Ezra and my moment came that summer. We had gotten a summer wedding, with me and my growing belly. It's funny how you think your life is totally over and than in the blink of an eye. You just start to realize that your future is just beginning.

When I had found out I was pregnant. I thought of the worse things in life. Would I have to give up school? would I have to put my future career as becoming an educator aside for a few years?

As thought's and wonders of my future and the future of my unborn child. I had to think about what my life will gain. As a bright new interesting year approaches us, Ezra and I found it is better to keep your eyes wide open. This baby wasn't plan but it just comes to show that we can make it. No matter what life throw's at us. We are here and now together and married.

When we had told my father that I was pregnant that following morning. He looked at us like we were joking and started to laugh. But when the three of us all shared a glance at one another. He started to realize that it wasn't a joke, but in fact real life. Yes his daughter is going to have a child during her senior year of College, and yes she and her English Professor plan on getting married.

It was funny when I had told him that I proposed to Ezra. Even my mother shared a laugh and Ezra couldn't help but join in... I was so overwhelmed about Ezra's excitement toward this new's that I had just blurted out marriage.

Over the course of six months. We had found out that we were having a boy. I wanted to name him after his father, Ezra Fitz Jr. But Ezra hated it because he thought that Ezra was a girls name. I chuckled when he just shook his head and went down the list of names. But we ended up with Braxton Omar Fitz. Not my choice of name but it is Ezra's first son and that's where Omar comes from. Meaning first son. I wanted Brayden, just because the meaning to that name was Brave. My son was brave enough to come into a world of complications, but ended up with parents that love him.

That was what I said to Ezra, and although he didn't laugh at my cheesy comment. I knew there was a mere sarcastic comment under his incoherent tone. So I told him I get to name our next child, if and when the time comes. Although I am not certain that I want another child because I am still young and want to fulfill everything that I have worked hard for. It's still up there in the air.

"Baby" I cooed walking him into his nursery. Ezra was true to his word. He had gotten us a two bed house. Although it's very small at the moment, I love it. It's just what a new and upcoming family needed. With a back yard for Rose-Lily to run around in.

Braxton squeezed my fingers and opened his eyes with a small yawn escaping his lips. I smiled and brushed my lips over his forehead and placed him in the crib. It was nearing eight and Ezra, should be home any minute.

The girls had helped me this after noon, with the house cleaning and folding of laundry. It amazes me on how much clothes you can go through when nursing a new born. All that liquid formula that produces from my breast and the constant licking. It's the biggest irritation ever. I could be sitting in class and than all of a sudden my shirt would be all wet. And some of the guys in my classes would make a big inappropriate joke about wanting to suck on it.

As the night winded down, the girls had left. They allowed me to finish up my homework so I wouldn't be falling way behind. Ezra, also helps me. But I feel bad because he had gotten a second job and on top of that. He is writing, he want's to publish a real book and not just some short stories that he threw into one. A real novel so I give him time for that. Although it takes away my lack of sleep, it gives me time to spend with my son.

"Hey" Ezra, smiled at me when he walked into our son's bed room. "How was he today?"

I let out a yawn before shaking my head "he was perfect. Slept most of the day and I was so grateful for that."

"I noticed you did all the laundry. Why didn't you wait for me?" Ezra asked taking off his tie "I could have helped"

I shrugged and pulled the blanket over Braxton "The girls helped. I also did my five page essay and two of my online quizzes."I spoke proudly.

"Wow, you were busy today." I nodded at his comment and turned off the light as we exit the room. "What else you did?' He sat down and pulled me on top of him.

I lean into him and placed my head on his shoulder. "that was it." I yawned again feeling the event's of the day catching up with me.

"How was School?" I asked him as I took some of the button's off his shirt.

"It was okay. a lot of my students are really pushing me to tell them the answer's to their mid-finales." He chuckled "But other than that. Today we very eventful."

I nodded my head enjoying the time that I had with my husband. Although we didn't have an actually honeymoon because of my morning sickness. This is the actual time that I love spending with him. Our down time. The time where it's just the two of us in our own little fantasy world. The part where we didn't have to worry about bills and papers or even changing of diapers. Just the two us embraced in our own little world of love.

"What are you thinking about?" He whispered, tracing the little circles on my inner thigh.

I giggled softly and opened my eyes. "You."

He nodded and kissed the side of my head "I was thinking about you too."

I smiled "What do you think our future holds?"

Ezra shifted a little and made us lay flat on the couch. "I think we don't have to worry about that. We found each other. That's all I am grateful for at the moment."

I giggled "You mean I found you?" I asked him jokingly.

"Yes, if you hadn't walked in that morning. We would have meant as student/teacher. Instead of just Aria and Ezra." He kissed my lips, rubbing his hand up and down my leg. "I love you and our little bundle that's sound asleep in the next room." He told me playfully.

"Ezra, I'm tired." I moaned when he started to shift a little and position himself on top of me. "Ezra" I rolled my eyes back as he started to rub me in all the right places. He than started to kiss all the spots that he knew would turn me on to the full extent.

"Aria" He moaned against my lips. "I want you" He kissed my neck and got up. I opened my mouth to protest but he beat me to it. "Come to bed with me. I am just as worn out and tired as you." He winked at me and I throw the pillow that was behind my head right in his face.

"You're such a tease." I huffed in announce and rubbed my face.

As our journey of man and wife continued. Aria and I live a normal and happy life. Although there are times where we might be at each other's throats. We end up coming back strong. We end up learning from each other and learning the mistakes that we had made.

If someone was to ask me... Where do you think you'll be after college? I would have told them a stupid answer. Like maybe living my dream of an educator. Never in my wildest dreams would I have said that I would one day meant my one and only soul mate and becoming a father.

Aria, there's a lot I can say about her. Although she has this irritating sensation about everything being in it's place, It's just something that I love about her. She is the one that I am able to go to when ever I have problems. She listens to me.

Aria, is the one person that I run too first. She is my wife, my son's mother and my soul mate. She is my life and ever after.

"So Ezra "Bryon Montgomery said "What are you most thankful for?"

I chuckled "My family." With out a second to think and without missing a beat. I spoke of the most real and truest thing to me. "My family. There is no doubt in my mind that Aria wasn't supposed to come home."

First: I want to say thank you a tons to the many people who had reviewed this story. I am so grateful to have people like you.

Second: I hope you like the ending. I had written it three times and ended up going with this ending instead.

Three: Please check out my other stories- I would love to know if you like it or not? Although the title is a working title... I still hope you'll take a look at it. Its a squel to Aria need's help.

Much love and Respect goes out to all of the Ezria family...
