Kagome sighed and took a deep breath as she and her friends entered the courts in the morning. They smiled at all and Kagome avoided Tezuka. She felt so foolish for running off like that, it was embarrassing.

Tezuka continued to talk with Fuji and Ryuzaki about play strategies quietly, not even noticing her.

Kagome managed through practice and showered quickly, drying her hair thoroughly and taking a few deep breaths before she walked to her classroom. She entered and greeted Tako warmly, taking her seat and noticing with great relief that Tezuka wasn't there yet.

The last bell rang and Tezuka entered with two backpacks, one held in his hand and obviously hers. Her face burned as he calmly set it on top of her desk and took his seat, pulling out his notebook and homework as well as pencil and eraser.

Kagome hesitantly pulled her things out and took a deep breath before looking down at the homework paper. Her eyes widened as she saw it was completely down and made perfect sense. She turned and stared at Tezuka silently, he turned his head and locked eyes with her before looking back at the talking Tako.

"Thank you," she whispered to him, smiling in grateful embarrassment.

"Nn..." he didn't even bother with her as he continued to listen to Tako. Kagome sighed but didn't say anything else, instead she focused on Tako's lesson and made notes.

"Alright kiddies! Hand in your homework!" he grinned at them and sat down at his desk, taking all the papers from the students as they came up and handed them to him.

Kagome was the last and her's was on top. Tako stared at the writing silently and focused on both the different writing for the first question and the other neater style on the rest of the paper. He grabbed Tezuka's paper that was underneath and sighed to himself as he looked up and stared at the two silently.

"Alright everyone! While I mark this I want you to read or talk amongst yourselves." he winked at them and watched for a second as the class immediately broke out into chatter and stared at Kagome at the back of the room, trying to get Tezuka's attention which was focused on a book. She gave up and began to doodle in her notebook.

Tako turned to the papers and began to grade them, pausing and sliding in a movie so they could quiet down a little and offing the lights as well. He desk was by the window which was good and he finally had some peace to mark the work.

Ugh... whatever...

