Chapter 1: The Beginning

Wolfie-welcme readers!

Bubbles-Yea Wlecme!

Blossom-Enjoy the story!

Buttercup-Better enjoy the story!

Blossom-Buttercup be nice!

Buttercup-Why? I'm just stating my opinion! This is a free country!

Bubbles-IT SURE IS!


Bubbles-Sorry...*chuckles nervously*

Wolfie-u guys always fight dont you?

Blossom- U know us so well!

Bubbles-She sure does!

Buttercup-I've never had an argument before. *She crosses her arms while Blossom's left eye twitches.*


Bubbles, Buttercup, and Blossom were sleeping in their bed when the powerpuff hotline rang. Blossom went to go answer. "Hello Blossom speaking."

"Blossom help! All of Townsville is FIRE!" The Mayor yelled on the other line.

"Okay Mayor we're on our way!" She then hung up the phone. She turned t her sister, causing her auburn hair to sway with her movements. "Townsville's on fire! Lets go!" They changed into their outfits.

As they entered town, they saw buildings in flames. Blossom spotted a firehydrant. "C'mon girls!" The two girls followed the older sibling. Blossom then got a hose and attached it to the hydrant. She sprayed all of the buildings down. But once the smoke was clear, all 3 sisters were able to see criminals running around Townsville, either robbing banks or stealing old ladies purses. Some of the criminals were even trying to set buildings on fire again.

Blossom took the criminals stealing purses, Bubbles took washing the fires out, and Buttercup took the bank robbers.

Blossom's POV

"Help someone stole my purse!" I heard an old woman yell. I flew towards her. A criminal was running off with her violet hand bag.

"Don't worry m'am, I'll get it!" I comforted as in sped towards the thief. "Stop right there!" I yelled as i trapped him in an alley way. He glared at me. I flew towards him and used my freeze ray on him. He was frozen solid. I grabbed the purse and brought it back to the old woman. "Here you go m'am!"

"Thank you! You remind me when i was a little girl...back in 1954..."

Buttercup's POV

I went inside the closest bank to find criminals stealing money. "Hey!" I hollered. As soon as the guys turned around, I punched him, kicked him, and punched his chin, causing him to fall flat on his back. I then grabbed all of the bad guys that were in the bank and brought them to jail. I dusted my hands. "Now to finish things." I said as i flew back into town into another bank.

Bubbles POV

I stayed by the fire hydrant, ready to put out any fires that were in my path. At first, it was really hard, but it started to become easier when my sisters were taking all the bad guys to jail. Sooner or later, there were no fires. My sisters and i regrouped. We were just about to head home since we've been out here for hours, when we heard a laugh come from behind us. "You didnt think it was that easy did you?" The voice laughed. We turnt around to see the RowdyRuff boys. Our sworn enemies. They were all smirking.

"So you did this?" Buttercup nearly hollered.

"Of course we did!" Butch said. Buttercup glared at him.

"You guys are goin down!" She charged for
Butch, but he jumped out of the way.

"Too fast for ya?" Buttercup began to get really mad. As Buttercup went for Butch, me and Blossom went for our counterparts. We all seperated so we could have our own space. I punched Boomer, but he kicked me right back. Then, I kicked him in his 'huevos'. He yelped in pain. I giggled at the face he made before punching him several times after that.

Blossom's POV

I was sparing off against Brick. I kicked his knee, but he bopped my head. I punched his chin causing him to lift higher in the air than we already are. His smirk faded. Then, he tried to kick my face, but i grabbed his leg and swung him around. I let him go and he flew a great distance away from me!

Buttercup's POV

Butch punched me and i jabbed his stomach. He tripped me, but while i fell, i kicked his stomach. I got up faster than he did and started to punch him several times. So many times that he started to make a crater. Then, he kicked me so i slid across the ground backwards. He got up and started to punch my face and then he high kicked me which flung me back.

Bubbles POV

He some how seemed to have pushed me a few inches away from him. He then charged at me. But i kept on dodging him. "Toro toro!" I yelled as he kept on charging me. One time, I dodged too slowly and he pushed me into a building. I made a crater in it. Then, he used his lazer vision. It was following my every move. I had to find a way to stop him.

Blossom POV

He flew towards me fast. Too fast and he shoved me into a building. Then, he punched me into the ground. I raised slowly in pain to find him gone. I lifted into the sky looking for him, but he was no where to be found. Then, out of the blue, he came towards me holding a cruise ship. My eyes widened as he tossed it at me. I tried to fly away from it, but it chased me around town. Finally, I let it hit me sending me to the ground. I was really hurt now. Then, i used my lazer vision, but i was so weak that i accidentally split his pants in half. His heart underpants were now showing to the whole town. "You'll pay for this!" He yelled before he flew away.

Buttercup POV
I was punching his lights out. It was like he was a one of those things ppl use to box with that hangs from the ceiling. With my final blow, he was blown away. Then, i had an idea for payback. I flew into the nearest barber shop and got shaver2000. While he was dizzy and most likely looking at flying birds, i shaved Butch's head clean. Then, when he came back into reality, i smirked. And the whole townsville laughed. "What so funny!"He hollered. I pointed to a window and he saw his reflection. His eyes widened. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" He yelled before he flew away.

Bubbles POV

I hid behind a building waiting for Boomer to pass. When he did, i let out a sigh of relief. Then, he saw me. He now flew above me, backing me in an alley way. I looked around for anything that might help. I saw NOTHING! So i did the first thing that came to mind. "You're gonna die in 24hrs!" Boomer eyes widened.

"I am?" He cried. My right eyes twitch. 'Is he serious?'

"Uhhh...yes?" Tears started to stroll down his face. He buried his face in his hands and floated away. I met up with my sisters. "Boomer's stupid."

"Obviously! They all are!" Buttercup said.

"Blossom, you look beat up."

"i know, lets just go home girls. I'll be okay." Blossom said. Buttercup and Bubbles shrugged and they headed home.

Wolfie: My first chapter!

Bubbles: Congr-


Buttercup: Becaus u had 2...

Blossom: AND WHAT IF U GET BEAT UP HUH? *Buttercup pats Blossom's back*

Buttercup: I won't get beat up.

Blossom: And y is dat? *she crosses her arms*

Buttercup: Cuz im a G7, plain and simple.


Wolfie: Bye ppl!