These drabbles will be in no way connected, unless stated otherwise. I'm going to try and update every other day, and if I'm not too busy they might be daily. There will be getting together stories, angsty stories, slightly smutty stories, etc. I will also be accepting prompts or story ideas if you wish. Enjoy!

Word Count: 245

Rating: PG

Warnings: None

Authors Note: Wrote this at 1:30 in the morning, so please forgive me if it's crap.

Never Again

Dean awoke to a horrifying scream. Quickly sitting up and looking around, he saw Seamus next to him, his fists clutching the sheets and tears steadily running down his face. Another nightmare. Seamus had been having them nearly every night for the past two months that he and Dean had been living together, all because of the bloody Carrows. Dean hadn't even been at Hogwarts, he didn't have to experience the torture that they put the students through, but he still hated them with every bone in his body. They had hurt Seamus. And that was one of the few things Dean could not forgive.

Seamus had told him everything. How he had the word 'filth' carved into his stomach. How the Carrows would make him set fire to his own fingers whenever he blew up a cauldron. Everything. Dean felt awful that he couldn't have been there to protect his Irishman. He didn't care about the pain he would have had to go through if he would have been there; he just wished he could have stopped at least one of the torture sessions that happened far too often.

Dean leaned down and shook Seamus awake, freeing him from the horrific nightmare. Seamus looked up at him and crumbled into his arms, sobbing. Dean's arms tightened around the smaller boy, trying his best to comfort him.

"Damn Carrows," Dean said, "no one will ever hurt you like they did again. Not while I'm alive."