There she was again today

Walking along, oh so clumsy, as the day passed as usual

Yet for reasons unknown to him and unseen to all others

The way she moved, despite being awkward

Was still so graceful, her cowering charming

The most beautiful thing he'd ever seen

Oh, to touch that flower, make it his

To kiss, hug, caress, were things he didn't understand

Or why he felt the need to, for that matter

Was it improper, indecent, even?

That could not be true

Couldn't be true, wouldn't be true

Not that it mattered

For that flower needed to be loved

And he couldn't sit idly and watch her wilt

And so he had sunken his teeth

Into that sweet, sweet temptation

That would surely cause them to rot

A/N: I'm back. I know I haven't updated in…well, anything, in over a year, but I promise, there is absolutely no reason for that. Yeah…there really isn't a reason. I think I just got bored of them. I'll probably delete them.

And now we're moving on. After listening to some music whilst doing a drawing meme for my favorite pairing, I realized how much I really do love this pairing. Crack or no crack, yaoi or not, this is my favorite pairing. I have absolutely no reason.

So, I decided to do something new: a song-ish poem thing. The song is Razorblade by Blue October.

**Yes, I will be continuing this. I suppose that wasn't exactly clear.