"Kululu! Why are you pointing that gun at me?" said Natsumi, standing tall.

"It's for my newest experiment, and you're the guinea pig," replied Kululu, "kukukukukuku,"

"Hey! What…" before Natsumi can finish her sentence, Kululu pulled the trigger. Natsumi was surrounded by light, "Kululu! I'll get you for this! Wait, why am I getting smaller?"

Underneath the house of the Hinata's, lays a door way to a secret base. Then another door leading though a couple of hallways. At the end, lays a room, filled with high-tech equipment. Five different colored frogs are making a plan.

"My fellow comrades! I've gotten a message from my higher superiors!" said the green frog, named Sergeant Keroro

Around him stand a dark blue frog, Private second class Tamama, a red frog, Corporal Giroro, a yellow frog, Sergeant major Kululu, and a light blue frog, lance corporal Dororo. They stand in attention, awaiting their next order. Tamama sits patiently, while Giroro fidgets.

"We're finally going home!" said Keroro, letting the suspense go.

"WHAT?" all four frogs said, surprised, "when did this happen?"

Keroro turns his back to them, "it happened a while ago, I was building my newest Gundam model, a 1/100 Nu Gundam - Metallic Coating Version I might add," he started, "and a message came though the system, it seems we have failed invading Pekopon, and have to go home, so any questions?" he said turning back to his comrades, just to see their shock expressions.

"We're failures…" said Giroro, "we might as well pack up and leave, before we further our shame," he walked out, heading towards his tent, I never see Natsumi again…

Kululu watches Giroro leave, when a thought popped into his head, Kukuku that might just work

(What evil deed will Kululu do? Oh yes, forgot to introduce myself, I'm the new narrator! Nice to meet ya! Oh I'm dabbling; let's get back to the story!)

Kululu heads to his lab, to do whatever idea that pop in his head. Tamama looked to the sergant, Keroro looks at him.

"Do we have to go Sergent?" Tamama asks sullenly

"yes private, we have to," Keroro gazes into the distance, "we must tell our pekoponian friends,"

(Pekopon is what Keroro and the others call earth, so pekoponian's are humans)

"they'll be sad when we go," replied Tamama with tears in his eye's

Keroro looks at Tamama, "stand straight solider! Keronians do not cry!"

"yes sir!" Tamama said straighting out and saluting his commanding officer, "I'm going back to Momka's, to start packing, and to tell her to come to our sending off party," with one more salut, Tamama heads off.

Keroro looks around his secret base, how many memories were there, It's going to be hard for us all


"Sergent, what do you mean that your leaving?" said a young boy with dark blue colored hair

"Fuyuki, my friend, we have failed invading your planet, so we have to report back to our home planet," Keroro explained

"but…," Fuyuki sputtered, trying to say something, but cannot

"I'm sorry, but this is so sudden, you guys are actully leaving?" asked a pink-haired girl, sitting across from Fuyuki

"Ah yes Natsumi, it's true," replied Keroro

"well, I must admitt, it's not going to much fun without you guys," said Natsumi, "and mom will be said that her ideas for a manga are going away," she smirked at the comment she made

(their mom, Aki, works at a place where she comes up with ideas and looks over other people's manga to see if they'll be big-sellers)

"well we'll see tomarow at the sending off party," with that Keroro turns, and walks away

(meanwhile…down in the lab)

I can still have fun before I leave, Kukukukuku thought Kululu as he builds a new type of gun, a gun that can turn humans into Keronians, now let's see what their true feelings are kukukukuku