A/N: I was going to make this a chapter in Together Forever, but I decided to make a chapter story out of it.

I storm through the hallways of Orwell Prepatory Academy in search of one person: Dave Karofsky. The idiot thinks he can mess with my sister - my baby sister - and get away with it. I see the large boy and growl. "Karofsky!" I yell, walking right up to him.

"What the hell is your problem, Corcoran?" he yells

"My baby sister is in the bathroom covered in the remains of a slushie attack that you ordered, that's my problem." Karofsky shrugs and I feel hands pulling me back. I turn around to see my twin brother Noah and my older brother Finn stepping in.

"San, go take care of Rachel." Finn says. I glare. Finn thinks thinks that just because he's the oldest we all have to listen to him.

"Finn, I have it under control. Back off." I say, trying to push my large brother out of the way.

"Go take care of Rachel." he repeats. Glaring at him with a promise of revenge, I give in and make my way toward where I'd left Rachel. I quietly open the door and see her trying to clean herself off.

"Hey Diva." I whisper. My barely twelve year old sister turns around looks at me with a broken expression. "Rae..."

"Santi, why does everyone hate me?" she asks. My heart literally breaks at the question. No twelve year old should ever have to ask that.

"Baby, they don't hate you. Karofsky is a jerk." I say.

"I'm the only one of us four who doesn't participate in some kind of sport. Finn and Noah each do football, basketball, baseball, and track. You do volleyball, soccer, basketball, and track. I'm just the loser." Rachel says.

"That's enough. I never want to hear you say that again. You are not a loser, Rachel. You're my amazingly talented baby sister." I say.

"I don't know what I'm gonna after you and Noah graduate." Rachel tells me.

"We've still got a couple of years." I say.

"Can I come with you, Santi?" she says softly. I bite my lip.

"Diva, you know that I'd love for you to be able to come with me, but you'll only be a freshman when I graduate. I can't take you with me, Rae." I say. She frowns, but nods.

"Right. I'm sorry." she says. I pull my sister into a hug. I once promised her that wherever I go, she can come with me. I completely forgot about our age difference.


"Santi, are you gonna go to college someday?" Rachel asked. I was thirteen, she was ten. I smiled down at my sister.

"Most likely, Rach. Why?"

"I don't want you to leave me." she said, climbing into my lap. She was ten, but she looked like she was seven. She's always been tiny. I chuckled and kissed the side of her head.

"Baby, I'm never gonna leave you. I'll always be your big sister. I'll always protect you. I'll always be there for you, Diva." I said, hugging her tightly.

"Can I come?" she asked, looking up at me.

"Wherever I go, you'll be the first to come with me, okay? I promise." I whispered, holding my baby sister.


"The day you graduate, you and I will go to the city together. I promise." I say in her hair.

A/N: I know its short, but I promise it'll be better as the chapters go on. I wanted to try writing a chapter story from first person point of view. Obviously, this one is from Santana's point of view. It will almost exclusively be from her point of view, but there will be times that I feel the need to tell the story from someone else's perspective. I will specify if I change.