Epilogue: A Day to Remember
Green growled lightly as Daisy tried to fix his tie for him saying, "Why are you even in here, Daisy? Shouldn't you be helping Leaf out?"
Daisy laughed looking into her 20 year old brother's face saying, "Like I'm going to not help you out as well on your most important day of your life. Red doesn't have a clue how to tie a tie, Steven's busy with helping the pokemon decorate the lab at the moment so he can't help, and Silver is caught up with talking to Grandfather about the position he was offered in Sinnoh as a Frontier Brain. Plus Leaf has Lyra and Yellow helping her out right now so I had a chance to come help you get ready."
Green sighed knowing his grandfather always enjoyed talking to the red headed Silver especially as of late since Silver had become almost as good of trainer and researcher as Green himself was. He shook his head looking down at his sister who was a couple inches shorter then him now asking, "How are Steven and you doing in Hoenn anyway, Daisy?"
"Great, Andrew was so hyper to finally come to Kanto and see Grandfather's lab," Daisy said happily when she spoke of her now 3 year old son, "I was sad when we had to leave Violet at home but May insured us that she and Brendan would keep watch over her. I couldn't bring a 9 month old all the way here anyway, that would have been to much on her."
Green nodded in understanding glad that he would get to meet his 3 year old nephew finally. The last time he had seen Andrew was when he went out with Oak and Leaf to Hoenn with the boy was born. He remembered he was so happy to hear Daisy had named him after their father. He sighed though knowing he couldn't get off of work at the Gym when Violet was born to go out with his grandfather to see her. Green looked at his 26 year old sister with a sigh saying, "I'm still sorry for not being able to come out and see Violet yet."
"It's alright, little bro," Daisy said with a smile looking up at Green's face doing one final adjustment of his tie, "There we go."
She pulled away taking in her brother standing there is a black tux with a deep red vest under it and a red tie. Standing at 6'2, his brown hair for once was slicked back and forced to look classy compared to the normal spikes he had it in. His emerald green eyes were shimmering lightly in happiness that Daisy knew was caused by what this day was. He had been waiting for it for 6 years, the day where he would finally be with Miss Leaf Tajiri for the rest of their lives. Daisy smiled at the thought before saying, "You look wonderful, Green."
"Thanks, Daisy," Green said with a nod buttoning up his tux so only the top part of the vest under it would show along with the white dress shirt. He had grown up a lot in the last 6 years with Leaf by his side. Sure he was still a jerk here and there but most of the time he was a perfect gentlemen who most people respected in the pokemon community not only because he was Professor Oak's grandson or because of the fact he was Viridian City Gym Leader. No it was because he worked hard to respect his colleagues and earn their respect in return plus it helped when you ranked in the Top 10 trainers in your region.
Daisy looked back at the door as there was a knock then a familiar voice, "Hey, Green are you almost ready. We only have 30 minuets before this is supposed to start."
"I'm almost ready Red, just come in," Green responded rolling his eyes as Red opened the door coming inside.
Red at 21 was probably one of the most well known and well liked trainers in the region. Most girls who had been in Green's fan club until it came out that Green was dating Leaf had moved on to adoring Red instead. It was obvious why with his black sleeked back hair and his soft gentle red eyes standing 6'1 now. In fact to most observers you could barely tell him and Leaf were siblings let alone twins. Though to most of his fan girls the ring that now rested on his left hand was enough of a signal to stay away since he has been off limits for a year now.
Red looked at Green with a smirk saying, "Thank Arceus you are ready, Yellow has been driving me insane with text on my Pokenavi to see if you were. She keeps saying Leaf is going insane with nerves too. Though don't blame her I remembered how nervous I was when I married Yellow. I'm surprised you're so calm and collected."
"All outward appearance, Red," Green muttered with a sigh sitting down in the chair looking at Red and Daisy, "Inside my head is scrambled mess and even though I know this is what I want more then anything the idea that I will be living my life with Leaf scares me to death."
Red chuckled softly looking at Daisy asking, "Hey can you leave me alone with your brother for a bit? He seems to be needing a pep talk."
"Sure thing, I'll just go check on Leaf," Daisy said with a small giggle heading to the door patting Red's shoulder, "Take care of him, Red"
She then walked out into the hallway closing the door behind her leaving Red and Green in the room alone.
Red came over placing a hand on Green's shoulder saying, "You know you've been together with Leaf for 6 years, right? You love her don't you?"
"Yes I know. Also of course I do, Red," Green said looking up at Red's face from where he sat, "What's your point?"
"My point is that she loves you and you love her, you two are soulmates and all that jazz," Red said looking at Green, "You went from friends, to rivals, to friends, to boyfriend and girlfriend, to being broken up, to realizing you both couldn't love anyone else, to ending up back together, to fiances, to now where you are going to be husband and wife. If you weren't meant to be together then during that stupid break up period you both had you would have realized you were both better off as friends. Understand?"
Green cringed remembering that experiment they tried 3 years before where they agreed to break up to try going out with new people. He knew he still loved Leaf and after a few dates with other girls like Whitney and Sabrina he realized that he would never feel the same around another girl like he had always felt with Leaf. He nodded looking at Red saying, "Yeah you are right, Red. Thanks."
"Any time, soon to be brother," Red said with a laugh backing away glancing at the time, "Come on we need to get you up at that podium."
Green nodded getting up walking to the door with Red to the backyard of the Pokemon Lab where they had sat up for the wedding. Surprisingly Lance had agreed to preside over the wedding since as an Elite Four member he had the power to marry them. Lyra had originally wanted to do the honors since she was champion but Leaf insisted on her being one of the brides maids since Silver was one of Green's groomsmen.
"Took you two long enough," Silver said looking at them from where he was helping Steven put up some arches. His long red hair was pulled back into a pony tail for once so he looked like a gentlemen. He stood about 6 feet now with a pair of thin silver frame glasses over his gray eyes. He had gotten them when he became a part time researcher at Professor Birch's lab about an year earlier at 15. It turned out he needed them since he was farsighted just a tad and for notes he needed them. He had gotten so used to them though he basically wore them always.
Green shook his head looking at Silver saying, "There is still a few minuets before we are starting anyway."
Silver mumbled something under his breath before going back to screwing up the arch climbing down coming over to Green saying, "Congrats before hand, Green. You're final moments of being a free man are upon you."
"You aren't to far off from this event yourself, you know," Green responded with a smirk looking at Silver, "Oh I forgot you are still to afraid to even mention your love for a certain pigtailed trainer."
Silver narrowed his eyes behind his glasses at Green before saying, "Well at least it didn't take me 14 years to realize I love her. Plus even if I did tell her, I will need to wait a couple years to ask her..."
"Right she is only 16 and you are only 17," Green said with a laugh looking at Silver, "I'm just joking with you anyway, Silver. Even if Lyra is very very dense not to see that you care about her."
Silver shook his head looking over at Steven who came over to them with a yawn looking at Green. Steven sighed saying, "Remind me again why I got stuck setting up everything."
"Because Daisy have you wrapped around her little finger," Red said with a laugh coming over to them, "She has since you two had that adventure together in Hoenn and even more so when you two got married."
Steven sighed running a hand through his silver hair his crystal blue eyes glaring at Red before finally saying, "I guess you are right, Red. As much as I hate to admit it, I can't say no to Dais."
Green shook his head saying, "Most of us can't say no to those girls, I admitted that a long time ago even before I realized I loved Leaf."
"Same with me," Silver said with a sigh, "Even when I kept telling myself I hated Pigtails, I couldn't keep myself from eventually saying yes to any of her request."
Red laughed saying, "You all have a very tight leash, I can still say no to Yellow."
"Really now? Aren't you the one who dressed up as a Pikachu for that halloween party a few years ago all because Yellow wanted to be Pichu?" Green asked with a small smirk looking at Red who was blushing and grumbling under his breath.
Green and Silver both started to laugh soon at Red's reaction to Green's observation.
Leaf stood on a chair while Yellow worked on the minor alterations to the white dress Leaf now wore.
"Leaf this dress is so pretty," Yellow squealed happily as she worked on the end of it sewing the front up a bit so Leaf wouldn't step on it. The dress had been a little long on Leaf's 5'7" body so they needed to fix it since Leaf refused to wear high heels with it.
"Thanks, Yellow," Leaf replied cringing to the high pitched squeal that went along with the compliment of her dress. Yellow sometimes got on Leaf's nerves even if she didn't mind the 19 year old all that much. The girl had made her brother happy since she came back with Red and Satoshi, their father, after their trip to Unova. The girl was alone in the world so their father offered her a home in Kanto with their family. Yellow had gladly accepted especially since she had met Red she fell in love with him at first sight. Leaf couldn't take that away from Red. A girl who actually loved him that he loved right back, Leaf had always wanted that for her brother since his crushes were normally one sided.
"Yellow would you just hurry it up," Lyra said with a frown from the side watching Yellow work on Leaf's dress, "We only have 25 minuets left and I still need to do Leaf's hair and make up. I hope Daisy gets back here soon from Green's room, I need her help with that."
"I could help," Yellow said with a frown looking over at Lyra.
Lyra shook her head asking, "You don't even wear make up, how would you know how to put it on?"
Leaf tried hard not to laugh at the exchange Lyra and Yellow were now having. Yellow was a tom boy at heart even with her long blond hair and shimmering green eyes she always wore guy like clothing and refused to wear make up even when Lyra begged to put it on her. She hadn't even wore make up to her own wedding to Red last year.
"Stop it you two," Daisy said coming into the room shaking her head at Lyra and Yellow, "No fighting, this is Leaf's big day."
"Yes, Mrs. Stone," Yellow said with a blush looking down having always been respectful to Daisy and calling her Mrs most of the time.
"Alright, whatever Daisy," Lyra said with a shrug looking up at Leaf then to Yellow, "Are you almost done?"
"Yeah just a bit more," Yellow said hemming the last part before pulling away smiling, "There all done, now you can fix her hair and apply make up."
"Thank Arceus, hopefully I have enough time," Lyra said quickly coming over grabbing Leaf's wrist pulling her over to the chair sitting her down. She quickly went to work putting pins and such in Leaf's hair combing through it carefully to make sure their were no tangles in it before she got started.
Leaf sat there closing her eyes letting Lyra do her hair down her back with 2 strands hanging down on either side of Leaf's face. She opened her eyes watching as Lyra placed a silver hair band with red gemstones attached to the veil on her head gently so it hung down with her hair. Leaf smiled at the simple yet beautiful style of it. Lyra turned her around starting to apply the soft red lipstick to Leaf's lips then went to work on the rest of the make up. Leaf stood up when Lyra was done looking at herself taking in the long white dress with the small train. Around her waist was a dark red ribbon tied in an elegant bow that reminded her of the ratty old hat that sat on her dresser at this moment. She smiled looking up at the top where there was a small coop neck that showed off her assets a bit but not to much as well as the lacy sleeves that held the dress up since Leaf refused to wear a sleeveless dress.
"You look beautiful," Daisy said coming over hugging Leaf gently before pulling away with a smile, "Simply beautiful."
"Thanks Daisy," Leaf said with a smile at her soon to be sister-in-law as she looked at the clock hearing a knock at the door.
"Leaf," her father's voice came through the door, "The ceremony is about to start we got to get into position."
Daisy looked at Leaf with a smile before going to the door opening it letting Satoshi into the room.
"You look beautiful, Leaf," Satoshi said with a small sad smile knowing he was giving away his daughter's hand today to the boy she loved.
"Thanks, dad," Leaf said coming over hugging him, "You aren't giving me away, you are sharing me with him dad."
"I know," Satoshi said having heard Leaf say the same thing several times over the past few months since Green asked him for Leaf's hand in marriage as well as proposed to Leaf herself. He hugged his daughter tightly tears coming to his red eyes.
Leaf pulled away slowly not trying to cry as well heading to the door of the room saying, "Come on, let's get this started."
Lyra and Daisy nodded to each other noticing Yellow had already left the room since she and Steven weren't part of the wedding party and were just guest. Lyra grabbed the bouquets from the box coming over handing Leaf her own that was a bouquet of red and white roses with crystal hearts placed through out. Lyra gave Daisy a small bouquet of 4 red roses while keeping the 4 white rose bouquet for herself.
They smiled walking from the room to the door out into the back yard where Green was waiting by the podium with Red as his best man and Silver as the grooms man.
Leaf looked at Green with love and a smile through the dark glass door seeing how Green looked nervous since she knew that look well. She felt her father place an arm through hers hearing the music start and the doors open stepping out onto the isle with Lyra and Daisy following them up to the alter. Leaf kept her eyes on Green a smile on her face. Once beside him she felt her father let go so he could go sit beside her mother.
"You look beautiful," Green whispered softly from her side as the ceremony started.
"It was a beautiful ceremony," Irisa said smiling at the new husband and wife as they spoke to everyone.
"Thanks mom," Leaf said with a smile feeling Green's arm around her shoulders keeping her close to him.
Green nodded with a smile saying, "Yeah, thank you Mrs. Tajiri."
"You can call me mom now, Green. You are part of our family after all," Irisa said with a small laugh, "Or at least call me Irisa."
"Alright, Irisa," Green said with a nod as he saw his Grandfather coming over.
"Finally I get to congratulate you, Green," Oak said looking at his grandson and his new wife, "And you as well Leaf."
"You didn't need to congratulate us, professor," Leaf said respectfully looking at the old man.
"Yes I do," Oak said shaking his head, "I expect you both to give me lots of great grandchildren as well. Just like your sister has, Green."
Green blushed saying quickly, "Don't worry about that, Grandfather."
Leaf blushed looking down unable to respond at all as she felt Green pull her close hearing him whisper in her ear, "We will have plenty of time to do that now."
Leaf nodded looking at Green knowing he was right, they would have plenty of time to worry about children. She was happy as long as she was in his arms.
This was their wedding day, a day they would remember for the rest of their lives as Green and Leaf Oak. 6 years ago, 7 days on Mount Silver brought them together and now 1 day cemented that forever.