As the sun slowly began to rise Arthur and his knights had not quiet reached any borders yet but were out in the middle of the woods.
More than ones had the men's heads started to tip over as they yawned, and the horses began to go slower.
"Hold!" Arthur instructed holding up an arm. "We are going to set up camp, then continue in the night." He told his knights by the sight of the creeping sun. "We need to talk." He said swinging down from his horse. "Merlin, take care of the horses then find us some food, I trust you remembered to pack some bread."
"You know, as I am Emrys I really shouldn't have to do any of that." Merlin pointed out, as he straightened out his long robe.
"Merlin, just shut up and do it." Arthur responded.
"All right, all right." Merlin sighed jumping down from his own horse. "But if I were you I would at least try and keep the worlds greatest warlock pleased."
"Merlin, this is really not the time for this sort of thing." Arthur groaned. "So do try and be just a little serious."
"I'm always serious sire." Merlin told as he collected the horses so he could lead them to a branch where he could tie them.
It didn't take long for all of the knights to be seated with each their lump of bread, in a circle as was the costume among them, it was their own rule, that when they sat in that circle, they all had a right to speak equally, even Merlin their little servant.
How-ever, as none of the knights were stupid, most of them had an inching that Merlin was far more than he seemed, or at least would become it some time. It was obviouse that though Arthur didn't say it, he always took Merlins advice to heart.
"Look." Arthur stated as he sat with crossed legs. "I have been thinking as we road out, and I have come to a decision, we need to split up." He told the knights.
All the knights nodded for themselves. "Can't say I didn't see this coming." Gwain told.
Leon how-ever frowned. "I don't like the sound of that."
"We'll all stop wearing the banner of Camelot from today, and become seemingly normal travellers." Arthur told. "Everything that bears Camelots seal, we leave here." He stated and pulled off his torso to throw it on the ground.
The knights sighed, before they all did the same.
"Now, we will ride in each our direction, and all try to get a taste of what is happening in all regions of the kingdom." Arthur told. "We will ride to talk to the people, and to discover.. And to find out about the man who they call Emrys."
"Erh!" Merlin cut in raising a finger.
"Merlin shut up." Arthur stated annoyed still just looking straight in front of him.
And Merlin sighed as he shrugged.
"We will all go on this quest individually, and then return to this very spot in half a year, the day of midsummer."
"Sire with all due respect." Leon caught in. "You should not be travelling by yourself, my place is by your side, let me travel with you."
"Leon you have been my right hand man, loyally and unquestionable, for as long as I can remember." Arthur smiled. "I need that man to be out in the world now, to be on his own fighting my cause, being my voice because I can't be every-where, and I know you can be that, because I can trust you."
"Leon is right though." Elyan caught in. "You shouldn't be alone."
"Then it's a good thing I have my trusted man-servant." Arthur smiled. "To feed my horse, bring me food and polish my boots!" he gladly gave Merlin a clap on the shoulder, and it could only be deliberate that the clap was so rough that Merlin was send head first down on the ground.
"Gosh I'm so honoured." Merlin muttered from where he laid on the ground and pushed himself up, immediately starting to brush the leaves of his robe. "How-ever, you do realise that if you are going to pose as a ordinary traveller, I can't keep on doing those things all the time."
"And you do realise I'm still a Pendragon, the last of the line, and that still makes me the rightful heir to the throne." Arthur stated. "So do try and treat it like it ones in a while."
"And I'm the greatest sorcerer alive, but isn't exactly treated like it." Merlin sighed. "You see me complaining?" he asked.
"Merlin for the last time, if you don't soon shut up with that sorceress nonsense, I'm just going to leave you here." Arthur stated annoyed. "To be a sorcerer in the first place take intelligence, wisdom and skill, something you are severally lacking, there's no way you could ever conquer any kind of magic, at all, and Emrys is not just a sorcerer, he's the greatest Warlock who ever lived, so stop this nonsense! Tomorrow the two of us will head towards the forest of the druids, a place of magic, it's the first place to look for such a man, now bury the crested objects, and get some sleep." Arthur demanded with crossed arms before he raised up and walked towards he trees, clearly thinking.
Leon looked seriously at Merlin. "You'll be the only one to protect Arthur." He pointed out.
"And I will do just that." Merlin promised in a lifted eyebrow. "I have always done that."
"Merlin, you sure are a weird kid." Gwaine commented amused. "I always knew I liked you lad, but maybe you should stop playing around with your prince like that, I admit, that Emrys joke was hilarious the first time you said it, but it's growing old all ready, try some new material."
Curiously Merlins head fell askew as he looked at the knights. "When did I ever say it was a joke?" he asked in a mildly interested voice. "I just thought it would be such a waste of time and energy, not to mention unwanted attention for all of you to walk around asking for Emrys, Morgana would surely very quickly hunt such persons down."
The knights clearly tried to hide it, but they looked uncomfortable by Merlins mildly curious gaze that seemed to speak so much more at that moment. "I still can't change that Arthur need to make this discovery himself, there's no way for me to tell him at current point." Merlin sighed. "But you really shouldn't be wasting your time." He smiled as he eyes shortly glinted in gold and played with his amused smile, before he collected the objects with the golden lion crest in front of him. "Well I suppose I better get rid of these in a way so some one doesn't suddenly stumble across it." He sighed raising up walking away with the items.
Confused the Knights started to shift, as they looked uncomfortable at each other. "You think he is telling to truth?" Gwain asked Leon.
"No" Leon shook his head. "There's no way.. There's.. " he frowned.
"There was always something strange about that kid." Elyan frowned. "Ever since the day I first met him."
"Well yeas," Gwain nodded. "There always were." He furrowed his brows. "Very strange.. but, njaah he can't be.. or can he.. or." He frowned annoyed. "One thing I learned out at my travels, never dismiss anything!" he told in an important tone. "It's always the things you don't suspect that ends up being important."
"Like paying your bar bill?" Elyan asked with a lifted eyebrow.
"I very much recent that." Gwain stated. "You never know when those bar owners was a former war lord, they can honestly surprise you when they pick down the battle axe you just thought was there for decoration!"
"Arthur." Merlin approached the prince. "You should get some rest, we have a long day in front of us, and after that, a very long half year."
"Emrys.." Arthur whispered. "You keep making fun of him, is it because you don't think he is real?" he asked. "Is it wrong to go to the druids."
Merlin lifted an eyebrow. "Go to the druids if you fell like it, it's the journey that's important right now, but no, I don't think you'll find Emrys there."
"And why would that be?" Arthur asked. "And don't give me that, 'I'm Emrys', again."
"Well." Merlin sighed. "The druid back at Camelot told you that you would find Emrys where you expect him the least but is the closest to you, not to mention, in plain sight. Does that sound like the druids forest to you?" he asked.
"No." Arthur admitted bitterly. "But where else can I start?"
"Well." Merlin rocked on his feet's. "What on earth can be closest to you?" he asked. "Always breathing you down the neck, waving annoyingly in front of you?" he asked. "Perhaps even going on your nerves on a daily basis?"
"Well, with that sort of logic you may just be Emrys." Arthur snorted. "Merlin honestly, you just managed to be serious for more than two seconds, and then you screw it all up all over again."
"There's just no pleasing you sometimes." Merlin rolled his eyes. "All that I am saying." He injected before Arthur had a chance to retort "Is that perhaps you wont have to look that far, perhaps you all ready found him without even knowing it, and perhaps, he'll show up and help by himself when-ever you need it."
"That is so optimistic that it's downright incredible." Arthur grunted annoyed. "And very naïve."
"Well, Emrys is a magical man." Merlin pointed out. "Maybe he strives on peoples naïve believes?" Merlin tried hopefully. "Maybe he response best to downright, very specific, loud spoken wishes upon a star?" He suggested I a rather cheerful tone. "Well any-way, I am most certainly going to try and catch some sleep!" he said as he spoon around walking back to camp. "The days ahead of me stuck on you are just bound to be so loooong!" he all ready seemed like one who dreaded it beyond belief.
"Merlin." Arthur called after him.
"Yeah." Merlin asked turning around walking backwards so he could see Arthur while he walked away.
"What did you do with the crested objects?" Arthur asked in a slight frown.
"Magicked them away so they'll first appear when all of the knights are together again at the same spot, and the time is right to go back and re-claim Camelot." Merlin responded in a grin.
"Oh really?" Arthur asked with an lifted eyebrow.
"Absolutely." Merlin nodded.
"Come on, where did you really put them?" Arthur asked.
"I all ready told you, I magicked them away." Merlin shrugged. "See you in the evening!" he smiled and twirled around to run back to camp his red robe billowing after him as he disappeared among the trees.
"Merlin!" Arthur called after the bumbling man-servant, but he was all ready long gone. "What have I done to deserve this." Arthur groaned covering his face with his hand, really really dreading the days that was about to come, where he would be stuck on this idiot of a companion, who just had a gift of getting under his skin.
As the sun set ones more, the knights that had rested together all went back on their horses, none of them wearing any capes nor armour, certainly not any crests.
"Six months." Arthur spoke loudly. "At the longest day of the year, we'll meet back here." He proclaimed. "With new allies, more knowledge, and ready to go into action."
"Yeas my lord!" The knights all promised in a choir of voices, and then turned around, riding each their direction.
"So, here we finally are." Merlin started to chatter before long as he and Arthur rode through the forest. "Arthur and Merlin, out to safe the world, story books are going to be written about this."
"Highly unlikely," Arthur snorted. "And even if they did, why would they mention you?" he asked.
"Well." Merlin whistled. "Oh no, you don't want me to tell you that I am a great warlock, aside from that," he shook his head. "The trusty servant most certainly deserves his spot I should say, you wouldn't have gotten so far without me cleaning up your tracks, heck in the evening it's up to me to cook the dinner so you wont die of hunger."
"Merlin shut up." Arthur demanded.
Merlin merely shrugged. "All right." He replied.
"Beside, if you were the oh so great warlock, why don't you just go out there and defeat Morgana at ones and get over with?" Arthur asked in a smirk filled voice.
"Doesn't work like that." Merlin told honestly. "It needs to be done right, in a way so the kingdom will be collected not divided further, under your rule Arthur."
"I hate it when you go all wise arse." Arthur mumbled annoyed.
"Well, I'm supposed to be illusive!" Merlin exclaimed.
"Oh shut up Merlin."
"As you wish sire." Merlin nodded. "Though, it's going to be such a boring travel when none of us are talking."
"Didn't I just tell you to shut up?"
"You did." Merlin nodded.
"Why are you still talking then?" Arthur.
"I'm bored." Merlin shrugged.
"This is going to be a looong journey isn't it?" Arthur asked exhausted.
"Oh yeah." Merlin nodded. "Especially if you insist on travelling the country thin in the search of Emrys."
"Hah!" Arthur spat dryly. "It's my best shot and current time, so unless you get any better idea, just shut up and follow up."
"Okay, okay." Merlin shook his head.
As they days went past, it got colder and colder, each day also a little darker, and a little shorter. It was like a big cloud was hanging over Camelot, and with each day the shadows inside of the castle seemed to be that much thicker, as every-one was left in a terrible wait, and some-how, it was not only king, but every-bod who felt like the insanity was slowly creeping inside of their skulls as everything tightened.
"Betrayed.." Uther whispered as he sat on his throne in the big cold stone covered throne room. "All betrayed me.. all corrupted.. It's every-where.. every-where."
"Sire." Gaius carefully looked into the trone room.
"We are all in danger." Uther whispered. "So terrible danger."
"Sire how are you feeling?" Gaius asked stepping all the way inside. "We the staff, and the guards as well, we are growing concerned, and well, as your physician, I must ask you to take it easy."
"NO!" Uther exclaimed. "I'm the only one able to see through! The magic! It's everywhere!" he yelled as he stood up. "Infesting it all.. not me, you wont get me black magic."
"Sire you must sleep." Gaius told. "You must relax."
"Where's my son! Where's Arthur?" Uther suddenly asked looking to all sides, as if he suspected Arthur would walk around the corner.
"Don't you remember, you send him away." Gaius reminded Uther.
"I would never do such a thing, that's ridicules." Uther stated.
"You send him away because he refused to harm the druids." Gaius reminded Uther. "But it's not to late, you can remove the ban and he'll come back."
"And let the evil magic back in?" Uther asked. "The magic that took my son? Which infects this country, gone! It must all be destroyed! All of it!"
"Sire, please calm down." Gaius pleaded. "I have some calming draughts with me, perhaps you should try."
"You." Uther whispered as he looked at Gaius. "You brought magic in here!" he stated. "You were always one of them."
"Of cause not sire." Gaius swallowed. "But I.. erh.." he slowly backed away towards the door. "I better get back to my workshop, I better." And he turned around disappearing through the door closing it behind him as he gasped deeply leaning up against the door facing the hallway. "That was a close one." He swallowed.
"Gaius." Gwen appeared around the corner.
"Guinevere." Gaius blinked. "What brings you here."
"The king." Guinevere responded quietly. "How is he?"
"Not well." Gaius admitted in a very silent voice. "Not well at all, but come, lets speak of this some-where else, were we wont gain unwanted attention." He invited Gwen with him in a arm gesture and they both walked down to Gauis own little lair, his physicians work shop.
"So how is he really?" Gwen at last asked as the door had closed behind her and they were alone.
"Insane." Gaius sighed. "But there's not much I can do about it, every time I suggest a remedy his mind skips ahead to it being magical, when I suggest his tries to step back he suspects I am turning against him, quite frankly, I am afraid of becoming beheaded if I try anything, paranoia is part of the insanity, he sees magic in everything now, and a enemy in every-one."
"The people are growing more hateful towards the king because of it." Gwen whispered as she walked towards the window. "Oh no." she blinked.
"Gwen what is it?" Gaius asked.
"Look." Gwen whispered as she looked out of the window. "It's snowing.. it must be freezing cold out there."
"So it does." Gaius acknowledged witnessing the thick snow falling outside covering everything in a rather amazing speed.
"You think.. you think they are all right out there?" Gwen asked. "Merlin and Arthur."
"I'm sure they are keeping each other on their toes." Gaius promised. "And keeping each other safe." He added.
"Arthur.. He's looking for a sorcerer called Emrys." Gwen told Gaius. "That would surely send Uther over the edge did he know."
"Guinevere.." Gaius sighed. "Uther all ready is over the edge."
"Emrys is supposed toe be the greatest Warlock there ever was and ever will be." Guinevere kept on whispering. "A man like that on our side.. would be beyond valuable, he could be the only one standing between Camelots fall and rise, between Arthur and his destiny, he could be the only capable of stopping Morgana, she's so strong now. You really think there's such a man?" she asked turning to Gaius, looking desperately at the old man. "And if there is, how can Arthur hope to ever find him."
"Well urh." Gaius hesitated.
"You know of these things don't you Gaius?" Gwen asked. "Do we stand a chance?"
"Emrys is.." Gaius pondered thoughtfully, as if he couldn't quite find the right words.
"He's just a legend isn't he?" Gwen asked defeated sinking hopelessly down in a chair.
"All legends sprang from a truth." Gaius remarked. "Now you listen to me Guinevere." The old man sat down opposite the young maiden and assuredly clapped her hand as a grandfather would do with a grandchild in distress. "Arthur doesn't need to find Emrys, Emrys all ready found Arthur, long ago."
"So.. he's real?" Guinevere asked.
"As real as you and I." Gaius promised in a slight re-assuring smile.
"But." Gwen blinked. "If he all ready found Arthur.. and has his eyes on Arthur." She pondered thoughtfully. "Isn't Arthur on a wild goose chase then?" she asked.
Gaius blinked a little stunned. "Well erh.." he hesitated. "I guess."
"Arthur is going to kill Emrys in frustration the day he finds out." Gwen commented with a shake of her head.
"I think you might be closer to the spot than you think." Gaius thoughtfully nodded.
Amused Guinevere chuckled. "Thank you for your guidance." She genuinely told. "It means a lot to me."
"Well, thank you for listening without judging." Gaius replied. "I hope you know that you are always welcome here, whether it's for protection or just a little talk, I think the two of us better stick together for now, trusted allies are a valuable thing at these times, in fact, they may just be the most valuable thing there are."
"Thank you Gaius, I will remember that." Gwen nodded. "And well, if you aren't busy, I would love to come for a talk in the evening, it must be lonely down here without Merlin around."
"Why Guinevere, I would be delighted." Gaius brightened up.
"It's Gwen." Gwen corrected. "And then I'll see you in the evening, I think I better get back to my chores."
"Indeed." Gaius nodded as Gwen, smiling a little at least, excited the room, and Gaius face faltered as he glanced out of the window and saw nothing but white outside.
"I told you you wouldn't find him in the druids forest!" Merlin shouted over the snow.
"Well, it was my best shot!" Arthur returned also in a loud voice. "And beside, it was most certainly worth it to just show the druids that I support them, that could end up strengthen our relationship a great deal."
"Yeas, yeas! Instead of coming to slaughter you came in peace, I don't deny that's impressive." Merlin shouted back. "And I think the druids was rather pleased as well that you apologised, That they like you so much can only be good. But for god's sake, can't we find a tavern to sleep in?"
"Why Merlin? You're cold?" Arthur asked in a almost arrogant snort.
"No." Merlin answered, collecting his red old looking robe around him. "Just very tired."
"How on earth can you not be cold?" Arthur asked. "It's freezing out here!"
"When I try to tell you, you just tell me to shut up." Merlin rolled his eyes.
"That just may be because you sound even more dim than usual ever since this quest started." Arthur returned flatly.
"And this is why quests that is supposed to change your view of the world, stinks." Merlin muttered. "Change your view of the world all ready, I'm so tired of boot polishing."
"I swear Merlin you make less and less sense for each day that goes by." Arthur snorted.
Merlin groaned annoyed. "Lets just find a tavern." He muttered. "Unless you want to be caught the snow storm."
"What snowstorm?" Arthur asked.
"Then one which will begin in half an hour from now and continue over night." Merlin muttered.
"And how would you know that?" Arthur asked.
"What do I get if you said no and it turns out that I was right?" Merlin asked.
Arthur silenced for a while, blinked. "Okay, lets find a tavern." He at last murmured. "But if there wasn't any snow-storm, my boots needs polishing again."
"Then it's a good thing that I am always right." Merlin murmured to himself as the two road towards the nearest village.