A note, the rest of this story will start to be put day by day soon. Until then please review the prologue so I know if you guys like this.

Prologue: Birthdays Wishes Of A Little Girl

Leaf sat in her room leaning her head against the window as she watched the leaves swirl in the wind. It was the morning of her and her twin brother, Red's, 11th birthday. In the world they lived in, after you turned 10 you could leave with a pokemon to travel the region you grew up in. Leaf looked down hearing the Pidgey cawing outside her window knowing that she had to wait until the beginning of summer to start her Journey but she could wait since she had already for one year.

The room goes dark as she looked up whispering her voice soft and sweet, "Ghastly."

The ghost pokemon appeared from the curtain he made fall over the window sticking his tongue out at the girl. She placed her hand on top of what would be the ball of gas the pokemon was made of as she whispered, "What am I going to do with you?"

She had long since been friends with this ghost pokemon ever since was was 7 years old and became lost in Viridian Forest after wandering off from her mother and Red when picking berries one day. She was crying on her knees when the ghost pokemon came to her noticing her crying and tried to cheer her up. It had worked and she with the help of the pokemon to protect her from wild pokemon had found her way home to Pallet Town late that evening. Ghastly had been haunting her house ever since helping her play tricks on her twin and her rival who lived next door, Green Oak.

Ghastly flew around the now 11 year old girl happily as a knock arrived on her bedroom door. A familiar voice flew through the door to her ears, "Leaf, mom told me to come get you for our birthday breakfast before we go to Professor Oak's for our party."

Leaf got up, Ghastly flying after her, opening the door looking into her twin brother's red eyes nodding lightly. She was a girl of few words to everyone other then Ghastly when they were alone. She had found out long ago body language worked just as well and worked very well to piss off a certain boy.

Red shook his head seeing his sister was still in her Vulpix pajamas and that a certain annoying ghost pokemon was floating behind her. Red motioned toward Ghastly saying, "Mom also told me to tell you, that Ghastly wasn't allowed at the party this year after the mess he created last time."

Leaf frowned looking toward Ghastly who looked at her like he didn't mind he could have just as much fun here while they were gone. She nodded looking back at her brother shrugging whispering softly, "Alright."

Red smiled when he heard his sister's sweet voice which was a rare occurrence saying, "Good, now I'm going downstairs while you get dressed. I'll tell mom your be down in a little while. Please hurry though, breakfast smells so good and it is torture."

Leaf smiled nodding as Red turned around walking back downstairs. She shut the door going over to her dresser pulling out a black t-shirt and blue jeans putting them on before looking at herself in the mirror. She smiled looking at herself her blue eyes glittering as she picked up her hairbrush running it through her hair several times. She turned to Ghastly with a smile posing to ask how she looked.

Ghastly flew around her happily to tell her she looked great before flying into the ceiling to the attic. She laughed silently running from her room and down the stairs to the breakfast her mother had made for her and Red. She ate in silence listening to Red go on and on about what types of Pokemon he wanted when they started their journey in less then a month at the beginning of June. She smiled knowing Red had wanted to start his journey last year but had waited for her sake. She had begged him to wait until this year so they could start the same time as Green. Even if the boy was her rival now, at one time he had been their best friend and she had a long time crush on the green eyed boy though she would never admit that to anyone other then Ghastly.

They finished breakfast and headed out walking behind their mother toward Professor Oak's lab. She looked at Green's house as she walked by noticing the boy was looking out the window toward the sky. She sighed figuring he wasn't going to be at Red's and her birthday party even if it was taking place at his grandfather's lab. She looked down feeling Red patting her shoulder lightly hearing him say reassurently, "You never know sis, just have hope."

She looked at Red with a nod smiling now as they continued walking behind their mother down the street. She hoped Green would show up and wish her happy birthday even if he always said he hated her.

Green glanced down noticing that Leaf and Red were walking down the street toward his grandfather's lab behind their mother. He shook his head muttering, "What in the world are those two doing?"

He glanced back at his door as there was a knock and the door swung open to reveal his brown haired older sister her blue eyes looking at him in confusion asking, "Why aren't you ready yet? You know this is Leaf and Red's birthday."

"Wait did you just say it was Le..." he glanced at the calendar smacking his forehead seeing it was in fact May 16th. How could he forget Leaf's Birthday? He didn't care that it was also Red's but Leaf, even if he was her self proclaimed rival and claimed to hate her every chance he got, he had a soft spot for the blue eyed girl who used to be his best friend. He looked at his sister getting up grabbing his cloths saying to her, "Cover for me ok? Please?"

"Alright alright," the 17 year old girl sighed watching her brother run from the room down the hall to the bathroom, "But why?"

"I got to find her a present, I'm probably going to be incredibly late if I make it to the party at all. Daisy just please cover for me with Grandfather and Leaf especially," Green said knowing Red was going to flip if he didn't show up for the party and would notice no matter what Daisy did to cover for him. It wasn't that Red cared if Green showed up or not himself but he had told Green several times that Leaf always seemed sad when he didn't come to these kind of things.

Green went into the bathroom shutting the door before Daisy could respond. He got into the shower wondering for the millionth time since they were little why he did so much for a girl he claimed to hate.

Leaf was listening to Daisy who had found and grabbed the girl as soon as she had arrived at the party. It wasn't that Leaf didn't care about Pokemon Contest and keeping your pokemon happy, she was just a little distracted. She kept looking toward the door hoping Green would show up even if it was really late. The party was half over all ready and all that was left was for Red and her to blow out the candles with their wishes and open presents. She looked back at Daisy continuing to half listen with a false smile on her face.

It wasn't too long before Red came over grabbing her arm pulling her to the main table where two cakes with 10 candles each were sat up. She stood there in front of the cake scanning the crowd seeing Professor Oak, her mother, Daisy, a few younger children, a few older children, and a few pokemon all watching them as they sang happy birthday for the two. She closed her eyes grabbing Red's hand as the song ended and everyone called out for them to blow out the candles and make a wish. She blew out the candle wishing with all her might in her thoughts, 'I wish Green would wish me happy birthday.'

She turned to Red whispering softly so only he could hear, "Happy Birthday Red."

Red smiled hugging his twin sister close saying loudly making sure everyone heard, "Happy Birthday Leaf."

Everyone clapped as their mother started to cut the cakes giving Red and Leaf big pieces. Leaf slipped through the crowd with her cake to the door heading outside sitting on the steps up to the lab to eat in quiet. She watched the road as people walked by waving at her every once in awhile. She would wave back not saying a thing before going back to eating. A big smile formed on her face as she saw a familiar site in the distance, Green riding his bicycle straight toward the lab sliding to a stop on the base of the stairs out of breath as he climbed off holding a box under his right arm. He quickly caught his breath smirking up at her asking, "So I missed the cake?"

She nodded smiling lightly as she looked at him from where she sat. She looked down at her almost empty plate sadly wishing she had some to give to Green.

"Eh don't worry about it," he said climbing the steps sitting beside her glancing over at the girl, "Did I miss you two opening your presents?"

She shook her head no looking at him wondering why he only had one present for two people.

"Good then let me be the first one you open, I have to be the best at something on your birthday," he said handing the box to her, "Happy Birthday Leaf, Your a pesky woman to buy for you know."

She took the box tilting her head a questioning look in her eyes wondering what about Red.

He laughed knowing exactly what she was meaning as for some reason only him and Red could do saying, "Screw Red, he doesn't deserve a present from the great Green Oak."

She laughed silently before opening the box seeing a white hat with a red ribbon around the rim. She picked it up examining it noticing the red half of pokeball symbol. She smiled placing it back into the box before picking the potion out of the same box that had a note attached to it. She glanced at Green then at the note starting to read her eyes running across it:

Ugh I can't believe I forgot your birthday, Leaf. For that I'm sorry and you should probably tell me off or hit me or something. Even though I know you never would even if I did deserve it for being a top class Jerk to you most of the time. Even if I do say I hate you all the time, you know I don't right? You may be my rival and will always be my rival but you will also always be my best friend. Happy Birthday Leaf.

Your Rival,


PS: Your pokemon are going to need this after our first battle against each other that day so keep it safe. I'm going to become champion way before you do but I hope you will be able to be some sort of challenge to me at least. I know that brother of yours won't be.

She looked at him smiling before hugging him tightly around the neck.

Green coughed pushing her off him muttering under his breath, "Pesky woman."

He then just laughed smiling as he took the hat from the box placing it on Leaf's head saying, "It looks good on you."

She smiled reaching up running her hand along the rim before nodding as she stood up looking toward the door before her cheeks a pale pink whispering, "Thank you Green."

His eyes went wide upon hearing her voice since he had never actually heard it before. He knew she could talk because he saw her mouth moving when she was playing with Ghastly or even sometime Red but he had never heard her talk personally. He looked away blushing now as well saying, "Your welcome, Leaf. Uh we should probably go inside back to the party huh?"

She looked at him nodding as she went to the door opening it up as she went inside. She kept the hat on planning on never taking it off now.

He turned to watch her go inside as he got up following her thinking about how her voice seemed so soft and sweet. He knew he had to hear it again somehow.

He did hear her voice several times over the next few months. Every time they met and battled over their journey, he heard it. It was always one or two words but he secretly cherished her voice more and more each time.

Even when she defeated him and took the title of champion mere hours after he had claimed it for himself he couldn't stay angry at her as he felt her hand on his shoulder and heard her say she was sorry. He remembered her eyes were so sad as she looked at him and said that. He couldn't stay there as he ran out of the room leaving her there.

The last thing he had heard from her mouth was when she came to the Viridian Gym where he had become gym leader. She had come to tell him that she was going to Mt. Silver to train and she didn't know when she would be back. He remembered he had looked at her like she was crazy but gave her his scarf and winter coat saying he wasn't going to have her freeze to death up there. Then who would he be left with to strive for. She had told him thank you just like she did on her birthday then left the gym. He swore he saw a tear in her eye as she left.

That was three years ago, when Lyra came down from the mountain and told Green that she defeated Leaf. He knew it was time he got her to come down with him. He hated to admit it but he missed his old rival and friend.