Chapter Fourteen:

A New Beginning

The mansion on the forest hill has been there for centuries. A long, well-carved stone staircase leads up to it's doors. Few have dared to climb up the steps and venture inside, for they say it's haunted. Many who have gone inside have never returned, but those who have say that you will be greeted by a young boy and girl, with hair the color of gold. They'll welcome you to their home and invite you for a night of wonder, but you'll be expected to pay a price. When you leave, the mansion changes back to a dusty old building, as if everything were merely a dream.

"That's silly, right? It's not true..." the red haired boy asked, cowardly.

"I don't know... Maybe..." the long violet haired boy who had told the story replied.

"Q-quit it guys! You'll scare Miku!" the short, green haired girl stuttered. The aquamarine piggy-tailed girl just stared up the mansion steps.

A black haired boy stepped out from behind them, walking up a few of the steps. "Of course it's ridiculous. Just a childish story."

"Aww, come on Rei! Don't ruin our fun!" the violet haired boy said.

"Alright, I'll see you all tomorrow." Rei said to them and then looked to Miku who hadn't taken her eyes off the mansion. "Perhaps next time you'll do me the honor of being my guest?" Rei said, flashing her a devilish smile, making Miku blush.

Once they said their goodbyes, Rei climbed the remaining steps up to the mansion and opened the doors. He took off his sneakers and set down his bag by the door.

"Welcome back, Rei," the golden haired girl called from her comfortable position on the sofa, leaning against an equally beautiful boy.

"Thanks mom," Rei answered.

"I see you've already picked out your next victim... You have good taste," said the boy, giving Rei a clever smile.

"I get it from my father," Rei answered slyly.

"Oh, quit teasing him, Len!" Rin told her husband.

"Fine, I'd rather tease you anyway." Len answered.

Rei made his way upstairs, shaking his head at his parents' antics. Thousands of years old and they still hadn't changed at all. He was still young, less than a century old. Yes, he was the child of two vampires, which made him a vampire as well. He didn't look like either of his parents, having pitch-black hair, but he shared their amber eyes.

He walked into his room, ignoring the desk where his silver laptop laid and opening the doors to the balcony. You see, he had developed this strange habit of looking out on the town and the lives of the people who lived in it. His eyes scanned over the people walking down the streets to their homes, catching something with sapphire hair moving among the shadows. So he was still alive and well. You'd think after a thousand years, the poor guy would give up. Well as long as he and his father were around, he could never take her. His eyes strayed again and came to rest on a girl he had been watching for several months now, a girl from his school, with raven hair and amber eyes like his own...