There is such a thing as 'too much of a good thing'.

And she learned it the hard way. However, she is known to be stubborn, and for that, it'll take her more than a century to actually drill it to her thick skull.



"H...hey, did she-"

"Quick, call the paramedics!"

"Dammit, what's gotten into her?"

In the middle of the World Meeting, everyone was surprised when the raven-haired female suddenly clutched her chest and collapsed on the ground as if she was in severe pain. They immediately called for the resident doctor to have her check and when he told them that they should immediately send her to the hospital, they began to worry about her. She told them she was fine, and they knew she was lying but they nobody expected this to happen till it actually happened and the fact that Philippines lost consciousness means that whatever it is, it finally gotten into her.

The doctor assured them that she just got a brief heartburn and as for the sudden unconsciousness, it was because she was stressed out and was told she hadn't gotten her sleep for days, otherwise there seems to be nothing wrong with her. They didn't know that since she never told them about it, but they were relief to hear that she's currently in stable condition.

For now, anyway.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" America asked in a worried tone, watching the raven-haired nation nod in reply before she resumed eating her meal the doctor told her to eat. She avoided his gaze, guilty that she lied to him and now it was as if he was telling her mentally that 'he told her so'. "Man, the hell happened to you? You suddenly wiped out!" He waited for any of her reply and when she said none, he sighed and shook his head.

"She was stressed, you bloke!"

Philippines was thankful for England as he retorted towards the blonde American but not before gazing his attention to the woman. As much as she wants to be glad that the attention is averted, she knew deep down that England is as curious and as worried as America does, probably everybody else as well and she'll have to work an explanation on why in the world she lied to them that she's alright when, clearly, she isn't. It's like she's making all of them feel like idiots just because of her and it is making her feel sick on the inside. Sick at the fact that she is deceiving everyone, lying to them, telling them that she is fine when, in fact, she is not. It was easy for her to lend her hand to them, but for her let them lend their hand to her...

"Have you been eating many fatty foods like America again? Are you even listening?"

"Hey, cut that out!"

"Ah... huh?"

Philippines was glad that everyone's concerned with what happened to her, a small smile gracing her face as she tried to forget about this troubling thought for now.

"Sorry, was thinking about what I ate." She spoke slowly with a shrug. "Maybe I just work a bit too much. It was sudden, you know."

And, yet, she kept her two-faced lie with the smile on her face, the two nations aware and decided to tell her once and for all that it wasn't the sickness or her nation that sent her to her current condition; it's her and her lies.

That's just the tip of the iceberg.

"Please, you have to stop this lie once and for all."

Philippines is a stubborn nation, and sometimes they are hard-headed at the point that they don't listen to anyone and believe what they want to believe. There is a line between headstrong and proud, and every people had that trait.

It's somewhat like a continuation from the last chapter. Stubbornness can end someone in bad rather than good and Philippines' refusal to help in her expense ended her in this situation. It'll take her a while before she actually learn that she needs to lower her head a bit and forget about the fact that they are willing to lend their hand to her rather than think of it as an advantage for them to gain something from her. Then again, that's her nature.

I'm touched that an anonymous reviewer said that I'm an inspiration and, for that, I like ya! I also like another anonymous reviewer for the review, another reviewer for telling me a fact that I, honestly, didn't knew in High school but knew it now, another reviewer... Yep, it makes the author's kokoro grow with happiness! Thank you, and thank you, and another thank you! And a lot of apologies if the chapter is a bit weird, I'll do better next time, I promise!


HETALIA: AXIS POWER, its characters and everything else is owned by Hidekaz Himaruya. I do not own any of them except this fiction. I don't originally own Philippines, just her 'initial' personality in this story (because heaven knows there are a lot of people who decided to make a Philippines OC for Hetalia) and some of the stories (especially the Philippine Arc) are based on the actual country's history, events and everyday life of the people within the country.

Read, Review and message would give motivation to continue Philippines' adventures through heartburn and hospital food. Yes, you heard me; hospital food.