Warnings: slash, snogging

Summary: Harry and Draco have dinner with Lucius and Narcissa.

A/N: I got the inspiration for this one from both the writers_choice prompt "bite" on LJ and from the dinner scene in the Princess Diaries.

All Work and No Play

I Took Too Big of a Bite

Is that supposed to be ice cream?

Harry stared at the decorative glass of…dessert…in front of him. Discreetly, he glanced around the table to see what the other occupants were doing with the food that the house elves had served. He was having dinner with the Malfoys for the first time and he didn't want to screw up.

But I thought that we were having a six course meal…it's only the fifth, why are we eating dessert now?

And they hadn't even had the main course yet! Or had they? Harry dearly hoped that the soup and salad courses weren't all that they were going to get. He was pretty sure that Draco wasn't a vegetarian, so where was the meat? Oh, if only he'd gotten a chance to talk to Draco about the meal beforehand! Unfortunately, they had both been busy with the influx of reports, and then packing for their winter holiday trip to Malfoy Manor, that it was amazing if Harry even caught a glimpse of Draco the week before. And then they had to rush in order to make it to Malfoy Manor on time this afternoon. So, Harry was left in the dark about the proceedings of a six course meal with his boyfriends' parents.

Merlin help them all.

The three Malfoys had all picked up their spoons and were taking small bites out of the perfectly rounded ball of…ice cream…so Harry decided that he should just go with the flow. In true Gryffindor fashion, he took a healthy scoop of the red-colored treat and stuffed it into his mouth. Then promptly burst into tears of pain.


Now, growing up with the Dursleys had taught Harry to be strong and avoid crying at all costs, but the messy-haired Auror decided that this was one of those exceptions. Whatever kind of dessert that was, it wasn't ice cream. Ice cream was not literally frozen; it did not burn your mouth when you took a big bite out of it, and it did not cause an instant brain freeze.

"Potter?" Draco asked, alarmed by his partner's sudden reaction.

"MMMhmmhm" Harry murmured desperately. It was so cold! It felt like his mouth was on fire and frozen over all at the same time!

"Oh, for Merlin's sake, Potter! You didn't know that it was frozen, did you?" Draco asked in exasperation. Harry frantically shook his head that, no, he hadn't known that the damn stuff would be frozen!

Beside him, Draco sighed and put down his spoon. He reached over and wrapped his hand around Harry's neck, tugging the pained man toward him. Without a second's hesitation, the blonde pressed his lips to Harry's and slid his tongue between the cold lips.

Harry's eyes bugged out of his head as Draco's tongue began to swirl around in his frozen mouth and massage his own tongue. Slowly, the cold sorbet began to melt from the blonde's hot breath and saliva. Harry began to melt, as well, and kissed back with fervor, completely forgetting their surroundings. At some point, someone even moaned. Harry's hands had migrated to soft blonde hair, and he was lost in the mixing tastes of Draco and sorbet. After what seemed like hours of slow snogging, Draco pulled back and licked his lips.

"I do love strawberry flavored sorbet," he murmured, swiping that devious tongue over his swollen lips once more. Harry stared at his boyfriend in shock.

Oh my Godric, I just snogged Draco in front of his parents! At the dinner table! I'm so dead…

Summoning all of his courage, Harry peeked at the Malfoy patriarch and his wife from under his fringe. Lucius was smirking at his son in apparent amusement and pride, while Narcissa was hiding her smile behind a napkin.

Well. Those definitely weren't the reactions Harry was expecting.

"It's called sorbet, Potter. It's used to cleanse the pallet before you eat the main course, so that you can taste all of the flavors without the previous courses interfering," Draco stated matter-of-factly, as if he hadn't just snogged his boyfriend at the dinner table. "It's frozen, so I advise you to eat it in small bites."

Now you tell me this; after I make a complete fool of myself.

With a resigned shake of his head, Harry turned back to the evil sorbet and proceeded to eat it very cautiously. He was beginning to wish that they were back at work, with all of those reports piled up on their desk, rather than being a nervous wreck in front of the Malfoys.

This vacation was turning out to be more work than play.

Hope that you like it! Please review! ;)