Sonny stared in shock at the blonde in front of her.

"Tawni?" She asked, nearly 100% sure she was seeing things.

"Sonny!" The other teen squealed, but didn't move towards her. Underneath the air of surprised delight, there was a definite tension between the two girls. Sonny took a hesitant, shaky step towards her. All the feelings of shame, of disgust overwhelmed her and she threw herself at the startled blonde.

"Wow, shhh, it's... okay?" The blonde girl said unsurely, patting her friend's back gently, if a little awkwardly. The small brunette sniffled, clinging to her. All she wanted was a hug. Some comfort. And even if Tawni had frozen over a little, hadn't seen her for a while, she realized that. So she pushed away the urge to ask why she was being touched, as Tammi had hammered into her in the past few months, and hugged her friend.

And Tawni Hart, just turned fourteen, felt something that shouldn't have been there;


The blonde flinched in shock, but managed not to pull her arms away. The brunette obviously needed comfort, as she was still sobbing and clinging to her friend. When her tears let up, Tawni stepped back, surveying her friend. She'd travelled out to LA a year before with her mother, in the hopes of becoming an actress. She'd gotten a few parts in various commercials, and even a guest appearance in a Nickelodeon show. Well, it was actually a one-line cameo, but it would look good on a resume, right? That's what her mom/agent kept telling her anyway.

Sonny was a mess. Her eyes, red and puffy from crying, seemed to have sunk way into her face, and Tawni would have said her tears had smeared mascara under her eyes, except that Sonny didn't wear mascara. The circles under her eyes weren't even purple, they were black. And now that she'd noticed the freaky rib thing, she couldn't not notice the sharp points where bones pushed against her skin; her cheekbones and chin were particularly noticable. Tawni had a feeling if Sonny wasn''t wearing a ridiculously baggy hoodie, her hips would jut out the way her ribs did.

She was wasting away, and Tawni didn't think anybody had noticed.

A/N So I'm gonna attmept this story again. *cries* I started to write this chapter, like, a week or so the other one was posted and then... I don't know. *hangs head in shame* I don't deserve all the amazing reviews I've gotten...

A couple reviews I got, they worried me; if anyone's suffering from an eating disorder, I'm sorry. And I hope this helps.

To another couple reviews I've got; no, I don't suffer from bulimia or anything- I made myself throw up once, and never felt any desire to do it again. I'm not a particular fan of my weight (and a burst of that inspired this story) but no, no eating disorders.

I hope y'all liked this chapter! I know it's terribly short, but it's an update, right? Plus this means more chapters! And I'll try and update a LOT more quickly this time.

Hannah xo