As he sat on the top of the Tower, the golden light of the sun set falling upon him, he wondered where Roxas could be. When he heard footsteps behind him, he spun around quickly.
"Rox-" He cut himself off as he seen who it was. "Oh hi, Xion." He sighed.
"Why the long face, Axel?" asked the girl with the black hair.
"Roxas hasn't been here for days now. He's only ever here when I'm not. I think he's avoiding me." He let spill.
"Well, that's because he has been. He's scared to see you, Axel." Xion chirped.
"W-What? Are you two going out or something, is that what?" Axel said disgustedly.
"Wait, hold on! You think that he- That's why- Hahaha!" Xion burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter. "Oh, Axel, you're so silly. It's not like that at all. I think of him as a big brother."
"Then why is he avoiding me? I mean, he couldn't be going out with Naminé, and definitely not Larxene."
"Baka!" Xion giggled, and held out a blue-green ice-cream to him. "He likes you. But he's scared you'll hate him, because he's gay. He doesn't know you love him too." She turned her head and watched the sun set with soft eyes, amusement firmly on her face as Axels' cheek's turned a bright shade of red.
Axel's face calmed down and he stared at the sky with an emotionless expression. "You're wrong, Xion. We're Nobodies, we can't love."
Axel was unaware that Roxas had been listening the entire time, and that night was the night Roxas left.
-End Flashback-
Axel awoke to the sound of scratching of claws on concrete, not too far to where he was laying. He knew well enough by now that wasn't a good sign. He leaped to his tiny paws, and glared at the beast that was scratching it's black paws under the dumpster where he was resting.
When the paw reached too close, he jumped on it and nipped it. "Get back, filthy cat!" he squeaked.
The paw immediately withdrew, and a feminine voice called in astonishment.
He moved to the edge of the shadows he was hiding in, and poked his head out. A large, fluffy black cat with blue eyes stared at him.
"Omigosh, it is you, Axel!" The cat squealed. He knew that voice anywhere.
"Xion?" he gasped.
"Axel, I can't believe it... You're alive. Well, obviously not in your original body, but you're still living. I have got to tell Naminé about this!"
'No wonder Roxas was so distracted last night...' Xion thought to herself, staring at the red rat.
"How is your fur so red, Axel? It looks very unnatural." She asked.
"Oh, well!" Axel puffed proudly. "I snuck into this human store called 'Boots' and they had hair dye. I chose the colour my hair was, and stole it. It was very difficult, mind you, dragging a bottle twice your size while being chased by rampaging workers and startled customers. But, I managed, and here I am."
Xion smiled down at Axel. It was a very strange feeling, looking at Axel being so tiny when he used to be so tall. It was irony, really.
"So... How have you been, Xion?" He asked gently.
"I've been fine. Living within the Kingdom of Cats is very hard, especially when you have several different litters of siblings competing to be the ruler of all the Alley Cats. Being a Princess is so hard!" She sighed.
"Wait- What? Ruler of Alley Cats? Princess? What are you talking about, Xion?" asked the crimson rat in confusion.
"Oh, yeah, you don't know any of our customs, do you? Well. I guess I should tell you..." Xion trailed off.
Four small kittens looked up to their parents, their blue eyes wide with confusion and anticipation.
Their mother smiled down at them
"It is time I told you of our ways, my kittens. You are all the most intelligent kits ever to be born under our sky. You know more of the human ways, how to track food, and tactics than most of our eldest trackers. You are all amazing, and will make a fine group of leaders."
"Leaders?" asked the largest kitten, a fluffy brown tabby with darker blue eyes than the other male.
"Yes." said their mother. "In our group, we have a group of leaders, one entire litter. When each cat has a litter, they are all competing for the throne. Only one litter at a time. Then, when you all are older, you will all have your own children. And they will compete against each other, just like you and your older cousins are. The losers are sent to be followers of their sibling's kittens, and the whole cycle begins anew."
The brown tabby had a confused look on his face, while the golden tabby looked determined, and the two females looked at each other in glee.
"I'm definitely going to win, Mamma." The golden kitten cried, jumping to his feet. He turned to his brother, and stated, "Sora, let's fight. I at least want to have some challenge when I win."
"Oh yeah? Well, I'll show you! I'm gonna beat you to a pulp, and claim the throne, all for my own!" He cried indignantly, only to be sent tumbling to the ground a few seconds later.
All four kittens looked at their mother, who was laughing lightly, aquamarine eyes soft with happiness.
Then, a small white cat bounded up to her. "Aqua, your Majesty, there's been a border skirmish... and Ventus..."
-End Flashback-
"Wow... That's harsh. And, wait, you have siblings? Who are they?" Axel asked, even though only one name was playing around in his head.
A plan formed in Xion's head. She had the perfect idea.
"Oh, Sora is one of my brothers. And Naminé is my sister. Our other brother... Is Cloud. Yeah, Cloud is his name." She said, making up a name on the spot.
"Oh... Then, I guess Roxas really isn't here." Axel sighed sadly.
Suddenly, another cat leaped from nowhere. It was a dark grey tabby, with a thin, cut-up tail, and mite-bitten fur.
"Oh, looks like little Princess caught herself a rat! And it sounds to me like you weren't killing it, but telling it all out families secrets. My mother will be so happy about this!" The grey tabby laughed manically.
"Nuka!" Xion snapped. "If you tell Zira, I'll personally tell Riku to rip out your throat!"
Axel just stared as the two had a battle with their eyes. Eventually, Nuka lowered his head.
"Fine." He hissed. "But, I'm going to tell your brothers. They'll want to know that you have a friendship with a rat, a cat's sworn enemy." With that, the tabby named Nuka slinked away.
"Well." Xion sighed. "I guess I'll have to show you to my siblings, after all, if Nuka doesn't get their first." She leapt away, and started to walk back to the camp.
Axel just stared helplessly at his friend.
'Roxas is going to kill me. He hates it when I don't bring home any food, and he's way too protective of the Cat Laws. The first rule... 'Don't have friendships with prey or enemies', I so broke that... And, he hates it when anyone talks of Axel. Shit.'
-Chapter 2 End-
Well, that's it for Chapter Two! :D Sorry it took so long. I kinda grew lazy.. and I couldn't think of anything. Thanks, 0blivionkeeper, if it wasn't for you suggestions, I probably wouldn't of written it so long...
Okay, I'm still evil, so