Emily and Mike one shots

Disclaimer I don't own anything, I just felt like writing a set of loose ideas. I was inspired when Episode 17 of PRS premiered.

One shot 1: Broken dreams rewrite

The rangers rushed to help Mia, after the gap sensor had buzzed twice. When they arrived they were surprised to not only see Dayu, but some other nighlock(Rhinosnores ) as well.

"Mia, are you okay?" Emily asked after Mia was sent tumbling towards them clad in her samurai uniform, all Emily had gotten was a brief nod. Before a soft swirling gas crept over the pedestrian crowd, they fell unconscious. The nighlock smiled to himself when the rangers came at him. Dayu chose the time to swing the man over her shoulder and run off; with a cry of prevalence Mia just had to pursuit them.

"Mia!" Emily said and after an order from her leader the yellow ranger ran after Mia desperate to find out what had happened.

"Hey! Take some flying fish bait" Antonio was fast behind his voice, and skidded to a halt in front of Jayden. "Don't worry guys, I got this…" but the nighlock had already sent out a second cloud of his sleeping gas, rendering Antonio asleep.

"He'll make a nice little snack in the dream world!" Rhinosnores cackled

"You really think we'd let that happen?" Jayden roared gripping his sword

"You won't have a choice!" and with that the nighlock jumped into a portal into Antonio

"A inter dimensional portal?" Jayden muses

Emily wandered the forest, looking for her friend

"Looking for your friend?" Emily spun around in time to be caught in a cloud of sleeping gas she fell to the ground dimorphing.

Mia fought with Dayu for a bit before Rhinosnores appeared and cackled

"Goodnight have sweet dreams, except you Dayu" he put them to sleep sending them down a hill.

(You've seen the dreams Mia and Dayu have so I'll skip to the dream world)

Mike and Kevin wandered through the dream world, spotting girls in dresses among other things, as well as several strolling couples, and picnickers idly laughing at each other's stories and gossip.

"I did it!" a familiar voice cheered Kevin looked towards the voice to see Antonio laughing and proudly showing everyone his 'biggest fish trophy' "Biggest fish baby!" Kevin slapped Mike's arm trying to get his attention, but Mike was transfixed by a figure visible through a looming portal.

Emily, yes, his-not his I mean, Emily. He tugged free of Kevin walking towards her. Kevin giving a huff and deciding it'd be better to stay together followed Mike as he jumped into the portal. Mike watched Emily's dream. She was standing there in a beautiful shimmery white gown, similar to the one she wore for the bride kidnappings, back then he had thought she couldn't be more beautiful bride.

Oh, God was he wrong. She was an angel in that dress even though it wasn't a wedding dress, still. Suddenly a masked man jumped from the shadows, he wrapped Emily in a stronghold.

"Emily!" Mike began to shout but Kevin held him back, when Emily smiled she took his hand and smiled broader.

"I love you" she whispered

"I love you more" the man replied she blushed and tugged him away from Mike and Kevin's view

"Then prove it" he swooped her into his arms and trotted away into a bedroom.

Mike gasped lightly when they landed back in the dream world as they slipped into another dream. Kevin was in the dream doing laps around the pool, after a few he got out. The scene changed to a racing scene where Kevin with other divers jumped into the pool.

Kevin won. Kevin was smiling as the dream ended, Mike wasn't. His heart squeezed and felt heavy. Emily was dreaming of some guy sweeping her off her feet and probably doing romantic things in the bedroom.

Was he not a concern at all?

Why wasn't it him in that dream?

Mike was in love with his yellow teammate she made his heart sing, every time she smiled at him, his heart would leap careening in his chest. His palms would sweat and his heart would accelerate. She was so perfect in his eyes, no matter what she thought. She was kind, smart, an awesome fighter, and not to mention beautiful. Her hair fell just the right way; her hazels were so deep and beautiful, framed by thick lashes that brushed her perfect cheekbones when she looked down. Everyone said she was ordinary, nothing compared to Mia. Mike admitted Mia was pretty, but Emily in his eyes looked much more amazing.

Yet she didn't like him back.

Oh god did it hurt, how it burned.

"Mike?"Kevin waved his hand in front of Mike's face "I think we're going into your dream now…" Mike looked up his eyes prickling slightly not enough to notice he looked up. Emily again stood but she was in her uniform she removed her helmet dropping it to the floor when Mike still in uniform came to her

"Emily" dream world Mike breathed she reached up and pulled his helmet off she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him harshly he wrapped his arms around her, and pulled away smiling.

"I love you my Mike"

"I love you to My Emily" The scene shifted into the inside of a small house, a kitchen. Emily stood over the stove. She had two little girls clinging to her legs then racing off when the door opened

"Daddy!" they squealed Mike came in scooping them in his arms and sending them outside to the car of his mother. He moved to the stove and wrapped Emily in his arms

"Hey" she said wrapping arms around Mike's torso Mike pecked her lips. "How was work?"

"Fine, I missed you"

"I missed you too" she sighed "I love you'

"Isn't that why we're married and have two beautiful kids, and why you're the love of life."

"You're still as corny as ever." She laughed kissing his cheek He laughed sweeping her up in his arms.

"Is the stove off?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because, we should take advantage of Hailey and Iris being with their grandmother tonight,"

"I was thinking the same thing…" but he cut her off kissing her mouth and she kissed back he carried her into a room.

The dream ended. This time they were flung out of the dream portal and landed harshly. Mike's eyes pricked he choked a bit. His dream wouldn't come true now. There would never be any kissing; she'd do that with her masked man.

"Mike, are you…?" Kevin looked at his friend the dream wasn't surprising; Mike was clearly in love with Emily. But, the dream Emily had said I love you but not to Mike, she was telling some mystery man.

He couldn't imagine how Mike felt. Mike ignored him and spun around standing and pointing

"The nighlock!" they jumped at him

(The scene in dream world where they fight, you've seen it, skip ahead to after Emily saves Mia from Dayu)

Mia held poor Emily in her lap; Emily was still weak from running. She was bleeding badly. Dayu had disappeared. Mia flipped open her samuraiser. She'd call Jayden first.


"Jayden we need you"

"Mia, this isn't the best…"

"Emily is bleeding, like, really bad."

"I'll be there in a second. Antonio says according to his samuraiser that Kevin and Mike are closer than us. Call them" the line went dead and Mia dialed Mike,

"Mia…" Emily moaned "Tell Mike that…that I know, that I know that he was in my dream, tell him that he was the masked man. Tell him." Mia nodded still confused

"Who's the masked man?"

"The one I made love too…" Emily answered

"Oh, oh, uh we'll have a talk when you're not bleeding to death" Mia pressed call, and the line picked up after a buzz


"Mike, oh my god, she's bleeding she's really hurt. Emily oh my god, Emily…don't fall asleep, oh my god, oh my god, I mean oh my god her shirt is soaked…" Mia had just noticed that Emily's wound had started bleeding heavier

"Mia, what's going on?" Mia was scaring him,

"I was with Dayu fighting. Dayu was about to strike, but Emily blocked it. But Dayu it Emily's side, well more like slashed, and there's blood" Mike's heart sunk. No, no, no, no No! "Oh my god"

"Tell him…" said a weak voice; it had only a hint of the angel he knew

"Okay, Mike Emily needs you to know that she knows you were in her dream you and Kevin. She says you were the man in the mask, and apparently you made love… which is gross. She's almost unconscious now." Mia was babbling Mike had taken off already followed by a confused Kevin soon he saw a girl kneeling. The girl who he could now say was Mia had a lump in her lap. A blond lump.

"I'm here Mia…we're here" he couldn't be excited that Emily had a wet dream about him, she was hurt. He ran faster and stopped by the girls. Emily looked bad, her shirt was soaked in blood and she was pressing a hand to the wound. She was pale, her skin translucent enough to show the vein pulsing.

"Guys Mentor has a bed ready" Kevin said getting off the phone with Ji Mike scooped Emily into his arms and ran as fast as he could without hurting her. He needed her alive. He arrived home shortly and Mentor had stanched the wound and stitched it quickly he had then bandaged the cut and, let Emily "sleep it off".

Between training, meals, and mooger and nighlock attacks Mike would sit and watch Emily, it had been five days since they had brought her home.. Mike had clasped her hand in his, at times like this he thought about them. They had been friends from the start, and it hadn't taken him long to start noticing everything about Emily. Her curls, her big brown expressive eyes that made him melt.

Then something squeezed his hand.


"Emily, are you…" her hand twitched again and she blinked a few times like she was trying to focus in on the blurry face that was leaning over her. His face focused in, his beautiful forest eyes peered at her his eyes were flooded with concern and she realized he was holding her hand, "…are you okay?" she blinked again confused for a second still dazed by waking up. She tightened her hand around his squeezing tightly

"Is that you Mike?" his thumb brushed a circle on her palm, soothing

"Yeah…" he smiled "It's-it's me, I'm here Em,"

"Is Mia okay?"

"She's fine; she and Jayden are kind of occupied."

"They're not making love are they?" Mike's jaw dropped and he burst out laughing

"No…no, they're on a date"

"Oh, hehe" she smiled lightly she laughed but sucked in a gasp.

"Emily!" Mike cried he touched her face and began looking franticly at her "what's wrong, are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine." Emily said "I guess I shouldn't laugh"

"I guess not" he leaned closer and gently he pressed a kiss into her hair. "Emily, I love you, I have for a while."

"I've loved you since Negatron came since you told me I shouldn't so hard on myself. Since you made me feel…like…like I didn't have to be Serena to make someone happy." Emily blushed when his small smile widened.

"I don't know when I started unknowingly loving you. I realized it when we did the decoy weddings for the brides, and you looked so beautiful" He sighed "I think I loved you before that though. I actually know that I loved you before that Em." Emily couldn't stop blushing when he said she was beautiful.

She wasn't even pretty, much less beautiful

"God, Emily did you make my heart stop, and since then you make my heart beat go a million times a minute"

"The feeling's mutual" she blushed like crazy again he reached down and traced the blush, then moving the hair from her face. "How long till I can be up and running again?"

"A week, more or less" Emily frowned a bit, suddenly noticing the purple bags under his eyes, which were bloodshot. He had stubble growing.

"How long has it been since you've slept?" she asked he seemed a little put off by her sudden change in subject, Emily wondered if he was upset, or even fazed by her question. Would he lie to her?

"Last night" he was going to lie

"Don't lie" his mouth turned down after she spoke the corners of his mouth facing south "when was the real last time you slept, Mike?"

"I don't know" he admitted shrugging

"Then sleep now"

"I want to stay with you"

"Then sleep over there"

"I want to stay up with you"

"Please sleep?" she pushed her lower lip out and widened her eyes "Please?"

Mike couldn't say no to that face, damn she had him.

"Thanks Mike"

Two weeks ater Emily was up and happy she was so happy to be up on her feet again, her hear thrummed when she felt someone's arms pull her into them.

"Mike" she turned to him and before he could say anything she pressed her lips to his,

Their first Kiss

And let me assure you both of their dreams came true

A/N: again I have been so busy I have activities four times a week(weekends to) teachers give us boatloads of homework(ahh high school) so I finally got to upload this, check out my book review channel on you tube bookloveralltheway

Love you guys

P.S any ideas? On how Emily and Mike get together? I have two already stewing.