Title: The Lion & The Badger

Summary: During Sixth Year at Hogwarts a certain Gryffindor and Hufflepuff discovers something about themselves and each other when said Gryffin suddenly takes an interest in the Huffle. Dean/Castiel, SPN/HP x-over. Amounts of romance, slash, fluff, drama, angst & touching.

Pairings: Destiel (Dean/Castiel) with a side of Sabriel (Sam/Gabriel). Possible a few very minor pairings, too.

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural and Hogwarts/Harry Potter belongs to the amazing J.K. Rowling.

Beta: I really want to thank Classy Venus and Serina-Phantom :D

Warnings: Slash (Destiel & Sabriel), NC-17 (sexuel scenes), possible a bit OOC (as I am not the writers of Supernatural)

Author's note: For such a long time I've had this gigantic urge to write Destiel and Sabriel at Hogwarts. It all began the first time I laid eyes on Lettiebobettie's Destiel at Hogwarts drawings. My story is kind of based on some of the drawings of hers. She's amazing. Check them out!: http : / / lettiebobettie . tumblr . com /

Enjoy guys! :D

~ Eye Contact ~


Close to noon on September 1st, there was a group of wizards making their way through the heavy crowd on King's Cross. The Muggles seemed to be flocking as well, and Castiel Novak almost lost his family in the big crowd, but Anna had grabbed his hand right on time, making sure he was still with them. Eventually, they reached the right platform, right between 9 and 10, and Raphael was the first one who ran through the tall brick wall.

"After you, bro'" Gabriel said with a hand gesture towards the brick wall.

Castiel nodded. With one last glance over the station – the Muggle world – he left it with joy. It was not that he hated Muggles or anything close it it; he was a half-blood himself. His wizard father married a stunning Muggle, and because they couldn't get children on account of her being unable to get pregnant, they had adopted seven children, each from a different country.

The problem Castiel had with Muggles was the same problem he had with wizards and witches: they bullied him a lot. At least in the world of magic he could cast a little teasing spell towards the bullies to get back at them, and at Hogwarts the teachers actually did something to stop bullying.

Once the train had left Platform Nine 3/4 at 11 a.m. sharp, and they had said their goodbye to their owls – or in Anna's case, her cat – all the Novak siblings made their way through the train. She and her older siblings found compartments where their friends were and soon it was only Castiel, Anna and Balthazar who were walking around to find an empty compartment to lay their hands on.

Castiel sat down by the window – he liked the window seat the most – and Balthazar in the other end, his head resting against the wall as if he were planning to fall asleep. Anna decided to sit down right across from them, placing her handbag beside her leg on the seat.

She had promised Castiel she would sit with him for at least half an hour before she went to find her friends. It was something she'd promised back when the youngest Novak child was going to Hogwarts for the first time. In the 1st and 2nd year, she had sat with him through the whole trip, but now that Castiel was a Sixth year, they'd agreed it shouldn't be a problem for him to sit alone. Balthazar was only here because his friends had ditched him last year. Apparently, they had become so tired of his, as he called it, "shit and crap" that they did not want him as their friend anymore.

"Here we go again, huh?" Balthazar mumbled with a sigh, "Back to bloody Hogwarts."

"You just don't like it because you lost all your friends and people hate you," Anna replied.

"Hey! Gabriel is worse than I am!" Balthazar almost chuckled. It was so pathetic.

"True," Anna nodded before burying her nose in one of her beloved books. She turned to Castiel a few minutes later. "Are you looking forward to have more classes with Professor Snape?" Castiel did alright in potions, but he clearly didn't like the raven haired professor; Anna knew that Snape gave Castiel the creeps.

"I'm looking forward to the Herbology classes," Castiel corrected her and shifted in his seat.

"We've still got ol' Sprout there, right?" Balthazar asked, finally moving his head from the wall.

"Of course we do. I don't think she'll ever give her spot to someone else," Anna smiled as she spoke the words.

"She'll probably be like Professor Binns," Castiel said, also smiling. His smile was a rare occasion, but when they appeared, they were true and beautiful. It was not that he was an unhappy guy – he just wasn't good with emotions and facial expressions. Normally, it was the – as his family called it – poker face that played repeat on the Hufflepuff's face.

"We only ever get new teachers in Defense Against Dark Arts," Anna added.

"I'm sure there's some kind of curse on that subject," Balthazar joked with a grin on his face. Finally he was back to his old, smirking self. For a moment Castiel had worried his brother would be brooding and unpleasant all year long and bother him through the days at Hogwarts because he couldn't get any friends.

"Any idea of whom it might be?" Anna asked and both her brothers shook their heads.

"Would be awesome if dear old Dumbledore would teach us Defense Against Dark Arts," Balthazar grinned.

Anna giggled. "I could imagine that, but it'll never happen."

A knock on the door caused them all to look up.

A small blush spread out on Anna's very pale cheeks as she spotted Dean Winchester standing in the door, looking at them with bored eyes.

"Can I sit here?" he asked Anna. They were good friends, despite Anna being in Slytherin and Dean in Gryffindor. They'd dated a bit last year but Dean broke it off, saying he didn't want a steady relationship. Two weeks after that happened, he was seen together with Lisa Breaden, a Ravenclaw. Their friendship had continued after the break up. Anna said their past relationship only made their friendship somewhat stronger.

Castiel hadn't seen them much together, though. He did believe that Anna still liked the Gryffindor a lot. He understood why – behind all the bad boy theme that Dean liked to show in his appearance and personality, he was a really nice guy. He wasn't even bad looking either, Castiel thought to himself as his azure gaze rested upon the boy.

Before Anna could manage to find her voice, Balthazar spoke. "No you cannot, you bloody wanker! You broke my sister's heart last year, so get the hell out of here before I break a limb of yours!" His voice was poisonous. Although he wasn't the most violent guy around, he hated it when people hurt his family – especially his siblings.

Dean looked at the other Slytherin in the room with a frown playing on his face. "Yeah, whatever. Will just find Sammy then. See ya, dicks," he muttered, but before leaving his eyes finally came to rest on Castiel.

Their eyes met; an impossible, solid, summer green color and mesmerizing, azure eyes. For a minute it was as if everything had slowed down, like slow motion, and there was no sound or any kind of noise around them, or so Castiel thought it felt like, because he knew that slow motion and silence wasn't possible here.

A teasing smile was suddenly on Dean's full lips.

The Hufflepuff bit slowly down his lip; he felt somewhat uncomfortable yet extremely comfortable beneath that green gaze. Dean sure had beautiful eyes. He bent his head a little, escaping those eyes before he was truly caught in them. A little blush was showing on his pale cheeks; he could feel it.

And when Castiel looked up again, it was to the sound of the door smacking closed. What had just happened?

Castiel frowned and turned his blue gaze towards the window. It would get dark before they reached the school, but it felt like they were already close. Something was moving through his body. Something he had never felt before, or perhaps something he had been avoiding since third year at the magical school. He wasn't sure, though.

He had looked at Dean many times before, and yes, he did find the other boy slightly attractive, but it was not like they had ever talked outside class – and Dean had once treated him badly, but he'd also made up for that. Dean was not one of the many bullies around the school, though, he just protected those he really cared about.

"Cas, are you alright?" Anna asked when she stopped shouting at Balthazar because of his rudeness. Castiel almost hadn't noticed the shouting which began immediately after Dean left.

Said person threw her a short glance before looking out on the open fields again. Castiel nodded, not sure if he could trust his voice in this current moment.

Anna's eyes rested on him for a few seconds. "Alright," she replied and turned back to her books, leaving the Sixth year Hufflepuff to his own thoughts.

It was not only Anna he was trying to convince, it was also himself.

It seemed like ages before the train finally arrived at Hogsmeade Station, and as it did, Castiel threw a glance out the window and caught the most amazing sight he had ever seen, though he'd already seen it multiply times already. Hogwarts castle lit up the dark night like a million burning candles off in the distance. A private smile moved across his lips; a warm feeling spread through his chest.

Anna's half an hour in the compartment had turned into an hour and a half after she had been completely consumed by her newest book. That had happened a lot through the years with the redhead. Balthazar had disappeared into the world of dreams after two hours, and Castiel had spent most of the time staring out across the landscape as the crimson train passed by; green eyes seared into his mind, beautiful, full lips smiling at him. Sometimes he read through some of the books he was going to use this year.

Arriving at Hogsmead station, Castiel shook his older brother awake and, in Balthazar's case, sleepily, changed into their school robes; Castiel in yellow and black, and Balthazar in dark green, silver.

Outside the scarlet train, it was dark and raining. Castiel liked the rain; he enjoyed the fresh scent making its way through the thickness of the air. Its trickles and taps on the windows had a calming, soothing rhythm as he sat with a book in front of the fireplace. The clouds' shades let his eyes relax softly. He believed rain smelled good before and after it had fallen. He also liked the feeling of the wet drops against his pale skin.

Iron gray clouds cloaked the sky above Hogsmeade and blocked any view of the stars and the moon.

The many First years huddle together as always and followed the giant – Hagrid – who was calling them towards his large being. Castiel watched them for a moment, remembering when he and Balthazar had arrived at Hogwarts for the first time. He'd been so nervous and terrified, and his brother acted as if he had been there many times before.

Every other student there who wasn't a First year ran towards the carriages, still being pulled by the skeleton Thestrals he'd heard of. Balthazar and Castiel were accompanied by their older brother, Gabriel, a Seventh year Slytherin, and his friends Crowley and Meg. Castiel didn't like those two due to obvious reasons; they were cruel and not very friendly.

Castiel was the only Hufflepuff in his family. Lucifer, Raphael, Gabriel, Balthazar and Anna were all in Slytherin, and, like their father, Michael was in Gryffindor.

Walking up to the castle after leaving the carriages, Castiel bumped into another student pretty hard, and he was just about to lose his balance as it happened, but arms grabbed him before his face and body could meet with the hard, pavement beneath their feet. He was just about to raise his head and apologize when he spotted a red and yellow tie. And it was not only a Gryffindor standing right in front of him, but Dean Winchester himself.

His blue gaze once again met with the green emeralds. He noticed for the first time that Dean was almost a head taller than himself. His eyes held an emotion Castiel was not sure of, but he knew it wasn't anger or anything close to that.

"I.. I'm sorry," Castiel managed to say. He was not a nervous person, but something about Dean made him act like it.

Dean nodded. "No worries. It's alright." He grinned and patted the Hufflepuff on the shoulder. Their eyes were locked on one another as he did so.

"Hey Dean! You coming?" The Gryffindor looked over Castiel's head at someone the Hufflepuff didn't know, then his eyes turned back to Castiel's, and he smirked before moving around him and walking towards the person.

Quickly, Castiel turned around and his eyes followed the boy in black, red and gold.

Inside the castle, he went through the wide, sweeping halls and elaborate archways. He'd always found the castle breathtaking inside and outside. His robes were already a little too big for him, and as it was weighed down by the heavy rainwater, it seemed to trail even more on the stone floor, but for the moment he ignored it. Castiel only longed for one thing: the feast in the Great Hall. He was so hungry due to the fact he had not been able to eat any breakfast that morning or during the train ride.

The crowd of students walked straight through the main entrance and through the massive doors. He sighed at the sight of the hall. Hundreds of candles were lit in the air above their heads and the massive fire was burning brightly in the fireplace.

He left his siblings with a wave of his hand and went towards the Hufflepuff table to the left where he found Tessa, Andy, Gwen, and Rachel. He greeted them and sat down.

"How was your summer, Cas?" Andy asked.

"Likeable," Castiel replied, trying to give his fellow Hufflepuff a smile in return, but it turned out more like a grimace. Tessa, Gwen, and Rachel giggled, and Castiel turned to look at the long table at the far end of the Great Hall where the teachers and Dumbledore was seated.

Soon, Professor McGonagall stepped forward and began saying the names on the list as the students were sorted into the four different houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Each house cheered loudly every time someone was placed with them.

When the sorting ended, everyone turned to look at the table where Dumbledore was getting to his feet. Castiel had heard a lot about the headmaster from his family. The great wizard loved Muggles, but his father had added that the man was a bit loony. Many people around him had said that they only kept the old man on Hogwarts as a favor to him for defeating Grindelwald all all those years ago.

Castiel couldn't, and didn't, deny that the man looked a little loony, as he was dressed in a violently violet robe with glittering sky-blue patterns, but he also seemed to exude an aura of power and wisdom. His old eyes twinkled blue behind their half moon glasses as they swept across the hall, taking in the new and old students. They settled briefly on the blue-eyed Hufflepuff, and his smile seemed to widen behind his long, white beard.

As always, the Forbidden Forest at the edge of the Hogwarts grounds is just as its name suggests – forbidden; Castiel had heard those words every single year on the first day of the new school year. And, as always, Mr. Filch had asked Dumbledore to mention something that was somewhat forbidden to do around the castle. He always mentioned that the Whomping Willow was also not to be touched or messed around with because it could seriously injure or kill an unsuspecting student.

Soon the speech was done, and, as Dumbledore made one clap with his hands, the feast began. In front of him the table was filled with massive amounts of food. There was everything you could want: beef stew, potatoes of every kind, roast turkey, kidney pie, vegetables, rice, cake for dessert and so much more. Castiel also thought he spotted a tray of chocolate éclairs over to his left.

"Yes! Food! I am so hungry!" Andy exclaimed, launching in and beginning to fill his plate until it was overflowing. "I could just eat about everything on this table!"

"Ew, that's disgusting," Rachel said with a grimace on her beautiful face.

"Like I care," Andy grinned and began eating as if he'd never eaten before.

As Castiel began eating some of the delicious chicken, he could feel someone's firm gaze locked on his body. Turning to look over his shoulder, he searched the large crowd of students in their respective house colors and black robes. Suddenly, his eyes met with those green ones he had already become familiar with. Blushing, he looked down on the table.

After the feast had ended every student left to go to their respective common rooms at Hogwarts.

Guys, please leave a review or a comment. I am sure all of you know how much reviews/comments means to an author, especially one on this homepage. I'm one of those authors who, if I don't get reviews or comments, I kind of lose my inspiration and will to continue my current story. Gosh, I sound so stupid. But please, guys.

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