Naruto's hands and feet were chained. His hands were chained to the ceiling. Naruto has been hanging from the ceiling for two weeks trying to get his surroundings. So far Naruto only saw the food guy and the smell of dry clay mixed with medicine. "Damn where the hell am I?" mumbled Naruto.
"Kit we need to get out now" growled Kyuubi.
'I know but how' thought Naruto.
"Use my power, we need to get out" growled Kyuubi.
'I don't think I can I'm too hungry and tired' frowned Naruto.
'What's up Kyuubi? You're really pissed at something' asked a confused Naruto.
"You don't need to know."
'Kyuubi you're in my body I think I'm on the need to know list'
"Fine… my mate is here, but mate is getting far away. I need mate close can't let mate go away again" growled Kyuubi clawing at the bars of his cells.
Naruto jerked awake when Kyuubi said mate, "You have a mate!"
The lunch guy passed than laughed and kept walking.
"Yes I have a mate and it's the same one you have" smirked Kyuubi.
'I don't have a mate!'
"Sure you don't" laughed Kyuubi.
'Stop laughing! I think I would know if I have a mate,' smirked Naruto.
Kyuubi rolled his eyes. Suddenly Kyuubi jerked up and started clawing at the bars. 'What the hell are you doing?'
"My mate is getting closer… must get to mate" growled Kyuubi.
'Can you tell if your mate is coming here willing or forcefully?' asked Naruto looking through the door trying to see someone.
"I can't that why I want to get to…."
Naruto cut off Kyuubi, so he could focus on the door that crashed open. Naruto saw the lunch guy and two other guards. The lunch guy was blocking someone so Naruto watched as they tossed the person into the cell opposite of Naruto. 'Why the hell am I angry?' thought Naruto staring at the limp body in the cell. Naruto stared at the body until he heard the door slammed shut. Jumping at the sound he blinked then went to sleep.
'Kyuubi, were you pissed just now?' asked Naruto sitting ouside of Kyuubi's cell in his mind.
"Yes, they treated my mate awfully. I'm going to kill them!" snarled Kyuubi.
'That was your mate, but he's a guy?' Naruto bent his head to the side looking confused.
"So what I'm bisexual. Do you have a problem with that?" glared Kyuubi.
'No problem just didn't know so does that mean I'm bi too or is that just you?'
"Ummm…. You know I'm not too sure on that part," Kyuubi looked confused for the first time.
'Great this is good to be just great' Naruto rolled his eyes as he woke up.
Naruto looked at the guy across from him and thought he looked familiar. 'Who is he?' Naruto tried to look over the man's body to see his face. "Hey you awake over there?" Naruto listened for any kind of movement or sound from the guy. He waited about 30 minutes before the guy suddenly rolled over. "Hey you okay over there?" yelled Naruto.
"Yea I'm good…. Is that you dobe?" groaned the man.
"Sasuke damn is that you!" yelled Naruto with a big smile on his face.
"Damn now I wish they killed me" groaned Sasuke sitting up.
"Damn Teme I'm not that bad am I?" frowned Naruto.
Sasuke looked down. He couldn't really look at Naruto and lie to him. "Yes you're that bad!" Sasuke didn't look at Naruto, he looked around his cell trying to find a way out. Suddenly, Sasuke heard sniffling. "Don't tell me you're crying Dobe" signed Sasuke.
Naruto's heart hurt at Sasuke's answer. He thought that Sasuke liked him, but he guess wrong. Naruto felt tears coming on, but the tears soon got the better of him. Naruto tried to cry quietly so he didn't disturb Sasuke. But Naruto got the sniffles when he cries. "No I'm not crying it's the dust." Naruto looked at the floor, he didn't dare look at Sasuke.
"Naruto please look at me!" begged Sasuke getting close to the bars as he dared. He stared at Naruto hanging from the ceiling, praying that Naruto would look his way.
"Why, Sasuke? You don't care about me. So you shouldn't care about my tears." cried Naruto.
"Wow dobe you are dumb. You can't even tell if someone is lying to you" shaking his head Sasuke looked at Naruto.
Naruto's head jerked up, with open mouth and wide eyes. "You lied so you like me right?" asked Naruto trying to clarify it.
"Yea I guess your okay" shrugged Sasuke analysis Naruto's bids.
Naruto smiled. "Do you have a plan to get out? I tried everything to get out of these bids."
"Oh" Naruto looked up at his shackles then back at Sasuke, "When does your plan start?"
Sasuke looked Naruto a straight in the eyes. He then looked at the floor and told, "It starts as soon as lunch comes."
The cell block turned eerie silence. Neither dare break the silence for they didn't want to voice their thoughts. Sasuke slide down the wall at the back of his cell. He didn't look at Naruto, he was too afraid to see the look on his face.
Naruto hung his head closing his eyes and almost laughed. 'Wow what a great mate.'
"Sasuke hasn't awakened my mate yet Kit, but he will soon" smiled Kyuubi.
'Whatever. I'm never getting out of here am I Kyuubi.'
"I don't know Kit I don't know," Kyuubi said shaking his head.
Back in the cell block a ringing bell broke the silence Sasuke's and Naruto's head snapped up and stared at each other. Naruto could tell by looking in Sasuke's eyes that he wasn't going to leave. Naruto broke eye contact, shaking his head no. Naruto can't have him staying here it would be tortured "Just go Sasuke."
Sasuke's mouth dropped. "What you can't be serious?"
"You might want to start your plan the lunch guy should be here soon" stated Naruto staring at the door.
Sasuke didn't understand why he was relentless to leave Naruto hanging here. But he was and it bugged him. Sasuke felt scared and shocked when Naruto told him to get going. But he couldn't move. "Sasuke get going!" yelled Naruto.
Sasuke jumped, but started working on his rope bids anyways. He almost got them when the lunch guy came in. "Time to go somewhere fun demon" laughed the lunch guy. Sasuke froze for a few seconds before he started tearing at his bids.
"Where are you taking me?" asked Naruto struggling against the guards hands.
The guards pushed Naruto down to his knees as they strapped a device that controls charka to his back. The lunch guy kneeled down in front of a screaming Naruto "I'm taking you to the boss." Both Naruto and lunch guy heard a loud snap "What the hell!" yelled the lunch guy turning to find the source of the snap. He turned to see Sasuke glowing a black/dark blue. Sasuke dropped the body then glared at the lunch guy through his eyelashes. "You're not talking him anywhere!" Sasuke's eyes glowed bright blood red from his sharingan. The lunch guy screamed for two seconds before he dropped dead.
"Un-tie hime before I kill you and take off that device now!" growled Sasuke glared at the last guard.
The guard shivered and shakily un-tied Naruto and slowly took off the device. Naruto screamed as the device was pulled off. The guard snapped his gaze up and cowards as he saw Sasuke snarled and raised his hand to kill him.