Spoilers/Timeline: None/Set in the future

A/N:Thanks to bloodwrites for the reassurances.

Disclaimer: The Mentalist doesn't belong to me; Title found in Little Big Town's Novocaine.

"Would you just..." She exhaled slowly, slipping the safety pin in her mouth as she scooted closer to the edge of the coffee table. "Hold still?"

"But it... ow! It hurts with you rooting around like—"

"It wouldn't if you would stop moving so much." Brushing her hair out of her eyes, she ducked her head, leaning closer to his hand.

"Easy for you to say, you don't have your boss brandishing a—" He gritted his teeth, gaze sliding to Van Pelt gesturing wildly in the hall as he pulled in a shaky breath. "Damn it."

"Oh please." She barely looked up, just continued pressing the needle to his skin, urging the splinter to move. "And it's 'boss' now?"

"Call me crazy, but I don't like to equate pain with my girlfriend."

She snorted.

Even after all this time the label could still catch her off guard; especially since they both hated it.

The label, that was.

They were more than fine with who they were to one another, but attaching such a juvenile sounding word to it felt... well, wrong.

The options were limited though. As much as they appreciated all the shadings 'partners' held for them, it tended to raise eyebrows socially. And she refused to be called anyone's paramour.

Even Patrick Jane's.

"Crazy doesn't even begin to cover it." She winked, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth as she continued to work. "Might explain why you're acting like you're ten though."

"Says the woman that has a bag of Dum Dums hidden in the bottom drawer of her desk.

"Mmm, if you're good maybe I'll give you one."

"Meh, I always preferred stickers when I was little."

"You would. I guess I should find a rewards chart to put up in the break room then." She smirked, their knees bumping together as she moved closer, pulling the splinter out.

"That wouldn't— Ouch!" He yelped, arm flying backwards and hitting the window separating her office from the bullpen.

Cho stuck his head in the open door seconds later, his face as unreadable as ever. "Everything ok, boss?"

"Yeah, she's just..." Jane jumped in, his eyes pressed closed in pain. "Just manhandling me, that's—"

"Please, you'll know when I'm manhan—"

"Oh, like the other night when—"

Mouth turning up in a half smile, Cho shook his head and went back to work, closing the door and leaving them in their own world.

"I hate to complain, dear, I truly do, but I believe there's still a piece of wood in my hand."

"What?" She turned back to him, scowling as she realized he was right; a tiny piece of splinter was still buried in his skin.

Digging the safety pin back out of her pocket, she pressed the point into the open cut, her thumb stroking over his palm as she did.

He winced then groaned, squirming and trying to pull away as she pushed and prodded. Her brow furrowed in concentration, hands held his study as the minutes ticked by, her low words of support warming him.

"Ah... yes, that's it..." Her fingers tightened around and she grinned, finally—finally—pushing the last bit out. "Got it!"

He couldn't help it, he laughed, his shoulders relaxing as the metal left his hand. "If one didn't know any better they'd think you were the one in crippling pain."

Rolling her eyes, she pressed her lips where his skin flared red. "There, all better."

"I don't know, it might need some extra attention..."

"Of course. Come on..." She shook her head, a soft smile spreading over her face as she stood, grabbing her bag and the few files she'd need for the night; it was long past time to leave. "I'll nurse you back to health at home."

"Mmm..." He rose, nuzzling her neck and flicking of f the lights before brushing several kisses across her jaw. "I like the sound of Doctor Lisbon much more."