DISCLAIMER: All characters from Naruto belong to Masashi Kishimoto.



Uninvited – Alanis Morissette

When I found out, I was half-asleep. And the person who told me is not even in the country.

I stayed in that hotel suite for half an hour. Just to calm myself down. I'm used to embarrassing myself on a daily basis, but that particular predicament that I put myself into was a whole new kind of humiliation. I went back to my hotel room to change after berating myself thoroughly for my stupidity. Actually, I spent the entire night thinking about it. Tossed and turned in my bed. I barely had a wink of sleep when my phone started going off nonstop. I fumbled around the bed searching for the annoying phone.

It was Neji-niisan.

I answered it without wondering why he was calling so early in the morning. "Hello?"

"Is it true?" he demanded.

"Huh?" I asked, opening an eye blearily. He sounded angry.

"Are you dating Uchiha Sasuke?"

That woke me up. "N-no?"

Neji-niisan sighed in annoyance. "Check the paper. I'll call back later."

I don't know how long I stayed in bed in complete shock after he hanged up. What is happening? Did someone see us last night? Where did they see us? In the hotel lobby? When we left the ballroom together? When we were in that garden? I'm shaken out of my freaking out when my phone starts ringing again. This time it's my mother calling. I ignore it. I scramble out of bed. When I open the door, Tenten's already eating breakfast and reading the paper. She looks up at me.

"You're dating Uchiha Sasuke?" she asks, chewing a piece of toast. "I thought you don't like him?"

I snatch the paper out of Tenten's hand, much to her surprise. And there it is. For the whole fucking country to see. A picture of me and Uchiha Sasuke. Kissing.





Tokyo, Japan – Caught in a lip lock! Uchiha Sasuke and Hyuuga Hinata, both 17, were spotted having an intimate getaway in The Terrace at the Ritz-Carlton last night while Doumyouji Nadeshiko's birthday shindig was in full blast inside the Grand Ballroom. The two were also noted to have left the venue together.

Rumors of a romance have been circulating around the University of Tokyo – the school they both attend – forums since the start of the first term. A Hyuuga spokesperson described these rumors as 'groundless and preposterous'. A representative from the Uchiha declined to give a statement. The Hyuuga and Uchiha clans are two of the most prominent and wealthiest families in Japan.

Is this the birth of a new power couple?

"Guess it's not true, then?" Tenten asks tentatively, after a few minutes of silence. I'm still dumbstruck. She picks up the paper I didn't realize I dropped down the table. She examines the picture. "Man, technology these days is so scary. This is some really good photoshop skills right here."

"N-no…" I try to say. I'm still a little dazed. "T-that's… it… That h-happened."

"Oh." Is all that she can offer.

I look at the picture again. There's no denying it. That is me and Uchiha Sasuke. There are clearer pictures on the side. Well, we can deny the rumors about us dating at least. Someone already did. Okay. It's either they really don't think we're dating, or Father never told anyone. Because I'm pretty sure Father is aware that Uchiha Sasuke's been hanging around me lately. That picture, though…

"Will you be in trouble over that kiss?" Tenten asks in concern. She frowns when she catches sight of my face. "I mean, it's just a kiss. No big deal. It's not like you guys were full-on making out, with tongues, and hands on body parts that shouldn't be there."

"Technicalities doesn't matter to them." I tell her despondently. "I dishonored the family name just by being in the paper. And kissing in public is inappropriate."

"Your family needs to revise their Code of Conduct or something." Tenten comments, finishing her cup of coffee.

Just then, someone knocks on the door. I immediately know who it is. Still, I can't help flinching in nervousness.

"Want me to get it?"

I nod, "P-please… t-thanks. I'll – I'll go get dressed."

I retreat to my bedroom as Tenten opens the door. I hear her telling one of my bodyguards that I'll be out in a couple of minutes. My mind wanders to the person responsible for all this as I carefully pick up an outfit. Actually, no, it wasn't Uchiha Sasuke's fault. I was the one who kissed him last night. I was the one who asked him to take me away. I was the one who basically offered myself to him. I blush as I remember the look in his eyes when I stripped down to my underwear.

I shake my head. Best not think about that when I'm on my way to get vilified by my family. It shouldn't be so bad. What else can they do to me that they hadn't done already? Bring me down? Ha! Make me feel bad about myself? They do that every fucking day. Disown me? I never cared about money. Remove me from the family registry? I don't mind. Seriously. Things can't get any worse.


I was wrong, of course.

Who else can make things worse for me than my mother? And there she is. Waiting for me right outside the front door and looking impeccable so early in the morning. Is she pissed off that no one is talking about her upcoming divorce? I close my eyes, hoping that I disappear right now. Maybe I should make a run for it? My bodyguards are parking the car and – too late. The gate is already closed. Maybe I can dash past my mother before she can grab me. She wouldn't dare step inside the Hyuuga mansion anymore. But before the car can come to a full stop, my mother is already grabbing the door and then climbs inside.

"Out," she barks at my bodyguards. They comply right away. "Are you dating Uchiha Sasuke?"


"Are you sleeping with Uchiha Sasuke?"


"Ha!" she exclaims in triumph. "I knew it. I was right. Of course, there's no way you and Uchiha Sasuke are involved. I mean, I've heard rumors of his – well, conquests. And what an impressive record. Him being so young and all."

What the fuck. Is she seriously gushing about Uchiha Sasuke's promiscuity?

"Anyway," she continues, "even if Uchiha Sasuke's type of woman changed, I just really can't picture you and him together. However, I do hope you're being careful. Can't have you getting pregnant on top of everything else. I mean, if you get pregnant at seventeen, no one else is going to want you. And, let's face it, you marrying into a family that these stuck-ups approve of is your only value."

I know. Thanks for reminding me, Mother. I wait for her to say more, but she just keeps staring outside the window. I start fidgeting. Pretty sure my father (and the Aunts) already knows that I'm here and maybe wondering what's keeping me. If I keep them waiting any longer, they'll be even more pissed at me.

"U-uhm, M-mother?" I mumble tentatively.

"Listen, Hinata," Mother says without looking at me. "No matter what you say or do, whether you're right or wrong, they've already decided. Nothing you do will ever change that. So, don't go rushing in there like you're eager to give them what they want."

Make them even angrier by keeping them waiting. Right. Easy for my mother to say. She won't be the one they'll scream at. I remain there, anyway. Mother's right, surprisingly.

"So, there's really nothing going on between you and Uchiha Sasuke?" she asks again. I sigh and say nothing. "Why not? I'd tap that."

"M-mother!" I exclaim, scandalized. Because no. Just no.

"If he's not my friend's son, I'd totally do him."

There is no word. I swear.

Fortunately, the front door opens. Unfortunately, it's Aunt Aki. She's glaring at us.

Mother waves at her, smirking, "The old bat is looking older." Aunt Aki glares even more. "Go. Before those veins on her forehead pop."

My hand hovers on the handle. I don't know if I should say something. If I say something, what should I say? "B-bye…" I say quietly as I leave the car.

Aunt Aki glares one last time at my mother before walking back inside the house. I follow her without a backward glance. I wonder why mother's here. To teach me how to further aggravate the family? Is she here perhaps to support me in her own way?

"That woman is as shameless as ever," Aunt Aki mutters furiously. She spares me a glance. "It's where you got it from, I suppose."

I keep my head down and stay quiet as I follow her towards Father's study. Where everyone is assembled like this is a hearing or something. Hanabi's not here, so that's a relief. I hover by the door, taken aback by the amount of people present. Father is standing by the window and enjoying the scenery.

"Sit." Aunt Aki points at the empty chair in the middle of the room. Because I'm on trial, what the fuck.

I sit down as instructed. And I don't think I can remain standing for long, anyway, the way I'm trembling with nerves. I try to remember Neji-niisan's advice before I left my apartment – stay calm, be polite, don't say anything. I can feel ten pairs of eyes glaring at me.

I wish I'm back in that garden with Sasuke.

Wait, what? Where did that come from?

"Never in my life have I witnessed such a disgraceful behavior," one of the elders exclaims. "Fraternizing with a person of questionable morals?"

"I hear he sleeps with whores," pipes another elder.

There's a collective noise of complaint. What a bunch of hypocrites. I know that at least half of them have affairs and 'questionable morals'.

"It was a good call on your part, Hiashi," another elder says, "to name Neji as your successor. However, you have failed to once again keep a tight rein on your own daughter."

Once again? So, I do this every day? Stay calm, be polite, don't say anything.

"Yes, we can't forget that embarrassing incident four years ago. The press even had the gall to criticize the way we do things in our clan. Just because of a meeting abroad."

I was in an accident, motherfucker.

"For crying out loud!" someone protests in dismay. It's Uncle Hizashi. I feel relief surge through me. At least there's someone here that doesn't hate me. "She was just a little kid. She's still just a kid. You're all treating her like a criminal when all she did was do something kids her own age does all the time."

"And you would know, eh, Hizashi? The way your son acted. Neji was so infatuated with that orphan."

"Yes," Uncle Hizashi retorts coldly, "I will never forget the sacrifice my son did for the sake of the clan."

Uncle Hizashi and the elder have a heated exchange for a bit. In which my mind promptly wanders. What's Sasuke doing now? Was he also summoned by his family? Was he repulsed by what he saw last night? He must be. Mother kept urging me to get rid of these scars. But when he helped me with the zipper, I felt his touch. I felt him stroking my nape and shoulder lightly. So why did he leave? And more importantly, why do I keep thinking about him?

"This child," an elder points at me, making me jump a little, "has done nothing but bring dishonor to the family. Something must be done, Hiashi."

"The clan must always come first." Another elder imparts.

And then one by one, the elders leave the room until only my father, Uncle Hizashi, and the aunts remain. No one says anything for a while, and I keep my head down. I can't help but wonder, as I stare at the corner of Father's desk, if someone stubbed their toes on it yet.

"Surely, Hinata," Aunt Nami says in that annoying holier-than-thou voice of hers, "after that whole debacle with that boy years ago, you would have learned your lesson by now. You should have known better than to involve yourself with someone like Uchiha Sasuke."

Stay calm, be polite, don't say anything.

"Hinata," Uncle Hizashi calls out softly. I look up at him. He's smiling at me. Father, meanwhile, is still standing by the window and enjoying the scenery. "Is it true? Are you dating Uchiha Sasuke?"

It's Aunt Makiko who answers, "Of course not! Come on, Hizashi. It's Uchiha Sasuke we're talking about. It's well known that he doesn't date and only sleeps around."

"Be my girlfriend". That's what he said after I punched him in the face. It seems like a long time ago when really, it's only been a couple of months. I didn't take him seriously at the time. How could I when he basically groped me in the middle of a dance floor? And that he was the Uchiha fucking Sasuke. He was such an arrogant little shit. The Sasuke of two months ago would have definitely taken what I have offered last night without thinking twice about it. I wonder what changed.

"I wonder if there's any particular reason for Uchiha Sasuke to take an interest in Hinata of all people," Aunt Nami muses. "I just can't see the appeal."

"I'm interested in you not because I'm bored, but because I like you. I'm attracted to you. Be my woman, Hyuuga Hinata". That's what he said that day in the laundromat. It was the first time someone confessed to me. If that was a confession. He wanted us to be fuck buddies. So, what he meant was, 'I like you but if you don't want to be my girlfriend then be my fuck buddy'. I thought he was insane. But from then on, he pursued me.

"I like you way too much already". That's what he said last night when I asked him why he still liked someone as pathetic as I am. If he can only see me right now. Bet he'll change his mind. I totally look pathetic sitting here with my head bowed, being punished for doing something I want. Wait. What. Did I want to kiss Uchiha Sasuke last night?

"Well, I won't be surprised if she did seduce him. Knowing her mother…" Aunt Makiko comments maliciously.

I wanted to kiss him last night. And so, I did. Guess that makes me a slut.

Uncle Hizashi clears his throat, looking uncomfortable. "Come on. Hinata's not like that. She is raised properly."

"And yet here she is, associating with a known playboy."

"Why is it so hard for you to believe that your precious niece may not be as innocent as you think she is?"

Why are you so convinced that I am not innocent? I bite my lip to keep from talking. Stay calm. Be polite. Don't say anything.

"We could be wrong," Uncle Hizashi reasons. But Mother is right. It doesn't matter to these people. "It could be the other way around and it's Uchiha Sasuke who is pursuing her. What did her bodyguards say, Hiashi?"

We all turn our eyes on Father. After a few seconds, he finally moves from his spot to say coldly, "If she wants to be the Uchiha's whore, let her."

He doesn't even spare me a glance as he leaves the room. And that right there. His indifference, more than anything that was said about me the moment I stepped inside this house, made my tears fall rapidly. Like a fucking faucet on full force. I'm trying to hold back my sobs and it's fucking hard. Uncle Hizashi runs after his brother. The Aunts are saying something that I can't hear because I'm trying to calm myself down. I don't want to have a panic attack here in front of these people.

"If you don't want to be here, then leave. Stop looking so pathetic". That's what Sasuke told me when he followed me inside the Ladies' Room of the restaurant where I had dinner with my mother and her future ex-husband. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I have to get out of here.

"Hinata?" One of the Aunts calls out. I don't know which. They all sound the same, really. "What are you doing?"

Huh. Guess I'm on my feet. And keeping my eyes there as I say, "I'm going now."

They yell out as I run. I run until I reach the driveway. Amazingly, no one grabs to stop me. Even now as I open the gate. And then I stop at what I see right outside. Maybe I have gone crazy. Lost my mind. Finally snapped. I thought of nothing but Uchiha Sasuke all morning and my brain has somehow conjured him or something. Because there's no way Uchiha Sasuke is waiting in front of my house, on a motorbike. Like some cliché drama where the hero shows up to save the damsel-in-distress.

He smirks. "Need a ride?"

I look behind me. My bodyguards are hurrying from the other side of the property, some servants are hovering uncertainly, the Aunts are scrambling out the front door, and curious faces are pressed against the windows. I see Hanabi on the 2nd floor. She smiles and nods. I smile back before turning towards Sasuke. I clutch his leather-clad shoulder as I swing my legs over his motorbike.

"Hold tight." Sasuke says.

The me of 5 minutes ago would have squawked in embarrassment in this situation. But now, wrapping my arms around his waist, I don't think I particularly care much anymore. Especially seeing the dumbstruck faces of everyone behind as we speed out of there. Without helmets.

August 5, 2020 – Ah, now that's an exit… That scene was brought to you by years of watching kdramas, lol! I don't watch kdramas anymore, though.

We are way too far from reaching the end of the road of this story and I apologize. I'm trying to set a deadline for myself. Not going well, I must say. Way too many distraction, courtesy of Real World. Anyway, now that my other story (Life, Unexpected) is over, I can finally give this my full attention. I hope.

Thank you for reading, for taking the time to review, for following. Apologies for the mistake. I've been re-reading the whole story to make sure I got the little details correct, lol!

Stay safe. Practice social distancing. Wash your hands. Wear a mask.