Disclaimer: This is a fanfic. I do not own YuruYuri

Honest Heart

It's that time of the year. Some love it, some hate it. A new school year starts.

Ayano Sugiura is especially excited as she will now take her place as the president of the student council. Not counting the fact she forgot her trademark pantyhose and wears the standard uniform socks instead, the day goes on uneventfully - you know how the first schooldays of a semester are. After her lessons, she has a meeting with the principal and teachers to formally introduce herself as the new president. There's really nothing new to it, she knows the school staff and the president's job to the point after her year as the vice-president, but it's just customary to have the official introduction.

Now, she is finally moving towards the student council room. She reaches the door and steps in and is greeted with an enthusiastic group greeting

"Good day, Sugiura-senpai!"

Ayano quickly scans the room, there are few newcomers to the student council, then there are her TWO vice-presidents, Sakurako Omuro and Himawari Furutani (one of her jobs would be to choose which of the two would be her successor) and then there is her good friend, Chitose Ikeda. She notes how the newcomers and vice-presidents bow exceptionally deep.

Chitose, however, greets her less formally, just smiles to her and says "Ayano-chan~"

"Good day to you all" Ayano replies to the group and walks behind the presidents desk, elegantly taking seat on the extra soft chair.

After the new girls introduce themselves, it is time for the topic of the day. Which is...

"The Amusement Club" Ayano states

"What about it?" Sakurako asks

"I'm going to allow them use the Tea Ceremony Club's room until it is reformed. Providing they fill in the appropriate forms of course. I will handle this personally"

"Are you sure it isn't just am excuse for you to see Toshino-san?" Chitose asks

Ayano blushes very minimally but quickly regains composure "As the president of the student council, it's my responsibility to..."

"E-excuse m-me, Sugiura-senpai, but what's the Amusement Club? What do they do." one of the new girls asks

"Well, you see, they... It's a club that... The members... Ehm... The vice-presidents will explain while me and Chitose visit them!" Ayano replies, trying to think what does the Amusement Club do

"Yes president!" Sakurako and Himawari answer quite loudly as Ayano and Chitose leave the room.


"Didn't you say you'd handle this personally?" Chitose asks

"I meant with you of course"

"Aren't you just embarrassed to go there alone to meet..."

"T-this is official business!" Ayano cuts in, trying to keep from blushing

The two reach the Tea Ceremony Club building and are soon at the door. Ayano slides the door open and...

"Toshino Kyoko!"

Just as she expected, the room was occupied by the four girls who usually hang in there. The girls are seated around the table, their faces turned towards the student council president.

Chinatsu is the first to greet them as the two enter the room. "Sugiura-senpai, Yoshikawa-senpai, what brings you here?"

"We're here on official student council business" Ayano declares proudly, waving sheets of paper in the air

"Oh, do you want to kick us out again?" Yui asks

"No, no, the opposite. As the president of the student council, I'm going to allow the Amusement Club to use these facilities until the Tea Ceremony Club is reformed. All you need to do is to make the club official by filling in these forms and I'll handle the rest" she points at the papers she is holding

"Is that so~?" Kyoko asks looking pretty laid back and bored

"Don't 'Is that so?' me Toshino Kyoko, I'm offering you this huge help by allowing you to use this room. You're the founder of this club, right? Please fill in these and return them to me in the student council room. You should be a little more grateful, I've put a lot of work in this" she hands the papers to Kyoko who takes them in her hands.

Kyoko turns towards the standing Ayano and performs a deep bow from the knee-sitting position. "Thank you very much, Ayano-sama. After this we will finally have a place for our club"

Ayano lets out a weak giggle "T-thank you... wait... you're making fun of me!"

Yui, Chinatsu and Akari are trying to stifle their laughter as they watch the grin spread across Kyoko's face as she sits up.

"By the way, did you know we are wearing matching panties!"

While Akari hands the nose bleeding Chitose tissues and Yui, Chinatsu and Kyoko burst in laughter, Ayano turns bright red

"Where are you looking while bowing Toshino Kyoko? And don't say things like that out loud!"

"Oh, you're not allowed to look under the student council president's skirt?" Kyoko feigns innocence

"Of course not! You're not allowed to look under anyone's skirt!"

"Oi, Ayano" Yui tries to get the attention of the fuming president "How does this actually change anything? You've allowed us to use this place anyway"

Ayano calms down a bit and turns to Yui "Now it would be official of course, I want my year as the president to go perfectly. Should the principal find out that I'm allowing some unofficial group use this place, I might be in serious trouble. So please fill in and return the papers by tomorrow."

Ayano leaves the room, followed by Chitose who stops by the door to give her usual "Sorry for disturbing" and then follows Ayano.

The next day

School has just ended an people are off to their different club activities. Ayano sits behind the president's desk in the student council room, inspecting the paperwork done by her vice-presidents. She goes through the papers once, twice...

"Are you sure these are all the paperwork for today?" she asks from Sakurako and Himawari

"Yes, that is all - unless Himawari lost something because of her ridiculous breasts" Sakurako answers

"Hah! I did my paperwork faster and more accurately than you did yours!" Himawari counters

Ayano watches as the two girls start throwing insults at each other "Eh... I just want to find that paper..."

Chitose appears next to Ayano "Does the paper happen to be related to the Amusement Club and Toshino-san?"

"Yes, I can't believe she hasn't returned it! I might just have to go there and..."

"There you go again Ayano-chan"

"This is important! Let's go Chitose!"

"Why don't you go alone?"

"Ehm... It'd be weird for the student council president to go there alone"

"No it wouldn't"

"Just come"


The Amusement Club

"Toshino Kyoko!"

To Ayano's surprise, there is only one person present in the room. It is the person she came for, but...

"She is sleeping here alone?" Ayano asks Chitose

"Looks like that. Look here is a note" Chitose picks up a piece of paper from the table "Ah, so that's how it is, the note says they're at Funami-san's place." Chitose says, but Ayano seems to be gazing off "Eh, Ayano-chan?"

Sleeping Toshino Kyoko, I'm in the same room with sleeping Toshino Kyoko! She has such a cute sleeping face... And I'm almost alone, I could... I could... No, no, what am I thinking? I'm here to...

"Do you wish to be left alone Ayano-chan?" Chitose asks with a smirk

"Uh, huh, yes... I mean no! No! Don't go anywhere"

"Yaaawn~ What's with all the ruckus?" Kyoko sits up, rubbing her eyes "Oh, hi Ayano, Chitose! What are you doing here? Came to check if we wear matching panties again?"

"No, no! Absolutely not! I wasn't thinking anything like that!" Ayano almost screams "The papers I gave you yesterday! Where are they? You were supposed to return them today"

"Oh those... I forgot them on my desk."

Ayano facepalms in disbelief

"Toshino-san, the papers are very important, could we visit your place today to fetch them?" Chitose suggests

"Sure! But... Is there something wrong with Ayano, she seems a bit tense?" Kyoko says, pointing at the almost statue-like Ayano who seems to have frozen in place.

"I'm sure it's nothing serious. We'll meet you at your place at six. See you" Chitose answers while dragging the mortified student council president out of the room.

17:57, front door of the Toshino residence

Toshino Kyoko's home... Toshino Kyoko's home...

"We've been standing here for quite some time now, Ayano-chan"

"Um... Chitose, if you really think about it, we can get those papers tomorrow too"

"That won't do! What about your presidency?" Chitose counters, and quickly continues "And besides, Toshino-san is expecting us"

"She is not! She has probably forgotten all about this, so let's just go and..." Ayano protests

"It's 18:00! We don't want to be late, do we?" Chitose ignores Ayano's protests and rings the doorbell

Moments later the door opens, revealing familiar blonde girl

"T-Toshino Kyoko!"

"Good evening Toshino-san"

"Hi, Ayano and Chitose! Come, let's go to my room"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to join you, I promised my parents to help with some chores." Chitose says, winks at the terrified Ayano and turns to leave "Bye, Toshino-san! And Ayano-chan, be honest with yourself. I'll see you two tomorrow"

"W-wait Chito..." Ayano starts, but is cut short by Kyoko

"Bye Chitose! Come on Ayano, let's go in"


"Geez, you're awfully tense nowadays. Let's go." Kyoko says and drags the purple haired student council president in with her

Kyoko's room

Kyoko goes through piles of sketches on her desk "I'm sure the papers are here somewhere..."

Ayano how ever, is deep in thought

I'm in Toshino Kyoko's room. I'm in her room, with her. There's no-one else here. Argh... What am I thinking, I'm here on official business! That's right! Chitose is just messing with me... "Be honest with yourself", what's that supposed to mean?

"Haa! Found it! Eh, Ayano?"


"You seem to be awfully distracted all the time. Are you alright?" Kyoko puts down the papers on her chair and puts the back of her hand on Ayano's forehead

Ayano pulls back "I'm not sick!"

"Well, there certainly is something wrong with you... Ah... Is this about the time I peeked under your skirt? Here, this'll make us even" Kyoko says and lifts up her skirt, giving Ayano a good view of her panties

Ayano immediately blushes and stares at the blonde girl's underwear a little too long before turning to look away "That's not it! I just..." Ayano pauses for a second

I just feel funny when I'm close to you... I can't explain it. It's annoying really. You're annoying... But I want to see you! I want to be with you! I...

Ayano continues "It's nothing. Now, let's take a look at those papers"

The girls go through the forms without many words. Both of them seem to be deep in their thoughts. Kyoko is wondering the reason for Ayano's behavior, while Ayano is wrestling with the confusing feelings she has around the energetic blonde. Kyoko fills in the forms and when she encounters a problem, she just points at the spot on the paper and Ayano quickly tells what to fill in. And then the silence continues. After few minutes, the papers are perfectly filled in.

"Thanks for your help Ayano"

"No problem, Toshino Kyoko"

"Ayano..." Kyoko starts, clearly with different, more serious, tone of voice


"Do you hate me?"

Where did that come from? I don't hate you. I like to be around you. I... Oh my... Chitose... You were right all along?

"No! It's nothing like that!"

"Then why do you behave so weirdly around me?"

"I... The thing is... I like you. I like you very much..." Ayano says, turning her face down to avoid Kyoko's gaze. "Toshino Kyoko... I... I... I love you... I want to hug you, kiss you, to be with you..." Ayano buries her face in her hands and slumps down on her knees, feeling tears coming out her eyes.

"Ayano... Love? Me?" Kyoko asks in mild disbelief

Ayano nods weakly. Kyoko kneels in front of Ayano. She pushes her to the floor and moves on top her. She takes Ayano's hands in her own and brings them off from her face.

"You said you wanted a kiss. Here's a kiss"

Kyoko releases her grip on Ayano's hands to use her own hands to cup Ayano's chin. She slowly lowers her face until their lips touch.

After their magical moment, Kyoko rolls off from Ayano to lay on the floor next to her. The girls lay there in silence. After a moment Ayano speaks in a weak voice

"I love you, Toshino Kyoko."

"Wanna go on a date?"

"Yes please"

"You're such an uke Ayano-chan" Kyoko whispers

"What did you say?"

"Just told I love you too Ayano-chan"

"To-Toshino Kyoko..." Ayano says in a velvety voice and curls up to Kyoko's side.