Author's Note: Thanks to those who reviewed my first chapter! It's always nice seeing positive feedback for something like this. And a special shout out to Gotchi-chan who's OC will be appearing in my fanfic sometime really soon! :D A bit of a short chapter this time… I've got school work to keep up with, and babysitting to attend to. But I promise to try as hard as I can to get a chapter up at least every 2 days!

Chapter 2

Just as the sun began to rise on a new day in leaf-fall, mewling sounds could be heard coming from beside the pool where ancestors meet. Hollyleaf lay on a rock with water gently lapping at the tips of her paws, tired out from her long night of unassisted birth. Yet she did it.

Lying at her belly were four kits, just as StarClan had proclaimed. An orange tabby tom-kit with huge white paws and amber eyes, a small brown she-kit with yellow eyes, a long furred silver tom with bright green eyes, and finally, a large black she-kit with green eyes – the spitting image of her mother.

All four kits were quietly suckling at her belly. Hollyleaf, her mind still in a daze after last night, let her mind wander. It's so crazy how I can go from a crazed outcast to the one who's helping save the Clans.. She shook her head, trying to shake the thought out of her mind so she could enjoy the time she had until she had to give up 3 of her kits.

Suddenly, a twig cracked somewhere down the path leading towards ShadowClan and ThunderClan territory. Ears perked up and senses alert, Hollyleaf jumped up and picked up her kits one by one, bringing them over to a small crevice in between the rocks along the pool. Peering out from her hiding place, she saw two figures cresting the hill, tails entwined. Something about that cat seems familiar, Hollyleaf thought to herself.

As the figures got closer, the newly risen sun cast its early rays on the two cats. One cat, a demure gray tabby she-cat, was trotting close to a bright, golden tabby tom. Both wore smiles on their faces as they made their way to the water's edge and laid down, only a few tail lengths from where Hollyleaf and her kits hid.

Lionblaze! Suddenly, Hollyleaf remembered where she had seen that cat before. It was her brother! But who was that with him? Frantically, she searched her mind, trying to remember the names of the ThunderClan cats that she left. Cinderheart seemed to fit the bill.

Cinderheart. Her final words to Hollyleaf echoed in her ears. "What have you done?" "I did the right thing." "There is no right thing. Everything to do with this leads to more pain."

Sadness welled up in her eyes as she remembered the past. What she did was horrible, to her family, to her Clan… But the past is the past. Shaking her head, she tentatively stepped out of her hiding spot and slowly padded up to Lionblaze.

Lionblaze, sensing another cat nearby, stiffened, the fur on his back starting to rise. Sniffing the air, he went from on edge to confused. He cast a curious glance at Cinderheart, who merely shrugged her shoulders, obviously a little perturbed that their moment had been ruined. Clearly not getting any answers, Lionblaze turned.
