And so we come to the end of my little story. I can't thank you enough for sticking with me until the end and you should know that I'm so grateful.

The two songs are: Come What May from Moulin Rouge and For You Know by Bruno Merz. I normally skip over lyrics in stories, but it would really benefit if you read them. I hope you enjoy!

It was Saturday afternoon and Kurt and Blaine were bored. They couldn't think of anything to do and currently they were sitting on Kurt's couch, Blaine perched on Kurt's lap and wracking his brain for something to amuse themselves with.

The last week had passed without a hitch; Blaine was really enjoying staying in the Hudmel's house and even though it could get crowded at times, he had relaxed into his surroundings. It also meant he could spend a lot more time with Kurt and that was an excellent thing. He knew his mum was searching for an apartment for them to stay in, but the process was slow since she had upped the amount of days she worked so she could pay for it. She was much happier here; he could tell. Initially he had been worried about her, as sometimes she would fade out from a conversation and get lost in her own world, but they times were few and far between now. He could also tell that she thought they were imposing on the Hudmel's even though they had insisted they weren't. Kurt's family had welcomed them with open arms, instantly treating them like part of their own family and for this Blaine was truly grateful. It was what they – especially his mum – needed right now. At least until she could stand on her own two feet again.

"Should we watch a movie?" Kurt said suddenly, watching Blaine smile in his lap.

"Sure. What one this time?" Kurt's features screwed up in thought, trying to think of the films he hadn't watched in a while.

"Moulin Rouge!" His face lit up; he had forgotten how much he loved that movie.

"But Kurt, that's really sad." Blaine was frowning; the last time he had watched it he had been a sobbing wreck for at least an hour afterwards.

"I'll help you through it, Blainers." Kurt chuckled, gently nudging a pouting Blaine off his lap so he could find the DVD. He could hear Blaine grumbling behind him as he clicked the disk out of its case and placed it in the machine, turning the TV on as he did so. He grabbed the remote and settled back on the sofa, watching the warnings that started every DVD with a bored expression.

"Karosky comes back next week." Blaine said suddenly in monotone. Kurt stared across at him and grabbed his hand.

"It'll be fine. Maybe he'll lay off a bit because he knows the consequences now." Blaine nodded slightly but still looked worried.

"Hopefully." They lapsed into silence for a few moments, each thinking about Karofsky. At least they had each other – they would be able to get through it together.

"I never said thank you, did I?" Kurt turned to Blaine, confused.

"What should you have said thank you for?"

"This. Letting us stay here. Accepting us." Kurt smiled lovingly at his worried boyfriend.

"We couldn't have let you stay there, it just wasn't an option. Did you expect anything less?"

"Well," Blaine started, curling up into Kurt and placing an arm around his waist, over his stomach. "I didn't expect you to let us stay in your house, no." Kurt wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer. His scent was already familiar to him; apples and cinnamon.

"It's more make-out sessions for us, though." Kurt said with a smile, watching Blaine's body vibrate from laughing. He faintly hummed in agreement as Kurt pressed play and the movie started.

Blaine was already promising himself that he wouldn't cry, under any circumstances.

Both of them watched the movie with wide eyes, completely enthralled with the tragic story, the beautiful singing and the entrancing backgrounds. They tried to savour the perfect love story while it lasted, knowing that in the end it would all fall apart.

They spent some of the movie having a whispered conversation about everything and nothing, but they never took their eyes of the screen, not wanting to miss a minute of the film.

Blaine was also waiting for his favourite part in the movie; Come What May. He had seen the film more times that he could count, every time sitting alone in his bedroom, wishing that someday he would find his Satine. In guy form, obviously. But when he watched that special scene, the one where they looked so happy together, he couldn't help the jealousy flowing through his veins. He wanted to be able to sing with the love of his life; dance with them around the room; hold each other for hours because neither wanted to leave the embrace. It had been his dream for years and now that dream had finally, finally become a reality. There was just one thing on the list that he hadn't done yet.

When the scene came on and Christian tentatively started singing the truly beautiful song – his favourite song ever - Blaine glanced at Kurt who was staring at the TV in wonder. He knew what he needed to do.

Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I love you more and more

Kurt's head snapped round to meet his and Blaine placed a gentle kiss on his cheek between each line, causing Kurt to blush ferociously. Blaine grinned and got up off the couch, pulling a protesting Kurt with him. When they were both vertical, he slid his hands from where they were placed on Kurt's shoulders to around his waist. Pulling him closer, he continued singing.

Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings?
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time

He could feel Kurt chuckling against him as his clear voice filled the room. He could also feel Kurt's hands snake behind his neck and link there and his chin pressing into the space between his neck and shoulder, Blaine mirroring the action.

Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day

They rocked slowly, performing a beautiful dance that was reserved just for them. This was Blaine's own special way of telling Kurt he loved him - in the most beautiful song ever created.

He was relieved and astounded when Kurt started singing; he had never heard his beautiful voice fit a song so perfectly before. His voice filled the room as Blaine's had done before and Blaine couldn't help but sigh in contentment: how had he gotten this lucky?

Kurt's solo finished and Blaine joined in, their voices harmonizing perfectly together. Like they were born to sing with each other. It was like their rendition of Tangled, but different. It was much more special and they had been through so much more even though it had only been two week ago. Was it really two weeks? It seemed to Blaine like it was much longer. But maybe that was because everything was so perfect now.

They continued slowly rocking, moving in a synchronized dance. Their bodies had, and always would fit together perfectly and they knew that. They knew that what they had was special and neither one was willing to let it go.

Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day

The music finished behind them but they stayed where they were; in each others arms. Where they belonged.

"You mean it?" Kurt breathed in Blaine's ear, making Blaine shiver slightly.

"Mean what?"

"Do you love me?" Blaine buried his face into Kurt's shoulder, sighing again. He took a minute to reply, knowing just how big this was.

"Yes." He could feel Kurt sagging against him at this simple word and suddenly he wondered whether he should have said it. Was it too soon? Of course it was too soon, they had known each other for a month and here he was telling Kurt he loved him and crap, now he had screwed it all up and-

"I love you too." Kurt whispered, causing Blaine's thoughts to derail.

"You do?" Blaine pulled back to look into Kurt's eyes, shocked to find tears swimming in them. He gave him a feeble nod and a small smile.

"You don't think this is too fast?" Kurt glanced at the ground.

"Maybe. But I know it's true. And we've never exactly been conventional, have we?" Blaine chuckled slightly.

"Point taken." He pressed his lips gently to Kurt's; savouring the sensation of being so connected to the boy he… loved. He loved Kurt and Kurt loved him.

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." Blaine whispered a quote from Moulin Rouge, staring deep into Kurt's eyes. He hadn't realised the true meaning of the words until now. Kurt repeated the quote back to him before pressing their lips together again, trying to convey the emotions he held.

Neither knew how long they stayed like that, holding each other. They took it in turns to press soft kisses over each other's face, before moving back and connecting their lips. Neither could have imagined a better place to be.

The romance story of Satine and Christian played in the background, the story going through twists and turns until it finally reached its tragic and heartbreaking end. The boys' didn't pay attention, however. They were too engrossed in each other; in feeling; in touching; in savouring every moment. Because their story wouldn't end like that.


Not everything was as perfect as their first 'I love you', however. Throughout the month that Blaine and Caroline stayed with the Hudmels, Blaine had bad dreams. Dreams that scared him so much because he couldn't stand the thought of them ever being real. The first time it happened was the worst, because Kurt didn't know what to do. He could only muddle his way through, trying to help Blaine as best he could.


"Kurt?" Kurt heard a small voice call his name, blurred and murky through the recess of sleep. He groaned slightly, rolling over to try and block the noise out. Surely it wasn't morning yet?

"Kurt?" The voice was stronger now, but still not more than a whisper. Grudgingly, Kurt opened his eyes to try and find the source of the unwelcome noise. All his annoyance faded, however, when he saw Blaine's face staring down at him through the dark.

"Blaine?" He whispered, confused as to why Blaine was in his room at night, but more than anything worried about him. He looked terrified.

"I had a bad dream." Kurt patted the bed next to him, shuffling into a sitting position. Slowly, Blaine perched on the side of the bed. He seemed to survey Kurt for a few moments before making a decision and wrapping his arms around him, head buried in his chest.

"Do you want to tell me what it was about, sweetie?" Kurt tried not to be shocked at how easily he had used the term of endearment, but he could think about that later. Blaine needed his help. He felt the curly haired boy nod slightly into his chest and he waited a few moments for him to begin.

"It was my dad… he was standing over you. And you were…" He choked out a sob, clutching onto Kurt tighter and tighter.

"Oh, Blaine." Kurt pulled him closer, trying to comfort him but knowing that this wasn't enough. Blaine's soft sniffs were penetrating the silence every few seconds and he sighed. Even with his father gone, he still affected Blaine.

"Come on, lay down." He shuffled down until he was lying on his bed, head resting against the pillow. Blaine let go of him for a second while he did the same, immediately clutching back onto Kurt and snuggling into his side. His head rested on Kurt's chest again and Kurt placed his arms back around Blaine's torso, holding him tight.

"It's not real, Blaine. I'm here, sweetie." The though of the adults in the house not agreeing with this new sleeping arrangement didn't concern Kurt – he couldn't make Blaine go back to the couch in this state. He needed him.

"It just seemed so real and-"

Kurt cut him off, shushing him quietly and rocking him backwards and forth like a mother would do for her child.

"Don't think about it. It's all over." He felt Blaine nod into him, but the damp patch on his chest from his tears was growing ever larger. They were silent for a few moments before Blaine spoke quietly, his voice pleading.

"Will you sing to me?" He sniffed, burying his head even deeper into his chest.

"What do you want me to sing?" He whispered back.

"I don't mind." Kurt nodded, searching through the songs he knew for a perfect one – he knew Blaine just wanted something to calm him, but he felt he needed to give him a message too. He was glad to know that his voice relaxed Blaine and when he finally found a song, he congratulated himself – it was perfect. He tightened his arms around Blaine a little more before opening his mouth to sing as softly as he could.

Come away, come away
leave it all far behind you.
'Cos it's not who you are and it's not what you wanted.
I can see, I can see
the strength there inside you.
Calling you
come away to where you're bright eyed and hopeful.

The song was soft and sweet and Kurt immediately felt Blaine's breaths even out slightly and his body relax. It was the perfect song because it was what Kurt was trying to say. It may not be what the song was originally meant for, but it worked in their situation. Blaine needed to get away from the clutches his dad still held on him and Kurt knew that he could do it. He was strong enough and he would help him through every step of the way. Because though they were young, they loved each other. Come what May.

Kurt repeated the last line of the song over and over until he knew Blaine was asleep. Perfectly fitting into his arms, like he should be.

And everything will be alright now, alright.

And Kurt truly believed this. As long as they were together, everything would be alright.

Thank you so much again. I would really love it if you could review one last time and I really hope you enjoyed my story.