It brings me great sadness to inform you of my decision. I am, unfortunately, stopping with FanFiction. I have greatly enjoyed my time writing for this awesome website. I wish everybody luck and strength in their future endeavours and I hope that you will continue with an open mind and heart. There is always strength out there that can help you along.
I have two unfinished stories running. If you wish to continue with it, you have my blessing. I encourage everyone to continue writing. There is a lot of talent out there and all of you writers that write on this website, you are talented! Writing the way you do, if you invest the time and passion in a story of your own, you might find your own work in the shops one day. Do not underestimate your talent! It turns into a way of life, and I can tell you from my own experience, it is not something you can magic your way out off. So please find the strength to look up and say; "this is my work and I'm proud of it!" If you are writing your own work, congratulations and good luck!
So, to all you wonderful writers and readers out there, love life even in dark times and keep staying healthy! Love you all, xx.