A/N: Soooo... I squashed it all into 1 chapter which means... DONE. I know I skipped over some parts that u guys were interested in and I'm real sorry, but I hope you guys like anyway.

BIG THANKYOU to the people that pointed out I reloaded the same chapter twice, I did not even notice! So thanks.

And thank you so much to everyone who has commented or read this story, you guys all rock.

Also, sorry to do this, but I've got one that I plan to start 2mora. It'll also b A/U but a futurefic where Puck nd Rachel meet thru Puck's daughter.

But back to this story, don't own glee, of the songs, or music video, or any of that stuff, but I do own my mistakes in the lateness of the nite nd my haste to get this up while I'm sick. Enjoy!

Puck slammed Rachel's body against the wall, kicking the door shut behind him, not even pausing from his assault on her mouth. Rachel reached down, grabbing the bottom of his shirt tightly and then ripping if off smoothly. Puck smirked into the kissed, thinking he could not possibly get even more turned on, but then she did that.

I waited for you

I waited so long

Puck pushed off the wall, spinning towards the bed, dumping Rachel onto it as softly as possible. She giggled as she bounced into the mattress. Puck took the slight distance between their bodies to rid her of her dress, and himself of his pants and shoes. Rachel kicked her own shoes off, reaching for Puck and pulling him onto the bed to cover her body.

Another step is in my sight

Another step I'll see the light

Puck made quick work of Rachel's bra, dropping his mouth to explore the newly uncovered flesh. Rachel moaned, threading her fingers through his mow-hawk and pressing him closer. She brought up her knees, using her feet to push down Puck's boxers. Puck took this as a sign to speed up, trailing kisses down the expanse of her tanned and toned stomach.

I was real

Have I not held back the fight

My body racing out tonight

Puck used his teeth to drag down her panties, revelling her most private area to his eyes. He glanced to Rachel's face, seeing her blush. He moved back up her body, smashing his lips to her mouth. There would be plenty of time later to explore each other, but right now was for something else.

Take it slow

You tell me


Rest here with me

Sheathed and ready Puck lined himself up with her entrance, staring into her eyes, the looks speaking volumes. He didn't need to ask if she was ready, and she didn't need to ask if she was special to him. It was all there anyway. He leant down, kissing her slowly for the first time all night, trying to distract her from the pain of his fast thrust into her. She bit him lip, drawing blood, crying out. He froze, pulling back from the kiss to look at her face, clenched in pain. He waited, painstaking, until her face relaxed and she moved her hips. He smashes their lips together again, both feeling the magic of the entire night washing across their bodies.

I waited for you

I waited so long

The waiting for both of them and the intensity of their emotions broke them both crashing to a climax quickly. Puck collapsed beside her, pulling her to himself tightly, she was his and he wasn't letting her go. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, stroking sweaty brands of hair from her eyes.

"I did not think this would happen a week ago," Rachel whispered. "But I hoped it would..."


Rachel walked down the deserted corridor. School had long since been out and there was not a person in sight, she wouldn't have been there herself if she hadn't gotten caught up in the auditorium. She glanced at the clock in the hall, realising she should hurry. Puck and her Dad were at home waiting for her. They had decided to give up on plan 'get Shelby' in favour of forgiveness, but the two had still insisted on having 'sweet revenge pie' for dinner. The way those two had bonded slightly scared Rachel, at the same time as making her completely ecstatic.


She heard a familiar voice call behind her. She always didn't stop but the forgiveness concept had been her idea, so she halted.

"Ms Corcoran," she turned around slowly.

Shelby stepped towards Rachel until they were an arms length form each other. She reached an arm forward, tucking a strand of hair behind Rachel's ear.

"I am so sorry honey. I know that will never be enough but I just wanted you to hear it. I'm actually really glad I got the chance to tell you that."

"Are you leaving again?" Rachel said in a small voice, not even attempting to conceal the fact that she didn't want Shelby to go, regardless of everything.

Shelby nodded slowly. "I'm leaving McKinley. But not Lima. I know our relationship isn't what either of us wished it was... and it's entirely my fault... but if you can ever forgive me, I'll be here, never far behind you. I love you sweetie, more than anything else, ever, don't let my actions fool you." Shelby pulled Rachel into a hug, whispering into her ear, "I'll be in the audience for the opening of your first Broadway show, and every opening after that." Shelby released Rachel, moving past her towards the exit.

Rachel had been silent, so shocked that Shelby was finally saying everything she'd been waiting for, but the second Shelby went to leave she came back to reality.

"Ms Cor... Shel... Mum," Rachel said, mainly trying it on for size. She smiled, liking the sound of it.

Shelby turned back to her, waiting for her to continue.

Rachel had to many questions; why did she leave, why did she come back, how do you tell a boy you love him, how do you know when your ready to sleep with him... where should she start.

"What about your Glee club?" Not what she intended, but that'll do.

Shelby took a step back towards Rachel. "I appointed a new choir director. He has experience, is an amazing teacher, and somehow found himself without a choir in the last week."

Rachel smiled brightly. "Mr Shue? You gave your choir to Mr Shue? Thank you so much. It's not New Directions but it's still a chance for him finally lead a choir to nationals victory. You have no idea what this means to him, to me."

"Who said it wasn't New Directions?"

Rachel frowned.

"It's his choir now. He can name it whatever he wants, hell, he can even have whoever he wants in his glee club."

Tears came to Rachel's eyes, finally understanding. Shelby had given them nationals.

"You go out there and knock 'em dead, alright kid?"

Rachel nodded through her tears.

"Plus, I hear college scouts go to these things... they went to mine."

Rachel pulled in a deep breath.

"Somewhere there's a place for us, remember that," Shelby whispered.

With a small wave she turned and left, Rachel remaining in the hallway, joy seeking through every pore.

It had been another long week of cramming rehearsals but 'The New Directions' (Mr Shue decided to change it slightly, just in case) was finally at Nationals. Puck still grumbled that nationals were in Chicago, he was totally keen for New York, but he'd have to wait for that until after graduation. He still hadn't told Rachel yet, waiting for the perfect opportunity, but he was accepted to NYU and would be joining her in New York. His Ma had been ecstatic, cheering that she knew he could do it and that she would be planning Puck and Rachel's wedding any day now. All 12 members stood behind the curtains, waiting to walk to the stage for their performance. Most of Shelby's originals had quit after Mr Shue had taken the reigns, bringing with him his own band of rejects (which Rachel had never been prouder to be a part of, having received her first slushie and the inspiration behind their last song only days ago).

The two members that stayed shocked everyone. Mercedes and Kurt had finally had it out, Kurt saying he hadn't meant to abandon her for Blaine and then Rachel, but that they two had just grown apart. They had been accepted to study fashion in New York, a dream come true for both. Finn had come back to the group, tail between his legs, but before he was accepted back Puck had made him stand on the jock table in the cafeteria and tell everyone that he had lied about Rachel, she was still a virgin, and about Puck and Quinn, Puck was too whipped for Rachel to even consider another chick (and yes Puck punched him in the face for that ad-lib). The group welcomed him back after the jeering and slushie shower that followed that speech.

Puck turned, seeing Rachel wringing her hands nervously. He walked over and wrapped his arms around her waiste.

"You'll do great babe, stress less," he muttered into her ear.

Rachel pulled away from him. "Stress less? Stress less! There is a representative of NYADA out there! NYADA! I need to get into that school Noah! I need it! I've spent my entire life working towards this and-"

"Babe. You will get in, you are perfect. Plus, when you go out there, you won't be thinking about NYADA or some stupid scout, you'll be thinking about the 11 people behind you, your family, and how this is our chance to be something."

Rachel looked down, embarrassed. "I'm sorry Noah, I know today isn't about me but... I think I just want things to much."

"Yeah, I kinda love it 'bout you though."

There he goes again, saying the three words that Rachel still hadn't said back to him, until...

"I love you Noah."

"Now! Rach! You choose now to tell me! As we're about to go on stage!"

Rachel stepped back. "I'm sorry, I take it back. I just thought you'd want to hear me say it and I was going to say that I was sorry for making you wait so long but-fine! I take it back!" She stomped her foot and pouted.

Puck melted completely just at how unintentionally cute she was being. "Babe you can't take it back."

"Yes I can. I just did." She turned, about to walk away.

Puck panicked. No way in hell had she said that and he hadn't kissed her (at least) and no way was she walking away mad before the biggest performance of her life.

"I got into NYU!" he yelled.

Bingo. Rachel whirled, his favourite type of smile spreading across her face.

"Oh Noah!" she yelled running towards him and jumping into his arms. She kissed him all over his face. "I am so proud of you! I knew you could do it if you applied yourself. Oh! Me and you will be taking OVER New York!"

Puck laughed. "Yeah babe, the whole bigass city should watch out cause your midget ass is on it's way."

"My midget ass has you to protect it doesn't it?" Rachel pouted.

Puck smiled softly, giving in. "Damn straight babe. I got ya."

Rachel smiled. "And that's why I love you."

Puck laughed, even as he leaned forward to capture her lips. Lights flashed above them, signalling them to take their positions.

"We'll finish this later," Rachel said, turning to walk onto the stage.

"Bet your sweet ass we will," Puck smirked, slapping her ass lightly as she walked away, sending a quick glare over her shoulder.

Rachel stood in the middle of the stage, microphone stand in front of her, band behind her, just as she had for her school assembly performance. Only this time three mics stood to the left behind her, Quinn, Tina, and Brittany taking their places behind them. She sent them a quick smile before turning back to face ahead. She held her breath as the curtain raised. The stage was pitch black so the audience couldn't see them.

The first spotlight focused on the guitarist as he played a small guitar rift. The second shone on Rachel as she started singing, and when the drums kicked in the whole stage lit up, flashing colours.

Hold the line

Never retreat and never break

I've tried

But I'm addicted

I can't lie

Another step is in my sight

Another step I'll see the light

I waited for you

I waited so long

Thought you'd be back

Can't take anymore

I waited for you

I waited so long

I'm not coming home

Trust your words

Tell me your empty

Cause you know it hurts

Her eyes were spilling

I was real

Have I not held back the fight

My body racing out tonight

I waited for you

I waited so long

Thought you'd be back

Can't take anymore

I waited for you

I waited so long

I'm not coming home

Feel all alone

Take It Slow

You Tell Me


Rest Here With Me

Don't Move

I'll Fight Back

You Won't Expect It

Now I Have To Leave You

I waited for you

I waited so long (I waited so long for you)

Thought you'd be back (You promised me the world when you returned)

Can't take anymore

(You're gonna come back empty handed)

I waited for you

(You think I'll be waiting for you)

I waited so long

(You better think again)

I'm not coming home

(You'd better wake up)

Feel all alone

(Cause You Know)

I waited for you

I waited so long

Thought you'd be back

Can't take anymore

I waited for you

I waited so long

I'm not coming home

Feel all alone

I've always waited for you

But don't expect to see me now

You're little plan fell through

Tell me what's wrong with you

I've always waited for you

But don't expect to see me now

You're little plan fell through

Tell me what's wrong with you

As the audience applauded the rest of the New Directions came to the stage, forming a V shape with Puck as the centre. The band left the stage, leaving the group to themselves, to sing acapella.

The girls started the beat to the very familiar song, singing 'ah, ah, ah, ah, ah' in beat as it would sound in music. Artie added a beat box backing, Finn adding harmony, and the other boys adding various sounds as directed by Blaine.

Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life

Try to make ends meet

You're a slave to money then you die

I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down

You know the one that takes you to the places

where all the veins meet yeah,

No change, I can change

I can change, I can change

But I'm here in my mold

I am here in my mold

But I'm a million different people

from one day to the next

I can't change my mold

No, no, no, no, no

Well I never pray

But tonight I'm on my knees yeah

I need to hear some sounds that recognize the pain in me, yeah

I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind, I feel free now

But the airways are clean and there's nobody singing to me now

No change, I can change

I can change, I can change

But I'm here in my mold

I am here in my mold

And I'm a million different people

from one day to the next

I can't change my mold

No, no, no, no, no

I can't change

I can't change

'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life

Try to make ends meet

Try to find some money then you die

I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down

You know the one that takes you to the places

where all the things meet yeah

You know I can change, I can change

I can change, I can change

But I'm here in my mold

I am here in my mold

And I'm a million different people

from one day to the next

I can't change my mold

No, no, no, no, no

I can't change my mold

no, no, no, no, no,

I can't change

Can't change my body,

no, no, no

I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down

I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down

Been down

Ever been down

Ever been down

Ever been down

Ever been down

Have you ever been down?

Have you've ever been down?

They let the cheering die out as they prepared for their next song. What they had planned went against the regular show choir rules but Rachel thought, if they could pull it off, they would go down in history.

They all stood in a straight line along the stage, holding hands. From right to left; Artie, Tina, Mike, Brittany, Finn, Rachel, Puck, Santana, Kurt, Mercedes, Blaine, and Quinn. They harmonized together, no one taking the lead at first. The band had come back on the stage but stayed silent.

Woah, woah.

The band suddenly sounded, playing loud and together, at the same time that a video began to show on the wall behind them. Rachel and Artie had spent the last week filming it and cutting it together, using both the idea of the music video and what happened at their school daily. It was a video of being bullied. The first scene showed some jocks (not Puck) throwing Kurt into a dumpster. This scene seemed to replay over and over but Kurt was wearing something different each time... he got tossed daily. Finn took the lead, but didn't step ahead, keeping the line straight and even.

Bang bang go the coffin nails, like a breath exhaled,

Been gone forever.

It seems like just yesterday, how did I miss the red flags raised?

Think back to the days we laughed.

We braved these bitter storms together.

Brought to his knees he cried,

But on his feet he died.

The next scene showed Finn after his speech, as everyone pointed and laughed at him, and as he was doused with a slushie shower.

What God would damn a heart?

And what God drove us apart?

What God could make it stop?

Let this end.

Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.

It's come to this,

A weightless step.

On the way down singing,

Woah, woah.

The next scene was Santana and Brittany walking down the hall, holding hands while people threw things at them, pointing and laughing at them, mocking them.

Bang bang from the closet walls,

The schoolhouse halls,

The shotgun's loaded.

Push me and I'll push back.

I'm done asking, I demand.

The scene then cut to Tina sitting in a classroom, head down and crying as students around her used there fingers to slant their eyes, laughing at her as they did.

From a nation under God,

I feel its love like a cattle prod.

Born free, but still they hate.

Born me, no I can't change.

The next scene was of Mike dancing, gracefully, before a jock stuck out a foot, tripping him, and walking away laughing as Mike fell to the floor, hard.

It's always darkest just before the dawn.

So stay awake with me, let's prove them wrong.

Make it stop.

Let this end,

Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.

It's come to this,

A weightless step.

On the way down singing,

Woah, woah.

The scene cut to Artie being placed in a dumpster, the jocks rolling it down a hill, chasing it and kicking it.

The cold river washed him away,

But how could we forget?

The gatherings saw candles, but not their tongues.

And too much blood has flown from the wrists,

Of the children shamed for those they chose to kiss.

Who will rise to stop the blood?

The next section of the video was a series of everyone being slushied, each and every one of them, over and over.

We're calling for,

Insisting on, a different beat, yeah.

A brand new song.

Together everyone resumed the harmonies, repeating the line over and over.

Whoa, whoa

While the group sung this, each person stepped forward, one at a time. Quinn was first. The video showed Santana dying her hair back to blonde.

"It gets better."

Artie from the other side was next. As he stepped forward the video showed Puck pushing the jocks away from the portaloo, before reaching in to grab Artie out.

"Keep on living."

Blaine was next. The video showed Blaine and Kurt dancing together and prom, no one making any negative reaction.

"It gets better."

It swapped back to the other side with Tina next. The video showed Rachel yelling at the girls around Tina, before putting her arm over the girl's shoulder.

"People can change."

Mercedes was next. It showed the glee club clapping as Mercedes reentered the room for the first time after being accepted back.

"It gets better."

Mike. The video showed Finn reaching a hand out to Mike and helping him from the floor.

"There are others like you."

Kurt. The video showed Puck pushing the jocks away, again, and reaching in a hand to help Kurt out, Rachel standing beside him and pulling rubbish from his clothes.

Santana and Brittany stepped forward together. The video zoomed in to show them smiling at each other, happy despite everything around them.

"It gets better."

Puck. The video cut between scenes of him helping others out, pushing jocks away or being there to pull them out.

"You have our support."

Rachel. The video showed the girl's bathroom, Rachel leaning over the sink as Kurt, Santana, Tina, Quinn, and Brittany washed slushie from her hair and clothes.

"You have to trust us..."

Finn. An image froze on the screen, an entire group shot with them all covered in slushie but smiling and hugging each other.

"It gets better."

They stepped back into a straight line. The group singing the rest together.

Make it stop,

Let this end.

This life chose me, I'm not lost in sin.

But proud I stand of who I am,

I plan to go on living.

The video flashed quickly through various images of pulling that Artie and Rachel had caught around school, not just of themselves but of other students as well.

Make it stop,

let this end,

all these years pushed to the ledge,

but proud I stand, of who I am,

I plan to go on living

"Life gets better!" they all shout in unison as soon as the music cuts, ending on an image of 'It gets better' made from a montage of their faces, both slushied and smiling.

Mr Shue saw the list being posting, the results to three years of his life's had work seconds away. He turned to his students.

"Before we look, I want to say something to you guys. You were amazing out there. That song was inspirational and there was not a dry eye in the house. Granted it was extreme, but I have never been prouder of you kids. Winning doesn't matter, because we have already won."

The kids grumbled at the cliché ending.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," he chuckled.

Before they could get very far, though, a lady introduced, headed directly towards Rachel.

"Ms Berry?"

Rachel recognised her immediately, not because she had ever met the lady or even knew her name but from her dreams and what she assumed a NYADA official would look like."

"I'm Rachel Berry," she gulped, her years of confidence suddenly gone.

The official reached a hand out and shook Rachel's. She pressed a think package into Rachel's hand.

"On behalf of the New York Academy of the Dramatic Arts I would like to present an invitation for you to attend in the next school year."

Rachel bobbed her head enthusiastically, not quite trusting her voice. "Def-def-def-def-"

Yep, she shouldn't have trusted her voice.

"She'll be there," Puck cut in, wrapping an arm around Rachel for support and slipping the package from her hands before she ripped it. She nodded in agreement with Puck.

The official laughed, obviously used to this reaction.

"I need to be going, but I'll see you at orientation Ms Berry."

Rachel stood nodding dumbly, even after the lady was out of sight. Santana clicked her fingers rudely in Rachel's face.

"Can you come back from Rachel Berry world to check how we did at NATIONALS, or have you forgotten about that?"

Rachel smiled widely. "I thought we were winners already?" She asked, manipulating Mr Shue's words.

Santana rolled her eyes, turning with the group to walk towards the list.

"Oh I can't look! You look for us Mr Shue," Kurt said.

Mr Shue stepped ahead of them, spending a LONG time looking at the list before turning around, equally as slowly.

"Well?" Santana demanded.

"I said we were already winners-"

"You're testin' me Shue," Puck snapped.

A smile broke across Mr Shue's face. "We won!" he screamed so loud that no one in the building could hear anything other than their ears ringing for 5 minutes. Puck and Rachel caught each other's eyes across the heads of their celebrating classmates. The two came together in a battle of mouths, tongues, and teeth.


And for the last time on this story, plz R and R xoxox