Disclaimer: Someone put my ownership in the wise man's little box, and he was smart enough not to give it back…or his hat was anyhow.

Author's Note: So KLCtheBookWorm almost managed to muse explode this story on me, but alas for you, muse actually got stubborn about keeping the story as it was originally sculpted. Good thing, really, as Quality Control would not have been impressed. Speaking of, with this chapter QC does officially resign from her post in the Labyrinth fandom. That's right folks; this is the last chapter (no really). What does that mean for my writing in this fandom? Well that depends…lemonbalm, me dearie, me darling, that offer still good? You know, if I should happen write any more? For those of you who know me, don't worry, QC is still on board for the other fandoms, especially the universe I should been concentrating on at the moment, stories to finish and all that (as if it ever ends). Cheers


She lives in both worlds and in none. It is the price she must pay for her choice, for the bargain struck, for his perfection marred and her imperfection…suspended. She is not Persephone, she knew the stories, accepts the consequences of ignoring their warnings. The world does not miss her when she is gone, not for a moment…

…a moment in which she seems to lose all track of the situation, the conversation, the events; moments for which Sarah Williams is becoming known, as if she has stepped out of the room and wandered off for years between one eye blink and the next. Moments in which she looks about, dazed, as if revisiting a memory and trying to remember what comes next. Fleeting moments, her part of the bargain, the punishment exacted, accepted for her will…and his.

A burden to bear, as she'd known it must be, so heavy at times, a cost for melding the irreconcilable to a dream. Her price – his is yet to be paid, but it will be someday, for even he can't stop time forever…

…and for her, it's not long at all.