A/N: okay this is my first fanfic. I just found out I can use my DOC manager a few minutes ago. Kay. The time now is 2:08 pm. Let's see how long this'll take. Okay so summary is that this is in a small town in Georgia. I warn you now it's a kidXmaka story. chapter one here it is! review!

Maka/Normal POV:

Ever since she can remember Mister Death was the mayor. In fact this made sense, considering it was his family that had founded the small town. The town had extreme pride in itself, more likely the family that founded it than anything else.

The Death family had fought alongside George Washington in the revolutionary war, had fought to keep their slaves against Abraham Lincoln, and had financially assisted in the Texans fight against the Spanish, they were there for the declaration of independence, and everyone was sure a Death had their name on it too. Now there where some things she knew about Death 'City', well more likely the families.

The Deaths came from old money, and ran the town. Were involved in town organizations and activities in every way, if a woman were to marry into the Death family her family would be allowed to carry on, with the exception of being more involved in town activities. They were always proper ladies and gentlemen.

The Steins all had to practice medicine. Well they didn't HAVE to, it was just that they did. It was their way of making a living. There was always a Stein that was smarter than the rest, one that always did the best in medicine. They were always a strange dangerous group though.

The Evans all were gifted in music, it didn't matter what an Evans played. The chances were that they would be exceptional at it. They were known for producing one in every third generation, a child that was an amazing conductor. If an Evans couldn't play an instrument then they could sing beautifully if they weren't that one child in every third generation.

The Thompsons used to have money, but now they were broke. Even when they did have money though they were known for being criminals of one way or another. They were old friends of the Deaths so everyone excepted them. Though everyone also expected them to marry into the Death family one way or another, a Thompson was considered lucky if they caught the fancy of the first cousin of the Death family heir. Nevertheless they still aimed for marrying the heir. The women were notorious flirts.

The Albarns didn't have money most of the time. Because their plantation wasn't doing so well, but they did produce superbly smart children, and occasionally their plantation did do rather well. Even though they didn't have money, that didn't mean they had to live in a regular house. Oh no. They had lived on that land all of the time they'd been in Death City. A big plantation house had always been Maka's home. Normally a family would have been shunned for its uncertainty, but they were old friends with the Evans, and the Steins so they weren't ignored.

Even as a young child though, Maka had never felt comfortable in the small town. It was the only place she knew though. It was the only place she felt tied to.

She had grown up knowing she was an Albarn and that meant she had to be friends with the youngest Evans heir, and some of the Stein children, but the Stein children were all teenagers by the time she was a toddler. So that just left the Evans boy. The two had been together since they were little, everyone expected them to get married once they were old enough. Maka had too, at one point, but Soul had always annoyed her in a small subconscious way. She was content just being his friend.

The five families always interacted as little as possible. They just stuck to their old ties with the other families. Though there was a party once a year when they all came together, and talked and laughed like they were all really good friends. This time of year always changed from winter, to spring, to summer, to fall.

It was at this party that she had first met the Death boy. He had golden eyes, black hair with strange white lines, slightly tanned skin, was rather scrawny, and wasn't that much taller than her, but all these features were considered normal for an heir to the Death family. In fact he was slightly shorter than her, but no one pointed this out. No one wanted to say there was something wrong with the boy.

He was standing with the Thompson sisters, and this was considered normal behavior. Maka had been standing with Soul, but he had been called away to perform the piano even if he was only seven at the time. So she walked around searching for her mother, or at least a Stein, or any child the same age as her. Not expecting to see the heir of the considerably most important family in the town standing all alone.

She saw him standing alone off to the side of the party, but he was still the center of attention. Everyone tried not to make it look like they were looking at him, but it was obvious they were.

Maka walked up to him mustering all her courage. Knowing this a good time as any to boost her families reputation. She quickly checked to make sure she was symmetrical, it wasn't unknown that the young Death had OCD. This was excepted by the town, as was every quirk of the Death family. No one would except the knowledge that they were less than perfect. In fact they somehow found a way to make every imperfection of that family seem like a plus. She often thought the town saw this as their life purpose; making the Death family seem even more amazing.

She suspected this was why he was so obsessed WITH perfection. She pulled out of her thoughst, and approached the boy.

"Hello" she said simply "Are you enjoying the party so far?"

"Yes. I am. Thank you for asking." He replied

"I noticed you all alone over here, weren't the Thompson sisters just with you?" she asked carefully, knowing this could become a rather touchy subject

"Yes, but they saw a member of the Stein family they thought handsome and left." He replied like all gentlemanly Death children should.

"I see. Aren't you lonely? Want to come and play with me sometime?" she asked. The conversation was going well, if she became the Death family's friend then her family would no longer be considered uncertain by even a few members of Death City society.

The boy looked at her as if she were some sort of alien, or even a new species of peach that had appeared out of nowhere. She quickly became flustered. The conversation was obviously not going as well as she first thought. She watched as her famallie's chances of advancing in the social world, and redeeming her family's reputation slowly slipped away.

"Um… Sorry you don't have to never mind." She answered quickly to his unspoken question. She noticed the Thompson girls making their way back to his side, and that Soul was looking for her." Sorry I have to leave now."

She quickly sped back to familiarity and comfort of being by Soul's side. Vowing to never speak like an idiot in front a Death again, but the boy stuck in her mind. He had looked so lonely and sad when she told him she had to leave, it sent a strange tingling sensation throughout her body.

She looked back only to see him talking seriously with the Thompson girls. She thought their names were Elizabeth, and Patricia. They were both giving her looks that said; 'this is ours.'

From then on she would do her best to avoid the Death boy, and his two suitors.

A/N: its now 4:04 pm. man! the things i do for this site! anyay! did you like it? review! 'gvMG.K,,;l''[p,jubhJYF FOOL! MY LEGEND DATES BACK TO THE 12TH CENTURY!