Nikko-chan: Ohayou minna-chan? How are you today? I have come to the conclusion that I can't post anything at the bottom of my story because you guys never read it….So here's what I was gonna say…

Do not skip, this important….

If you go to my last story, there is a link to vote for a Korean band called SHINee and if you have never heard of them go to YouTube and type in "shinee Lucifer". This is my favorite band and I really hope you support them because they MIGHT sing in the upcoming London Olympics. They are in 4th place and I don't think Super Junior can do it because one of the members is in the army.

" Go, Go, SHINee, Ganbatte, Ganbatte SHINee!"


Another I have a page where you can talk to me and I'm considering making a new Facebook just so we can chat…so feel special loyal fans, feel very special…. The page is IkutoT'sGirl On Fanfiction, so like

Oh, for my friend love-heart-heart on FF, go tell her you love her and give her your best wishes ( or prayers ). Her father is contacting her on Facebook and she has not seen him in years….Yeah no details, kinda private

( P.S My "extra" family of boys is on vacation if your wondering why they haven't been here. Now enjoy the next installment of We'll Always Have Paris….

How Amu Got The Ring

10 years earlier…..

After the festivities at the wedding, Amu quietly snuck out to a small bridge over an equally small bridge; trying to recap what had happened in the past few days….


"It's not ending, everything's just beginning."

" I don't let everyone see who I am, there are faces I only show to you. And there are even more that I only want you to see, Amu."

" You've shown me, and only to me..all the different sides of you."

Amu sighed. There was only one she had almost forgot. And when she'd heard it, it was like Ikuto had honey pouring out of his mouth.

" Wherever I go, whatever the distance that separates us…I will come back to you. And when you grow up to be an adult, I promise, I'll come back and find you."

Amu felt a shiver fall down her spine.

"Would Tadase ever do that?" she thought

Suddenly out of nowhere, two long arms enveloped around her hips, and a warm head rested on her shoulder. "Hey, beautiful." The sweet voice cooed into her ear. "Ikuto, why did you come out here?" Amu asked in a hushed tone, as she turned to the boy who was hugging her gently now. " I wanted to talk to you about something, that, has been bothering me for a while." He cooed, tracing a lone finger from her hips, and slowly making its way to her lips. Amu pushed his finger away, and gave Ikuto a look that seemed like she was in distress in some way. And suddenly out of nowhere, she grabbed him into a hug.

Truth was; she wanted him to stay and comfort her. What he had said yesterday had been a little overwhelming for her. Amu had never had any boy tell her such an elaborate confession before, and all she needed was some time to catch up and comprehend what had just happened. " Your lying to yourself again, Amu-koi." He said softly hugging her once again, albeit this time, more like a gentle squeeze.

"Did you really mean it Ikuto? What you said…..last night." Amu said feeling the hot tears roll down her face. She buried her face into his warm chest and stood there crying. "Yes, Amu-koi, I meant all of it. From the bottom of my heart I love you. Which brings me to what I wanted to ask you." He put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her sobbing face away from his suit. Amu looked at him with eyes as large as dinner plates.

"Amu, I know I'll be gone for 10 years, and I love you so much, that its so hard to leave you here" he got down on one knee and pulled a small black ring box and held it up to her, " Amu Hinamori, when I return back from Paris, will you marry me?" he said in a soothing voice.

Amu stood there, dumbfounded by the ring, it was a 10 karat one at that. Tears began to fall again, " Yes, I…will.." she said between sobs. Ikuto slid the ring on her finger and Amu hugged him again as she sobbed. This time her arms were wrapped tighter around him.

"I'll always protect you, Amu-koi."


P.S it's a filler