Title: True Friend
Chapter: You Don't Get Angry When I Change The Plans
Pairing/Characters: Implied Jazz/Mirage; Prowl
Verse: G1
Words: 938
Warnings: None.
Summary: A series of one-shots outlining the friendship between our Autobot SIC and TIC. Not slash but if you wanted you can take it that way.
Disclaimer: Do not own Tranformers, the song, or Hannah Montana.
Notes: Based off of the song 'True Friend' by Hannah Montana.


Prowl placed his last report of the day in the finished pile on his desk and smiled in satisfaction. The sense of accomplishment he got from seeing his To-Do box empty was enough to make his doorwings flex up and down as a sign of his happiness. Prowl checked his internal chronometer and quickly gathered the stack of datapads in his arms before exiting from his office. He had to hurry and deliver them to Optimus if he wanted to be on time to meet Jazz at the ARK entrance for the Art Showing that would be held in town this afternoon.

It would be a refreshing change after so many busy cycles lately; to simply drive into town and enjoy a peaceful evening admiring the artistic creations of humans. Prowl inwardly smiled affectionately when he remembered the look on Jazz's face when he had agreed to the outing.

'Ah was hopin' ya would agree. Did ya know, Sides and Smokey were tryin' at embarrass meh about it an' say ah was tryin' to take ya on a date or something'. Psh… glitches.'

Prowl shook his head as soon as the door to Optimus' office closed behind him and began to walk toward the rec room to pick up some energon before he had to meet Jazz. The rumors of their friendship being a relationship were truly ridiculous. Prowl knew fully well that Jazz was aiming for quite a different mech who wore shades of white and blue. Besides, Prowl would never agree to a relationship with Jazz even if he asked which Prowl knew he wouldn't. Jazz understood the reason as well as he did; for the SIC and TIC to be in a intimate relationship would broadcast a serious weakness to the Decepticons and that was something they, Optimus, and their subordinates did not need.

He had pondered it once, tried to picture himself with his white and black counterpart but could only see himself and his friend as just that. Friends.

His comm. beeped at him and in a good mood, and off-duty, he answered casually, "This is Prowl."

"Ah, heya Prowler." Jazz's voice came from over the comm.

Prowl frowned in concern. Why did he sound so hesitant? "Jazz? Are you alright?"

"Um, kinda… ah know ah kinda promised ya ah was goin' ta the art gallery with ya mech, but ah'm stuck in th' med-bay at the mo' an'-"

"I'll be right there, Jazz." Prowl informed him and shut off his comm. link, turning around and striding to the med-bay. The doors slid open and Prowl immediately located Jazz laying down on a repair berth, absently fiddling with his visor. His approach was not unheard by the keen saboteur so he was not surprised when the visor turned on him with a sheepish grin underneath it. Prowl approached the berth and spotted the problem almost instantly.

Jazz's leg was cut open to the core. There was no other way to put it. It looked like someone had surgically cut a rectangle in Jazz's leg, the exposed sparking wires inside of it pushed to the side with glinting clamps where the protoform appendage lay bare, and had a crack going half-way through. Prowl stared at it for a moment more without a feeling of queasiness from the sight, then jerked back to reality as Jazz spoke,

"Las' battle obviously did more damage in ma leg than ah thought, eh?" Jazz said as chipper as a cat with cream and Ratchet's sarcastic snort from one of the few storage closets in the back was well-heard by both. Prowl would have given a snappy reply back about Jazz's obliviousness to his own injuries and to stop badgering him on Prowl's after this but Jazz's wary grin brought it up short.

"What is wrong?" Prowl asked in confusion. He could understand a grimace of pain or discomfort but why would Jazz be so nervous? Perhaps the damage was more severe than it appeared? Protoform injuries required deep nanite recovery but small cracks like the one Jazz had were always healed by Ratchet without any great worry.

"Well… ah know ya wanted ta go but 'ere ah am stuck in t' med-bay and yer probably mad and-"

"I'm not mad." Prowl said bluntly from surprise at the admission, staring at Jazz with a feeling of incredulousness.

"... Ya aren't?"

"Of course not. There will be other opportunities to attend more events such as the Art Showing. Humans have many of them in short spans of time." Prowl explained with a small smile. "I am more concerned as to when you will be repaired."

"Aw... didn' know ya cared tha' much 'bout meh."

Prowl took a moment to muse that statement and it's truth before deciding his interrupted snappy comeback may as well be used now.

"I don't." Prowl said serenely. "You have a mountain of reports in your office. I need those done by the end of the week and it would be a set-back for them not to be finished in the set time. At least protoform leg cracks will keep you off your feet for a while." Prowl smiled in fake reassurance, "You'll have plenty of time to catch up."

"Prowler, ah think ah would have preferred ya mad."

Prowl's smile broke into a grin, "I sincerely doubt that, Jazz."

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