who then began to wail dramatically. The whole table laughed as Yuj started hitting him in the head with a menu to shut up.

"Hey guys! There, happy now Maqui?" Fang said and she chuckled at the glare he sent her way.

"Ya, but a little late seeing as he hit me in the head like a thousand times already. You could've messed up my hair!" Maqui yelled as he shoved Yuj who just laughed it off.

"You guys are crazy, I swear" laughed a short haired brunette who sat next to Rikku.

"Like you're one to talk Yuna! Remember that after party last year? What was it 'I'm priestess summoner Yuna! I've come here to defeat Sin!' " Laughed Rikku and the rest of the table as the remembered Yuna going around shouting something about dresspheres.

"One time you guys! One time! I was drunk!" Yuna cried as she covered her now red face which just made the group of friends laugh harder.

" What's going on here? You guys picking on poor little Yuna again?" asked a teenage waitress as she brought the gang's food over.

"Lebreau!" Vanille shouted and got up to hug her when she was done passing out the plates. Lebreau retruned the hug and ruffled the girls hair.

"So, what's wrong with Yuna?" she asked again

"Oh nothing, we were just reminding little Ms. Summoner here about last years after party." Yuj laughed

"Shut up!" Yuna cried as she punched Yuj in the shoulder.

"Ow hey!" Yuj said as he rubbed his shoulder.

Lebreau just laughed. "You crazy kids."

Maqui deadpanned "Lebreau your the same age as us, you can't call us kids. And you're just as crazy to, so don't try and say you're mentally older than us either." Everyone laughed as he shout down her response.

"Whatever, I have to go to another table now. Better leave a big tip for that mouth of your Maqui before you wake up one morning and find yourself bald!" Lebreau stated as she stomped off in a huff. The friends just laughed and started eating their food.

After eating, they all started talking when Vanille suddenly jumped up.

"You guys I just got a great idea!" she said as she began to jump up and down in excitement.

"Woa there girlie, calm down" Fang chuckled as she dragged Vanille back down to her seat.

"Well, I was just thinking about doing something fun and got a really good idea!" Vanille pouted.

"What, what?" Rikku giggled

"Truth or dare!" Vanille exclaimed "Remember how fun it used to be as kids! We should play it right now!"

"I dunno, that game got pretty stupid" Yuj said wearily.

"Oh come on, we have nothing better to do." Yuna said.

"Fine, whatever." Yuj answered. He remembered having to do all kinds of stupid things thanks to that game and he wasn't too keen on doing it again.

"Okay yay! Now let's spin the bottle to see go goes first." Vanille said as she placed an empty soda pop bottle in the middle of the table and spun. It spun round and round till it landed on the unsuspecting Fang who was finishing up her burger.

Feeling everyone's eyes on her she put down the burger and looked around confused.


"Faaang! You're it!" Vanille pouted at Fangs lack of involvement.

"It for what…"Fang asked still confused and a little sad she had to stop eating. Practice was tough and she was hungry dammit!

"Truth or Dare Fang! Sheesh, where have you been space cadet?" Rikku chided.

Fang rolled her eyes and sighed. The faster she did this that faster she could get back to her burger.

"Okay, dare then." She answered

"hm, well….I got nothing. Rikku help!" Vanille said after thinking for a good while on a good dare. Rikku giggled and rolled her eyes, at the red head.

"It's not rocket science silly. Watch, hmm, okay! Fang, I dare you to call a stranger at work and ask them out on a date for today! And you have to be seductive." Rikku cackled evilly and everyone else began laughing to as Fang's face grew into utter disbelief.

"What? No! That's stupid! I'm not doing that." Fang answered.

"Nu uh, you have too." Rikku replied.

"Why?" Fang answered back defiantly.

"Cause, if you don't you have to pay for everyone's food" Vanille said as she smirked evilly. She knew for a fact that Fang had forgot her wallet today and was only able to pay for her food because she found $10 in her pocket. There was no way she could pay for everyone's food an Fang's pride would beat her up if she had to ask for money.

Fang glared at Vanille and reluctantly took out her phone. Everyone laughed at the exchange which only added to Fang's annoyance.

"Alright then you jerks, who do I have to call?" Fang asked as she continued to shoot dirty looks at Vanille who just smiled gleefully.

"I don't know let's ask Lebreau. She'll know someone good." Rikku said as she called the waitress over.

"What's up guys?"

"Fang here is going to seductively call a stranger to arrange a date." Rikku explained as she broke out into a fit of giggles.

"We figured you would know someone to call." Yuna explained

Lebreau laughed and said " I have just the person" and she began to chuckle evilly.

Lightning sneezed and then glared at the phone. Someone was talking about her and she could feel in her gut that the stupid phone had something to do with it.

She glared harder at the phone, daring it to ring. Satisfied when it didn't she went back to her homework, but the feeling in her stomach didn't go away and she just knew something bad was going to happen.

"Who am I calling Lebreau? I swear if this is some psycho.."Fang asked wearily as they waited for the phone to pick up.

"Oh, don't worry, they're fine. Unless of course, the problem is that you don't think you could do it?" Lebreau challenged. Inside she was laughing manically, she knew that this would be good especially, if she could get Fang really into it. Thanks to a little text message from a grumpy birdy she knew the person manning the phone lines today would be great in this situation.

The challenge worked like a charm because Fang's face lit up in defiance.

"Hah! The great Oerba Yun Fang can seduce anyone. Watch and learn as I put on the ol' Yun charm." Fang stated proudly as her face set into one of determination.

Oh it is so on, that person on the other side of the phone better get ready because Oerba Yun Fang is on the prowl and you're her target.

And then the phone picked up.

Ring Ring Ring

"Fuck my life" Lighting sighed as she saw that the bastard phone, as she had kindly dubbed it, began to ring.

"Maybe I can-" but she was cut off when Amodar yelled that she had better answer that phone or else.

With a glare Lightning took a deep breath and answered the phone.

"Hello, welcome to Bodhum Total Fitness, how can I help you? And don't forget that it's that time of year again to strut the beach. Let me tell you about our new temporarily reduced fees so we can help get your body into…top…bikini or beach ware…shape.." Lightning recited painfully.

"I swear when I find out who wrote that I'm going to skin them alive." she grumbled away from the phone.

"…Hello?" Lightning asked after a bit of silence.

"Well If that wasn't the worst greeting ever." The accented voice on the other line laughed and Lightning's irritation grew when she heard the laughing in the background and realized she was on speaker.

"What the hell do you want" Lightning barked.

"Well, don't you sound like a warm ray of sunshine." The voice which was obviously a woman chuckled and Lightning's grip on the phone tightened. She had a long day and did not want to be dealing with a couple of punks prank calling her.

"What. Do. You. Want." Lightning grounded out.

"Well if you really want to know, you." Lightning's eyes widened at the husky tone and her face began to heat up in anger.

"What the fuck?" Lightning shouted.

"You heard me sunshine. You just sound so sexy on the phone that even though I came here to ask for a gym membership, now I want to know if me and you could hook up sometime." The woaman continued.

"Sunshine? Hook up? When I figure out who you are I'm going to beat the shit out of you, you little punk." Lightning exploded.

"Ooh sounds fun tiger. So when you get off hun? There's a nice little café called Gran Pulse Tea Time where you and me could…meet up." She replied sultrily and Lightning was just about to go off again when Amodar came by.

"I can hear you from my office and you aren't showing proper care to the customer."

"But-" Lighting started but Amador cut her off with a wave of his hand.

"Remember what'll happen if you mess this up." He said as he walked back to his office. Light glared at the bastard phone and cursed the damnable woman on the other side. If Light ever met her in person…well she'd get her just desserts.

With a resigned sigh Light begrudgingly got back on the phone and apologized. Her eye twitched when she heard all of the laughter coming from the other side.

"Don't sound so pained sunshine. Remember, you have to show me proper care." The woman teased and Lightning hated the suggestive way she said "proper care".

"I'm going to ask one more time. What do you want?" Lightning asked tiredly

"I already told you silly girl. What time do you get off."


"Good, then be at Gran Pulse Tea Time at 5:30"


"Don't be like that sunshine, now what do we say?"

"I will be at Gran Pulse Tea Time at 5:30. Are you happy now you damnable harpy?" Lightning grumbled as she heard the other woman laugh with her friends.

"Great, I'll be waiting sunshine." The woman said as she hung up. Lightning slammed the phone down and got up from her desk.

"I'm taking my break." She said gruffly as she passed Amador's office, gloves already on as she made her way to the punching bags.

"That was hilarious!" Lebreau and the other laughed and Fang smirked down at her phone. That was pretty fun and "sunshine" was wonderful to tease. She really did have a sexy voice in Fang's opinion.

"Man Lebreau, I knew you'd pick someone good. How do you even know that girl? She sounded like she would jump through the phone and stab Fang any minute!" Maqui remarked as he continued to laugh at the hilarious phone call that had just transpired.

"Oh and job Fang, you sounded just like a seductress of night." Yuj laughed as he patted her on the back. Everyone laughed at the description and Fang punched him, but she laughed to.

"Told ya. The Yun charm works wonders." She laughed and then started getting her and Vanille's stuff together.

"It's been fun, but me and Vanille gotta go now before Sazh throws out his hip looking for us." Fang told the gang who laughed and nodded also getting ready to go home for the day.

"Hey now, Sazh isn't that old, he just likes to complain that he is." Vanille giggled as she lightly hit Fang who laughed and agreed.

"Hey woudn't it be funny if that chick actually did come?" Rikku suggested and everyone laughed. It would be pretty funny if they had tricked her in to believing that the date was real.

"Nah, she wouldn't come. Trust me she figured out it was prank, she just went along with it so she wouldn't get in trouble with her boss. Remember the warning he gave her." Lebreau stated as she began cleaning up the gang's table.

Everyone consented and then finished packing up.

"Well, later Lebreau!" The group of friends called out as thet all went their separate ways home.

As Fang and Vanille walked home, Fang couldn't help but wonder if that girl really would come. Fang certainly wouldn't mind meeting her, she seemed pretty fun.

At 5:00 Lightning was packing up to go and even more tired and pissed off than when she went came in. She couldn't get that stupid woman out of her head and swore up and down that she would find her and introduce her right fist to the woman's jaw.

A simple and gruff 'bye' and a glare was all she offered to her co-workers that stood between her and the door.

She was just about to leave when Amodar called her name. She cursed and truned around to face him.

"Hey Light, just wanted to say good job today kiddo. Hang in there okay, you're doing good" He offered he a kind smile and laughed when Lightning's eyes shifted away from his, cheeks coloring a bit as she grumbled out a thanks.

"Now get outta here and ya punk and fix that attitude of yours!" He yelled and shooed her out of the gym. She let out a small laugh and answered his smile with a smirk as she gave him a short wave before leaving.

On the way home she had somehow found herself in front of Gran Pulse tea time. Lightning cursed and stomped away after seeing that she was right on time for the supposed date with that thrice be damned woman.

"What the hell am I doing here? It was obviously a prank so why did I even..ugh I'm too tired for this." She mumbled to herself and stomped home not noticing a runner not too far off stop and say the exact same thing before she started running again and continued her course.

End chapter

Disclaimer: Don't own capeche.

So there's that chapter done. I love FXIII, but this me first time writin one of my own. Hope you guy's liked it! Personally,I feel like there should be more AU fics out there for Flight, especially high school because 1) I like to see how the characters deal with other situations that the fal'cie and all that. I don't hate that story setting or anything, but different ones wouldn't hurt. and 2) because high school is just hilarious period. The things that happen then, honestly it amazes me how stupid it could be.

By the way this is inspired by a really dumb but still funny true story. My friend really was just bored at lunch so she like called some gym and talked to this dude named mark all lunch. She set up a date like fore the next day. I felt bad for the dude, but I was really just awed at how random that was.

I would appreciate feedback oh wondrous people who made it all the way down here.
