Title: Moist, Glassy, Pink Lipstick

Rating: M

Pairing: Tent x Claire (Traire…? Oh my god, that's an adorable name!)

Disclaimer: I claim no right to anything related to the Harvest Moon franchise. Please only credit me for the fanfic itself.

Author's Note: Well, here we are! Sorry for the long wait…I had a small surgery and I'm getting ready for college, so a lot has kept me busy! However, now that I know people want to see more of this, I'm ready to wrap this up and write even more Trent x Claire fics! Please stay tuned and I hope you enjoy this story!


They arrived at the Spring Mine just as the first few fireworks had gone off. Claire bounced excitedly, almost tripping over herself while they walked down the uneven path. She was clumsy anyway when it came to basic activities and the heels she wore only increased the probability of her toppling over. Trent finally slid an arm under her knees and lifted her against his chest. He carried her bridal style all the way to the hot springs. She blushed, but had no problem being carried. It felt like she was a bride. Looking up at his handsome face against the neon lights in the sky made her eyes glassy with lust.

He opened the door to the springs and took her inside. Suddenly, Claire was confused.

"Huh?" she gasped with a sweet blink of her eyes. "W-Why are we going in the springs? Don't you want to watch the fireworks?"

"Mm…I do," he hummed, setting her down on the edge of the rocks. He reached over to her and slowly brought his thumb across her cheek and to her lips. Seconds later, he kissed her in that exact spot. She tensed, then moaned and relaxed against him. "We can see the fireworks wonderfully from here…and nobody will disturb us."

"D-Disturb us…?" she mumbled, rolling her head over her shoulder as his lips went to lap at the sensitive spot on her neck. "Wait…did you bring me here…because…?"

"Because why?" he asked in a teasing tone. "Why do you think I brought you here, Claire? You look like an angel, we're all alone and the sky is ignited with lovely fireworks…those are three major hints as to why I brought you here."

Claire cried out as he bit her collar sensually, turning her white skin a pinkish hue. He abandoned her neck and went to nuzzle the area between her breasts. She bucked against his mouth and felt her dress start to gradually slip away from her. In order to not fall into the water, she clung to him tightly. He didn't mind.

"I could give you another hint if you'd like," he hummed against her flesh. She quivered and felt a whimper escape her lips.

"W-What's the other hint?" she asked with a weak smile, threading her fingers through his hair.

He reached behind her and unhooked her dress. She gasped as the material fell away. She was completely exposed wearing nothing but her lacy bra and panties. The sight of her body made his male organ swell with pulsating blood. His fingers slowly caressed the damp fabric between her legs. The arousal was so clear and, just to elevate her further he placed a soft kiss between her legs. Claire yelped helplessly and bit her lip.

He tugged her undergarments off and threw them aside, leaving her naked body at the mercy of the cold air and his hot touch.

"I love you, Angel," he muttered, bending his head downwards to kiss her. She reclined back and felt Trent slowly lower her into the steamy water. The milky liquid made her skin slick and shiny. It made her look even more irresistible in combination with the bright lights flashing over her head. "So, take your guess. I want to hear why you think I brought you here. With every wrong guess, I'll have to tease you more and more."

He slowly undressed, his lips never leaving hers. Each item of clothing was carefully discarded before he slid inside with her, pulling her naked body against his.

"Um…I-I don't know…" she stammered, her breasts feeling heavy as he weighed them in his hands and kissed each one on its pert tip. "Is it because you wanted to spend time alone with me?"

"We could have done that anywhere else," he muttered with a smirk, inserting one finger inside her. She writhed and squirmed, gasping in bliss. "Guess again, Angel."

"T-Trent…" she moaned, unable to keep her voice steady. "P-Please don't tease me...! Is it because…you wanted to see me at night?"

His smirk sent a feeling of dreaded joy through her.

"Not exactly," he cooed, slipping another finger within her. He slowly started to move his hand back and forth and stroked her intimately. She arched her back into his movements and screamed in delight at the tiny spasms that radiated up and down her back. "Although the sight of you right now is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen."

"Oh, Trent! P-Please…!"

"Are you begging?" he asked with enough leer to make her loins dampen. Why did he have to be so attractive? Even his voice sent her into an erotic frenzy.

"Y-Yes…" she cried out, thrashing her head back and forth. She wasn't sure how much more she could take. She knew what answer Trent wanted to hear. Through tense lips, she opened her mouth to speak only to feel his sweet lips atop hers, claiming her as his love and nobody else's. She had no problem with that. She loved him back. Claire wanted to belong to him. She was Trent's to love and caress just like he was hers to do the same.

They belonged to one another, body and soul.

"You…wanted to make love to me outside…?" she gasped through feverish kisses. The masculine snicker that escaped him combined with the way he touched her made her scream. The searing water only made the friction between them all the more unbearable. He nodded against her neck and propped her body up against the shore so that they were out of the water. "W-Was I wrong?"

"Not at all," he told her, lifting her chin. "I think it's time you were rewarded, Claire…"

She was almost swept away by him when a rather disastrous thought occurred to her. For a moment, she scooted away.

"T-Trent!" she gasped, covering her chest and closing her legs. "W-Wait, what if someone sees? I might scream when it happens…so what if people hear and come! I'll be embarrassed!"

"They're at the beach," he told her, urging her back into his arms with his cool gaze. "I'm the only one who will be hearing and seeing you, Claire. Besides, the thrill of being found out will make it feel a million times better."


"Trust me."

The smile he offered her melted her heart into a pile of goo. She slowly uncovered her body and opened her legs again, yearning to feel him inside her but equally nervous that they'd be discovered.

"Mm…" she gasped, feeling him come between her legs. He slowly entered her and gasped at the warmth tenderness within her. Claire's whole body convulsed around him like a hot fist and they both moaned at the sensation. He was almost sent him over the brink of insanity. He cursed and remembered just how tight she was. Memories of their first time flooded back and, just like before, she was so beautifully innocent beneath him that he felt like he could never hold back. That night, she had been like a fallen angel in his arms, screaming for him to take her roughly. Tonight, she was holding back her screams, but he didn't have to hear them to know they were there. He looked down at her blooming body and caressed it with his gaze. He was only awoken when he felt the sensation of Claire's legs wrap around his waist.


"Trent…I need you…" she purred as she firmly placed her hands on his shoulders. "I love you...please! I need you! I need you now! Please…"

"Please what, Angel?" he asked coyly, lips dancing over her breasts.

"Please come inside me, Trent!"

He smiled at her and nodded, slowly drawing himself out and then pushing against her again. They both gasped sharply at the sensation. Claire screamed for him to keep going. He pounded her hard, loving the feeling to being joined to her. Her breasts jerking severely as they bucked their hips together in a ferocious rhythm that made them both gasp like animals.

"Ah, ah…! I'm…I'm…oh, Trent!"

Finally, they both felt an explosion of ecstasy consume them. With their hands intertwined, they spiraled into darkness, kissing passionately as the sky was illuminated with the finale of fireworks. With one final burst of color, the night settled and left both of them panting and embracing, each body rattling from the blissful experience they'd had.

Trent refused to budge until he was sure he was spent within her. When the tremors had rolled over the both of them, he finally pulled away and took her into his arms. She kissed him and leaned against his chest, feeling traces of their love-making sliding down the back of her thighs. She giggled and held him, staring up at the starry sky with nothing but happiness in her gaze. Trent went to kiss her cheek and ended up kissing her wildly as they each helped each other back into their clothes. The doctor was happy to see that despite having been placed on the boulders near the spring her dress was still spotless. He put his suit on and decided to escort her home.

"Can you walk?"

"Barely," she laughed, stumbling. He held her hand as they walked back in the darkness of the night. She walked barefoot and carried her heels in her hand in order to avoid falling. He almost opted to carry her, but he was exhausted. Claire didn't want to be carried either. Knowing her, she'd fall asleep in his arms! That was an embarrassing situation she really wanted to avoid. "Do you want to spend the night? It's really late and it's a long walk to town."

"I was hoping you'd ask," he admitted with a sigh of relief. Claire chuckled and Trent gave her an exasperated smile. She really was something. They slowly walked to the door of her farmhouse and went inside. Trent had just started to remove his jacket when Claire tapped him curiously on the shoulder.

"By the way," she began, cocking her head as she spoke, indicating her bewilderment. "Where in the world did you ever get the idea for us to make love in the hot springs?"

"Did you not like it?" he asked curiously. She blushed and backtracked furiously, waving her hands back and forth comically.

"O-Oh, no! That's not the reason at all! I just didn't think you would go for it. You're a doctor and all, so I figured you would be uncomfortable with being somewhere so dirty."

He laughed and sat on the edge of her bed, inviting her to sit in his lap. She willingly obeyed and climbed on top of him, shivering as he hands brushed back her hair and kissed her neck. She would never understand why he loved her so much. Just having such a handsome man by her side seemed like a miracle to the young woman. However, she was glad. He had chosen her and had fallen in love with her despite her faults. That made everything worth it. She rocked forward against his legs and kissed his lips again, earning a satisfied groan from the gentleman. They kissed for a few more seconds before Trent flipped her over and put her under the covers, looking at her in her beautiful white dress and feeling a smile dominate his face. In a sincere whisper, he told her, "You would be the most beautiful bride ever…"

"Really?" she gasped, eyes starry. "Oh, I hope so! I'd love to be married one day!"

When Trent and Claire had first become friends they had talked freely about matters of romance. Both had admitted to wanting to be married and have children. Both had been surprised by each other's answers, but because of their close friendship, awkwardness had thankfully been avoided.

"You really think this dress looks good on me?" Claire asked again, seeking another compliment that would make her heart soar. Trent laughed at her clear motive and nodded.

"I think you look amazing," he said. He slipped a hand in his pocket and pulled out a small, blue item that was small enough to fit in his palm. When he held it out to her, she could see it was a Blue Feather. "Now I know what I want you to wear to our own wedding."

Everything went quiet. For a few seconds, she was unable to understand what was happening. She looked down and saw the feather sitting in his hand. He extended it to her and got off the bed to kneel before her. Claire felt her entire face turn a delicate shade of cranberry. The woman's stomach flopped and the ability to form words left her. She extended her hand to meet his and shook with disbelief.

He's proposing, she thought to herself.

"Claire," he stated, looking up at her through his obsidian-colored bangs. "I've fallen in love with you. I love you so much that the thought of not being beside you actually saddens me. It doesn't feel right for me to be alone anymore. I want to be the man you can always depend on, no matter what. So…will you marry me? Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and making me the happiest man alive?"

Trent couldn't read her expression. He panicked when he saw tears roll down her cheeks, but sighed when she smiled back at him and nodded her head. She took the feather and held it against her heaving bosom, shakily trying to catch her breath. Trent felt like he couldn't breathe until she finally opened her mouth and muttered the single word that would seal their engagement.


He thanked the Harvest Goddess that she agreed and was happier than he ever felt in his life. She fell into his arms and the two embraced, one of them crying tears of joy and the other kissing them away.

The best part was that Claire knew Trent would always be there. No matter how many tears she cried in the future, he'd be the only one to kiss them away.

She laughed against his chest and Trent lifted a brow at her. When he asked what was wrong, she only giggled and sighed before getting up to reach for her wallet. Claire was a woman who kept her promises. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," she chimed sweetly. "I just remembered that I owe Kai 10,000 gold after all..."


"Admit it," the restaurateur snickered as he placed another slice of pizza in front of the golden-haired farmer. She wrinkled her nose playfully and shifted her glace over to him playfully, humming as if she didn't understand his request.

"Admit what…?"

"You know! I was right after all!"

"Oh, stop it! You're silly, Kai."

"I wouldn't use the word silly, babydoll, especially since I was right all along," Kai said, handing her another tall glass of pineapple juice. Both of them were sitting at their usual table in the Beach Shack. It was just like old times. As usual, Claire ordered some pizza and was happily chomping away at the greasy treat while Kai chatted with her. However, one thing was different.

It was the blue engagement ring that glittered on her finger.

"Don't each so much," he warned her, gently poking her between her cerulean eyes. "Now that you're engaged to a doctor, you can't go and eat junk food all the time!"

"He doesn't have to know," she said with a wink, asking him for another slice. "Besides, I always prepare a really healthy dinner every night with produce from my field! A healthy dinner cancels out unhealthy snacking. Everyone knows that."

"That's incredibly untrue…but hey, I'm not gonna stop you from hangin' out here and buying food. Eat all you want! I'm not a tattletale, so don't worry about Trent finding out."

Claire nodded and continued to snack as Cliff, Rick and Gray all filed in. Claire waved joyfully. Kai moaned and rubbed his temple. In a snarky tone, he asked the group bluntly, "Great. What do you all want?"

"We didn't want to talk you," Rick asserted firmly in a tone oozing with animosity. "We came to congratulate Claire on her engagement! We're so happy for her!"

Cliff and Gray agreed and embraced their friend, watching as she blushed deeply and accepted everyone's blessings and celebratory statements. The uplifting jabber seemed to go on forever until a subtle creak silenced the whole room. All turned to see Trent, dressed in his doctor's coat, standing in the doorway and smirking. His arms were crossed and he was leaning against the doorframe, staring at Claire with a look of distaste. Realizing that he had seen her snacking, she tossed her plate in the trash and ran over to him, trying to prevent him from seeing the tall stack of paper plates left where she'd been seated. It didn't work.

"Claire…" he mumbled, smiling gently and ruffling her hair. "I know you need to keep your strength up, so eating those kinds of foods is fine. Just don't fill up, alright? I've prepared us a special dinner."

Her eyes glittered like sapphires as she jumped up and kissed him, causing all the other boys in the room to look away in a flustered manner. Kai merely smirked in the direction of the couple and earned a smack in the back of the head courtesy of Rick. Cliff and Gray got between the two so that neither one would tear the other to shreds. Even the sound of her bickering friends couldn't make Claire turn her gaze away from Trent.

Claire asked if Carter would be joining them, to which he replied negatively. It would be just the two of them. He paid for the remaining sum of Claire's bill and hooked his arm around her lovingly, nuzzling her neck as they stepped out onto the sunny beach. She smiled and swiveled her head back to the bunch of scarlet-faced boys inside the restaurant.

"Take note, guys," she giggled, winking to the bunch and pointing to her future husband. "When you want to propose to the girl of your dreams, you've got one amazing teacher right up the road!"


Finished at 11:56 p.m…

Yeah, you guys will probably see it sometime in the early afternoon. I'm going to draw a little before going to bed! Make sure to R&R if you can, and I'll see you later! Bye! X3