Samantha Puckett walked outside her bedroom door to find her daughter dressed and ready to go.

"Good morning sweetheart. Why are you dressed and ready so early today? You know it's a Saturday and mommy likes her sleep."

"Because mommy, I want to go to the mall to look at new teddy bears because I dropped my other one… um… i-in the bathroom and it went down the… uh… potty."

"Florence Bryce! What did I tell you about being careful with your teddy bears?"

"I know mommy, and I tried, I-I promise, but… but…" And before they both knew it, Flora had burst into tears.

"Sweetie, honey, it's okay. Not the end of the world. We'll go get you a new one." It was pretty easy to get out of work, or she could just bring Flora to the stage set. Sam was the creator and producer of movies and her latest creation was a scary flick, and she didn't want to bring her daughter to that kind of set environment. As bad of a kid as she was, Sam Puckett was one hell of a mother.

It has been 6 years since she was last in Seattle. Sam now lived in Hollywood, CA writing and producing movies. She learned in college that in order to get to the top (and get all the food she wanted) that she had to work for it. She loved what she did on iCarly, so Sam figured writing and producing was the job for her. It has been 6 years since she last saw Freddie Benson. Two weeks after graduation, when Sam found out she was pregnant, she left Seattle to go to UCLA. Sam had gotten the grades and her SAT score was amazing, much to everyone's surprise.

On graduation night, Sam and Freddie made they're relationship final by taking each other's virginity. Sam had forgotten her birth control, and left as soon as she found out that it was Freddie's child. She didn't want to be the reason he couldn't fulfill his dreams. Freddie was going to NYU, the school of his dreams for film directing and tech producing, and Sam didn't want to hold him back from his dreams. He wanted to try the long distance relationship, and was talking to her about it, but she left, without saying goodbye. And she hasn't seen him since.

Sam was very successful at a young age. When in college, she started her film production company, because she had to support a child. And then didn't mean working her way to the top. It meant starting at the top, and using connections she'd gained from iCarly to help her.

Freddie was also successful at what he did. He's directed some of the biggest pictures in motion picture history. He's been acclaimed to be "the next Steven Spielberg" and "one of the greatest directors of all time." And he's only 24 years old. When Sam left, she was only looking out for Freddie's best interest. She wanted him to succeed and have a good life. She didn't want to know that she and her child were the ones holding him back from what he really wanted to do in life, because if Freddie knew she was pregnant, he would have stayed, regardless of how much she begged him to go.

But Sam wanted to be with Freddie more than anything. She just realized that it was too late, and that he was probably off somewhere engaged, or married with a family of his own.

"Mommy!" Flora whined, snapping Sam out of her daze. Yes, okay sweetie I'm coming. We'll go to the mall, then I'm gonna drop you off at Cara's. Is that alright baby?" Cara was Flora's best friend. They've known each other since kindergarten and Flora spends a lot of time at Cara's when Sam's working.

"Yay mommy! Thank you! I love going to Cara's! Even though her sister IS kind of crazy…"

Sam chuckled to herself, as she remembered Spencer Shay's (Carly's brother) crazy and insane tactics. He would set EVERYTHING on fire.

"Okay mommy… Let's go! Let's go! Let's go already!" Flora screamed snapping Sam out of her daydream.

"Coming sweetheart!" Sam said pulling up her black ankle booties.

Sam pulled Flora into the car, and buckled her into the booster seat. On the ride there, Flora asked, "Whose my daddy?" Sam has been getting this question a lot lately from Flora. She wants so badly to tell her the truth, but Flora was only 6 and she didn't understand yet.

So for now, the answer is "You're all mine sweetheart. All mine."

When they pulled up into the mall, Sam asked Flora what kind of bear she wanted. Whether she wanted a pink one with little hearts, or a brown fuzzy one or even a blue one with black spots. Flora, being 6, just wanted what was in front of her. She could never make a proper decision, so Sam always ended up making it for her.

As they walked into the store, Sam was just thinking about Flora's question. Who's her father? She thought Flora deserved to know the truth, she just couldn't bring herself to do it, because what if Flora wanted to meet her father? Sam couldn't handle seeing Freddie again after all these years. She couldn't handle the pain of knowing that's SHE left HIM and that she still wanted him even though he was probably with someone else and moved on from her. She was never good to him either. She'd always take his money, eat his food, and hurt him, emotionally and physically. But that was all part of her secret code. From the day she met Freddie Benson, she was slowly falling in love with him.

When they got to the store, Flora darted away from Sam and after a few minutes of chasing, she picked out a brown fuzzy teddy bear with a soft spot on his nose. His eyes were chocolate brown, so deep you could get lost in them.

"This is it mommy! This is the one I want!"

"Okay darling, lets go now so mommy can drop you off at Cara's."

"Alright mommy. Let's go. I think I already have a name for it."

This was an odd change of events. It usually took Flora about 2 days to make a name for her stuffed animals.

"Ok Flora, what is it this time?" Sam said.

"Well, I think I'll name it Freddie Teddy."

And with that, Sam nearly choked on her own breath.