Hello people of FanFiction!

We are back with another story! This one is called Buddies and the inspiration came to us while we were getting our own younger grade buddies. It is going to be a multi-chapter story.

Expect some one-shots soon, because we have a ton of new ideas and we're writing a lot.

For now, enjoy!


"Welcome back!"

I could remember that voice anywhere. I looked up the hill and saw Chiron in his wheelchair, smiling and waving happily. I slammed my Mom's car door as Annabeth furiously dashed up the hill and smothered Chiron with a crushing hug.

He patted her back affectionately. "Well, hello, child," he said as Annabeth pulled back.

I arrived at the top of the hill, exhausted from the trek up. I was carrying my one huge luggage and Annabeth' s two duffel bags that she had forgotten in her race up the hill.

"Oh, sorry Percy," she muttered, grabbing her bags and putting one on each shoulder so they balanced out.

"Hi Chiron," I greeted, leaning over and giving him a hug.

"Hello, Percy," he said. "Have you been taking good care of Annabeth?" His normally joking manner turned to a more serious tone.

"Uh, yes, sir?" I responded, the tips of my ears turning red. He smiled, laugh lines showing on his wrinkled face.

"Good, good." Chiron started wheeling back towards the big house."We've been waiting for you."

"Why?" Annabeth asked, trailing along behind him.

"I have an important announcement to make," was all he said, and ushered us into the room without further speaking.

Inside were all of the cabin heads, along with some non-demigods. I spotted Nico and smiled at him, and although he gave a half-hearted wave, didn't smile back.

Grover clomped over to me and gave me a huge hug."Hey Perce, How you doin'?" Grover asked once he let go.

Just as I was about to answer, Chiron spoke up.

"Okay, Percy, Annabeth, take your seats." We sat. "The reason I called all of you over here today is because I've decided to start a new ritual at camp," Chiron started.

"What is it?" someone yelled from the back.

Chiron gave him a glare. "The ritual is called..." -He paused for dramatic effect, looking around at the many faces that were waiting in anticipation- "Buddies!"

I fell back into my seat, disappointed. Annabeth looked confused, for once.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Every camper sixteen or older will be in charge of a camper ages eight or younger," he explained.

"Aww"s came from around the room, some because the little kids were so cute, others because they didn't want to have to take care of a pesky six year old every day.

"Some of you will be doubling up and getting two buddies, others will just get one. The names and cabins of your buddies are on the list next to the door. Go find them, meet them, and please, don't lose them," Chiron said helplessly.

Annabeth bounded to her feet, excited, as I lazed around in my chair. She grabbed my hand, tugging me up."Come on, Seaweed Brain, this could be fun."

"Yeah, could," I snorted.

Annabeth shot me a look as we filed out of the room. We were the last ones to look at the list, and it was a while before they found our names. Finally, we saw them on the last page.

"Ah, here. Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. Looks like we're together." Annabeth smiled.

"This is so rigged!" Travis Stoll complained. "How come the Brangelina of Camp Half-Blood is partners?"

"Really," Annabeth smirked. She scanned the paper and hooted. "Ha! You're with Grover! That's the real power couple!"

Travis sighed in disappointment. He looked longingly at Katie Gardner, who was partnered with Chris Rodriguez, Clarisse's boyfriend. Clarisse wasn't looking too thrilled either. She was with Nico.

"This is SO exciting!" a familiar voice exclaimed.

We turned to see our old friend. She was freckled girl with wild red hair, paint-splattered skirt, and a green "SHH! ORACLE KNOWS BEST!" shirt. Rachel Elizabeth Dare.

"RACHEL!" Annabeth ran over to our old friend and hugged her tightly. "How are you with your new job?"

Rachel smiled. "Awesome. Apollo gave me this cool t-shirt yesterday. Perks of being the Oracle," she teased. Turning to me, Rachel said, "Hey, you. Someone hasn't changed a bit! How are you?"

I gave her a hug. "Great, Rachel! So, are you doing the Buddies thing?"

"Nope. But I was in charge of helping Chiron match the right buddies to the right people." Rachel grinned. "We chose randomly."

"Rachel! We're going to need your help! The Welcome Buddies cookies are burning!" someone called. Sure enough, Annabeth caught a whiff of smoke originating from the kitchen.

She smiled at both of us and said, "Well, I'd better be going. Nice seeing you two."

Annabeth looked at me. "I missed her."

I nodded. It was still hard for me to understand the girl-code. Annabeth had duked it out on Rachel for a while, because she was jealous that I sort-of liked her. And then BOOM! Rachel's the Oracle, and Annabeth's "BFF."

"Let's see who we have!" Annabeth pointed to the paper.

I leaned in closer to it, trying to read the names. "Sasha Devino and Luke Gern are our buddies. Ugh, I don't like him already," I commented, pulling a sour face and remembering my old enemy Luke Castellan. Annabeth smacked my arm.

"Sasha is six and Luke is seven," I read on, "and the girl is Aphrodite and the dude is Hades. Oh, joy."

"Oh, I'm sure they're nice kids," Annabeth told me, forcefully yanking me outside.

For once, Annabeth was far from the truth.

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