Oh, Poor Baby!
Cal Pov:
As soon as I start adjusting the microscope to compare my bullets Tim comes in. He asks, "Hey Cal can you help Eric out he's not getting far with his work, I think he's out of it today? Guess those few days of late running shifts are catching up to him." I automatically say yes because my best friend needs me. I'm out the door when Tim calls me back reminding me I need to finish my bullets first.
Finally I finish those bullets with the best results, a match. It always feels so good to nail the bad guy. Seeing Tim in the hall I ask," Hey does Eric still need help?" He nods and I head down to his lab.
Peeking in I see him hunched over trying to concentrate but something is obviously going on inside his mind. I step in and he has no idea I'm there. This could be fun.
I step over to where he's sitting and wrap my arms around him. He jumps and I laugh as he blushes. His cheeks still tinted he asks,"Cal what are you doing here I thought you had bullets to process?" I explained I thought he needed help and he smiled.
He told me,"help would be nice I'm having trouble concentrating today." I immediately asked, "Baby are you ok?" He nodded and told me his neck was sore. I didn't believe him but his pout told me he wanted me to drop it so I did. We settled in working, and I noticed Eric was working slower and looked a bit pale.
I left it alone until I noticed his breathing was off a bit. He waved it off, but once he started coughing he stopped lying and was acting miserable. He lay his head down, and whimpered as another coughing fit racked his weak body. Suddenly he just went limp.
Knowing I couldn't carry him I went, and got Tim to carry him down to Alexx. Horatio was in their when we all got there, and the first thing both he and Alexx asked was, "What happened to Eric?"
I explained his coughing, and Alexx told me he was obviously sick. She had Tim put him on the table and woke him. I smiled when he groggily asked, "What happened?" Tim told him he passed out, and he just nodded.
Alexx examined Eric, and told me, "The poor baby seems to have a bad case of the flu." Immediately Horatio ordered me and Tim to take him home. He told me, "We will all come over tonight and help care for him."
I had to laugh because he was the baby of the team, and we all treated him as just that. We were far to overprotective of the youngest member of our team, but to us he was the baby and needed us to protect him. In reality though he probably didn't but he will learn to live with it.