AN: Ok. This is my first glee story. It's going to be different from the show. Not sure on the pairing yet but it won't be Finchel/Quick. The chapters won't be long but it will allow me to update quicker. And please, please review.

So far Rachel was having a good day. She had gotten up early for her early morning workout and her protein shake. She hadn't been slushied all day, and she only had glee to look forward to.

Normally she would be the first one in the choir room, but her teacher her kept her behind to talk about an assignment. As she was rounded the corner she saw Quinn enter the choir room holding onto Finns hand and dragging him behind her. She was surprised that Quinn was still in Glee Club, she had thought that after Quinn had gotten rid of the baby that Coach Sylvester would have brought her back on the Cherrio's. But that hadn't happened. And Finn, well he was still dumb enough to believe that the baby was his.

As she drew nearer to the choir room she could hear Quinn's voice. "See Finn we're not late, we're even here before manhands." She rolled her eyes at Quinn. She didn't know what she had ever done to Quinn to make her hate her so much.

"I know, it's nice to have some peace and quiet around here." Kurt's feminine voice rang out.

She stopped dead in front of the choir room to give her some time to compose herself. She bowed her head and took a deep breath. "Ya, if we didn't need her for her voice we could kick her out." She heard Arties quiet voice say.

"Hey, we don't need her voice to win, there are plenty of people with great voices here, example, me." Mercedes sounded insulted.

"But Cedes we still need 12 people to compete." Tina's voice shocked her the most. She thought that these people were her friends. If Mr Schue heard them...

She didn't get to finish her thought. "Guys." Mr Schue tried to interrupt them.

"Come on Mr Schue, if you had enough people here you know you would have Rachel out of here faster then she could say Barbra Streisand." Quinn sneered.

Mr Schue sighed. "You're right." Rachel felt tears prick her eyes. "I would prefer if I didn't have to deal with Rachel and her tantrums." She bowed her head her head further as she heard everyone in the room murmur words of agreement.

She took a deep breath and without lifting her head she turned and walked away. It would be the first time she had missed glee on purpose.

But what she didn't see was that Santana and Brittney standing in front of her. Or know that they had heard the whole thing.