Word Count: 542

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Kissing

Authors Note: Woah, has it really been this long since my last update? I'm so sorry! I completely forgot about this until someone reviewed! Now that I've remembered I'll start posting again, so feel free to leave me prompts! This one is written off of perfectlyODD's prompt: "Perhaps Dean jumps in the way of an explosion Seamus made and when Seamus asks why, Dean confesses his love for him." Thank you so much for your prompt!

Seamus was sitting in charms class as Flitwick described how to make a tea pot grow legs and start to dance. The spell itself was interesting enough, and the outcome was even more interesting, but Seamus still couldn't bring himself to pay attention. He was too busy looking across the room to where Dean was sitting; staring dreamily at the boy he'd had a crush on for years. They would be sitting together as usual, but Flitwick had separated them for talking too much.

Before he knew it, Flitwick was announcing that it was time to get up and practice. Seamus instantly walked back over to Dean, as they were allowed to be wherever they wanted to during practice time. "Hey, Dean!" he said excitedly.

"Hi, Shay. Were you paying any attention during that lesson?" Dean asked.

"Not really. I have absolutely no idea what the incantation is."

"I think it might have been 'Chorum Allan'," Dean said. He tried the incantation on his teapot but absolutely nothing happened.

"Guess not," said Seamus, "Was it Chorum Ollun?"

"Maybe," Dean shrugged.

"I'll try it," Seamus said as he pulled out his wand, pointed it at the point and exclaimed: "Chorum Ollun!" The teapot exploded in a loud bang, hot shards of the china flying towards him. He squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself to be scorched and cut, but oddly, nothing hit him. He was perfectly fine.

Curious, he opened his eyes and found himself looking at the back of none other than his very best friend. "Dean?"

"Ow, Merlin, that hurts!" Dean exclaimed, turning around to face Seamus. His face was coated with charcoal and there were a few small gashes on his face from shards of the teapot. Blood dripped down from a cut on his lip.

"Dean, did you just jump in front of me?" Seamus asked, dumbfounded.

"Obviously," Dean said sarcastically.

"But…why?" Seamus asked, ignoring the sarcasm, "why would you jump in front of me knowing that you would get hurt?"

"Well, it's just because…you know!" Dean said, looking flustered and slightly embarrassed.

"No, I don't know!"

"Shay, I did it because I didn't want you to get hurt, okay? I hate watching you get burned all the time. I feel like if I don't protect you, then I really have no point at all—''.


"No, wait. Hear me out. I hate seeing you get hurt because I'm in love with you. There, I said it. I love you, and I have since first year. But it doesn't even matter because you're straight and even if you weren't you wouldn't love me back, so it's not like—''.

"You stupid, stupid boy," Seamus said, cutting him off. He slowly rose up onto his toes and placed a kiss on Dean's lips. It was short, small, but full of love and caring and passion, "I love you too, idiot."

When Seamus finished looking into Dean's eyes he realized that they were still in class. Every single person in the room, including Flitwick, was staring at them with wide eyes. All of a sudden, Neville started clapping, and soon everyone else joined in. There were catcalls and whistling, but for the most part, people were just yelling "FINALLY!"