Surprised to see me? Sorry this took so long, I was struggling to write it. It's a little all over the place but I enjoyed writing it. This'll probably be it, unless I get more inspiration for it.
The reason Bats is worrying is because after someone nearly drowns, there can still be water in the lungs that up to twenty four hours later, suffocate you. It's called dry-drowning. (Researching this is part of the reason this took me so long...)
I couldn't resist adding some more KFR ;)
Disclaimer: Anything you recognize, I don't own.
Warnings: Mention of severe injury and cursing.
"Batman! Argh!" Robin groaned as he struggled to free himself from his mentor's arms. In response, the Dark Knight's arms simply tightened as they stepped out of the Zeta Tube. Batman ignored the look John Stewart gave the duo as he swept into the Medical Bay (which was strangely empty) and sat Robin down carefully. "Really, I'm fine!"
"Tt," The Dark Knight snorted as he pulled down his cowl, "You're not fine," Bruce said blandly and he shot a glare at Robin when the boy opened his mouth, "I've used that excuse enough to know that you are not fine."
"Hmph," The Boy Wonder huffed and crossed his arms. He turned his face stubbornly away from his adopted father and glared at the metallic wall of the Med Bay. Bruce rolled his eyes and took off his cape and threw it over a nearby chair before searching the room for a stethoscope. When Robin thought the Dark Knight wasn't looking, he subtly rubbed his chest.
Once he found it, he turned back to his partner with a frown, "Uncross your arms." Robin spared Bruce a small glare and continued to stare holes into the wall. "Robin…" The older hero said warningly but the Boy Wonder ignored his partner. After a minute of silence the Dark Knight sighed agitatedly and strolled up to his adopted son. He reached out and pried the mask from his son's face and turned his head so Dick was now looking Bruce dead in the eye.
"Bruce!" The young acrobat squawked.
"Dick," The use of Robin's actual name made him fall short and he closed his mouth at Bruce's glare, "Uncross, your arms." Dick gave his father a helpless look before sighing and uncrossing his arms. Bruce allowed himself a smirk and descended upon his protégé.
The pair sat in a comfortable silence; after years of being partners they no longer had a need for words. They knew how to read each other and it was one of the reasons Dick knew that something was bothering Bruce. The Boy Wonder reached out and grabbed the Dark Knight's hand, directing the billionaire's attention his son's face.
What's wrong? Was the unspoken question in Dick's eyes and Bruce sighed. He ran a hand through his hair.
"You were extremely careless, today," Bruce told the young acrobat harshly, trying to cover up his actual feelings. You almost died.
Dick caught what his father was trying to say though, "I handled it." He responded sounding slightly cocky. I'm fine now. At this Bruce's glare deepened.
"More like, Artemis handled it," He snapped as he turned away from the Boy Wonder to write on the medical chart sitting beside him. You would've died without Artemis- you did die. Dick pursed his lips and rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, she was pretty asterous," The younger hero acknowledged with a smirk. Bruce had to stifle a snort at Dick's typical wordplay.
"Which is good for her," The Dark Knight said and threw down his pen, "Next time though," He turned back to glare again at his protégé, "Do better." Dick smiled at his adopted father's words. Be more careful. I can't lose you, too.
"Aye, aye, cap'n!" The acrobat saluted Bruce (to which he got a well-deserved eye roll) and hopped down from the examination bed (which looked more like a dentist's chair). He began to head towards the door but the older hero latched onto the back of his shirt.
"Oh no you don't," The Dark Knight warned, "You're in the Bay for the rest of the night." Dick groaned loudly.
"Why?" The teen whined and Bruce narrowed his eyes.
"You almost drowned today (technically, you did) and I can't be sure you don't sure you don't still have water in your lungs. I'm keeping you under observation for the next 24 hours." The man deadpanned and Dick huffed, too tired to argue any further.
"What about debriefing though?" The young hero couldn't help but ask as Bruce guided him to an actual hospital bed as opposed to the chair.
The Dark Knight raised an eyebrow, "The Team will arrive tomorrow morning and we'll all debrief then, for now, get some rest." Bruce commanded and moved to ruffle his son's hair. Dick bit his lip and looked up at him with those heartbreaking eyes.
"What about Red Tornado?" He asked with a hint of anger. His father sighed again.
"We'll worry about that tomorrow," Bruce told him and turned to walk out of the room.
"Bruce," Dick called out, causing the Dark Knight to stop, "You're not going to hunt down RT and his wacko family, are you?" Bruce allowed himself a small smile at those words and the worry in his adopted son's words.
"As much as I'd love to dismantle all three of those robots, no, I need to tell Alfred that neither of us will be home tonight." He told the teen and he smirked at his son's raised eyebrow, "I'm sure Gotham can survive without us for the night. Alfred and Barbara will alert me if something happens. Now sleep." Bruce commanded Dick again- who now looked mollified- and swept out of the room. "I'll be back in a moment."
"So this is the elusive Watchtower- damn." Wally whistled as he sped to pop up beside Artemis and Green Arrow.
"Dammit, Wally!" The girl exclaimed, turning to glare at the speedster, "You're becoming like Robin and appearing out of freakin' nowhere!" The redhead grinned at her and pretended to be remorseful.
"I'm soo sorry, Artifact, how will you ever forgive?" Wally drawled and dodged a punch aimed at his head. Artemis clenched her fists and was about to respond when Conner walked up to join the pair.
"Hey guys," The clone greeted, nodding slightly.
"Hey, Con, how was the night with the Boy Scout?" Wally asked, throwing an arm around Conner. The raven grimaced slightly at the question.
"It was…" The Kryptonian tailed off, struggling to find the right words, "Different." He said finally.
"Not better?" Artemis wondered aloud and Conner shrugged.
"His apartment was pretty small and it was weird to not have more than two people in the place- normally it's me, M'gann, Rolly, RT," The trio shared a collective wince, "And sometimes one of you guys. It was surprisingly quiet." The Teen of Steel informed them with a sigh.
"In other words, he missed his good night kiss form M'gann," Wally grinned as he nudged the clone. Conner blushed and pointedly looked away when Artemis started snickering. He was saved from having to answer though when they came upon the huge meeting room.
This time it was Artemis who whistled, "Damn."
"Conner! Wally, Artemis!" M'gann called out, waving at the trio from where she stood next to Kaldur and her uncle.
"Hello, beautiful," Wally called back cheerfully, speeding to stand next to the Martian, "Hey, Kaldur."
"Good morning, Wally," She greeted her fellow redhead.
"Hey, Kal, Meg," Artemis nodded as she strolled up to her teammates and hit Wally upside the head, "Are you guys feeling better?"
"Yes, much better," Kaldur smiled softly at his teammate and nodded.
"Yup!" M'gann responded cheerfully.
"Morning, M'gann," Conner smiled at his fellow alien and kissed her cheek, "Morning, Kal." He nodded at his leader as he grasped M'gann's hand.
"Where's Robin?" Wally asked suddenly and Artemis stiffened up too. (Was he okay…?)
"Right here," A voice cackled from behind the group.
"Robin!" Wally exclaimed and with a burst of speed he was throwing his arms around his best friend. "You're okay!" His face suddenly fell and he pulled back from the hug briefly to look the Boy Wonder over, "You are okay, right? Because if you're not-" Robin cut him off with a laugh.
"I'm fine, dude," He assured the redhead and smiled as the rest of his teammates walked up to the pair.
"Are you sure?" M'gann asked, hovering be the acrobat's side worriedly.
"Yeah, M, I'm good," Robin rolled his eyes, "God, you guys are getting as paranoid as Batman," The Boy Wonder sent his mentor a pointed look though either he didn't see it or he ignored, none of them were sure, "What about you guys, though? None of you guys were in great shape either."
"We are all in good health," Kaldur informed his friend and put a hand on his shoulder with a smile.
"Good," Robin said and with a wide smile- so unlike his usual smirk.
"As touching as this reunion is, we need to know what happened," Batman rasped, effectively ending that conversation. Robin rolled his eyes at the glare his mentor was sending their way but he followed his teammates as they moved to stand in the line.
"Where should we start?" Kaldur asked with a frown, uneasy as he realized that all of their mentors were present along with a few others such as Wonder Woman and Zatara.
"The beginning would be nice," Black Canary told them, raising an eyebrow. Kaldur flushed slightly but nodded.
"Well, I was talking to Red Tornado before he went off to monitor duty-"
"Monitor duty?" Batman interrupted, his eyes narrowing, "I wasn't aware I assigned him monitor duty." The leader of the Justice League growled and sent a suspicious glance at Green Arrow who started to inch back.
"Because you didn't, sir," The young Atlantean gulped, trying to maintain his composure while resisting the urge to take several steps back, "He was- ah- covering for Green Arrow." Kaldur almost wished he didn't have to point fingers but he realized that Batman wouldn't take well to him withholding information.
"Queen…" The Dark Knight growled, turning his glare on the quickly retreating archer.
"I had stuff to do, Bats!" Green Arrow exclaimed. Batman obviously had to fight with himself to turn back towards the young heroes and not attack the archer then and there.
"We'll discuss you shirking your duties later." The team of young heroes were happy they weren't the ones out of favor with Batman at the moment from the way he said later. "Continue." The Dark Knight gestured to the team again.
"Well," M'gann began bashfully, still wary of Batman in his stewing anger, "Conner, Wally and I were working on Con's bike when they attacked…" The team took turns from there explaining the story to their mentors.
Batman stiffened when Robin mentioned how the pair was attacked without warning upon entering the base. The Dark Knight's face became more pinched as the Boy Wonder explained his and Artemis's adventure through the vents and how close they came to drowning each time. J'onn drifted over to put an arm around M'gann when Artemis explained how Kaldur and she were placed in a cage of fire.
Flash looked like he wanted to laugh when he heard about Wally and Conner's distraction. He and Batman shared a partially proud and partially smug glance at the mention of the Robin and Wally putting together the EMP Transmitter. Green Arrow rejoined the group with a frown as he heard about Artemis having to go at it alone.
All of the League members present were looking pained and worried when they Artemis recounted with tears in her eyes how she had gone to check on Robin and he wasn't breathing. How frantic she had become. The blonde was feeling the sadness and relief all over again and it took all she could not to burst into tears. Wonder Woman looked to be in a similar state and with a quick glance to her right she saw that Wally had grabbed Robin's hand into a tight squeeze.
"After the EMP wore off, Red Tornado went over towards the other androids and bent down to do something with them. What I don't know, all of a sudden he stood back up and started sucking the air out of the room." Kaldur wrapped up, casting a worried glance at Wally and Robin.
"Hmm," Batman hummed, pursing his lips into a thin line, "You did well, given the circumstances."
Black Canary rolled her eyes, "You guys did wonderful, but really, we're just happy you're alive."
"A couple tin cans can't keep us down," Robin crowed, the only one seemingly unaffected by the story. His joy was silenced by a glare from Batman, Black Canary, Artemis, and Wally.
"So, what now?" Wally asked, taking a small step forward, "Are we going to go after Red Tornado or what?"
"We," The Dark Knight gestured at the League, "Will handle Tornado; you will take another few hours of rest."
"What!" Robin exclaimed and Batman sent a warning glance at his protégé.
"Afterwards, we have a mission for you in India," Black Canary informed the ruffled teens.
"For now though, stay put." Batman commanded and the League began to file out, "Queen! You're with me!"
Green Arrow stopped from where he had been heading towards the Zeta Tubes, "Damn." The Team looked at each other.
"What do we do 'til then?" Artemis asked, frowning slightly.
"I don't know," Robin shrugged.
"I must talk to Batman, excuse me," Kaldur sighed, strolling after the departed hero.
"Tell us what happens between GA and Bats, will yah?" Wally called after their leader. Kaldur sent a smile over his shoulder in acknowledgement.
"Well, that was weird," Conner muttered with narrowed eyes.
"Follow him?" Artemis suggested with a smirk. Wally and Robin shoot grins at her.
"Hey," M'gann inquired suddenly before the rest of the Team got too far, "Wally, Robin, why are you holding hands?" Robin and Wally looked at their joint hands in surprise before jumping apart blushing.
"Nothing!" The pair take off after their leader and steadily avoid looking at each other.
"They are so into each other," Artemis snickered.
Lame ending? A bit. Could I resist? Nope :).
Hope this was at least close to your expectations of me. I really enjoyed writing this. Thanks for all the support you guys!
Until next time! Same Bat Time, same Bat Channel.