A/N: I don't own Big Time Rush. I wish! That would be neat.
So I'm back. I will say this now – updates for this story will not be as often as my previous stories. Mainly because I'm busy with school and also, this story is different from my others so I'm trying to work out the kinks when I outline it.
I really hope you enjoy it.

"Good morning, Palmwoods Academy," Headmaster Collins smiled to the crowd. Her blonde hair styled perfectly, complimenting her all black suit.

"Morning," the crowd mumbled.

"She gives the same speech every year," Jo whispered to Camille.

The brunette rolled her eyes, "It's to get the freshman motivated. It's not so bad."

Jo looked around, "The senior class is falling asleep."

"Well it's our last year hearing this anyway," Camille countered.

The petite blonde sunk into her seat and pulled out her phone, "Where's Jett?"

He friend shrugged, "I don't know, he's your boyfriend."

"He's probably off making out with some new girl," Jo grumbled to herself.

Camille turned to her, "I don't know why you're still with him. It wouldn't be the first time he has cheated on you."

She winced, "I know… It's just… We've been together since freshman year and I really do like him and he does too, I think…"

"It sounds like you're just settling," the brunette commented.

Jo remained silent, knowing that she was right.

"Sorry," Camille said, "You know I never liked Jett."

"I know," Jo sighed, "At least you put up with him better than the others."

"I'm just a good actress," she winked.

The blonde laughed, "That you are."

A familiar face slid beside Jo, "Hey."

"Hi Stephanie," the girls said.

"How much of the speech did I miss?" she asked.

Camille shrugged, "Not much. Where were you anyway?"

The girl stuttered, "Oh… Well… Uh, I saw Carlos on my way here and since I haven't seen him in so long he and I snuck –"

"Whoa ok," Camille interrupted, "That's all we need to know."

Stephanie announced, "We need to find you a guy, Camille."

"She already has one," Jo smirked.

Camille rolled her eyes, "Not again…"

"You practically have Logan wrapped around your finger," Jo started, "The flirting, the texting, the waiting-after-class! You even spent the week with his family during the summer."

"You were invited too," the brunette countered.

The blonde waved it off, "Besides the point."

"A week with his family?" Stephanie suddenly spoke up, "I've only ever had dinner with Carlos' parents."

"Nothing is going on between me and Logan," Camille tried to avoid the subject.

Before the girls could investigate further, Headmaster Collins' voice boomed through the speakers, "Since it's the weekend before school starts, it is highly recommended that you walk around campus to get familiar with your class locations. Get familiar with the campus and remember, curfew is 9:00pm. Have a great first day at Palmwoods Academy."

The girls got up from their seats and went straight to the Lounge area to meet the boys. The seven of them had met during their sophomore year when they were assigned a group project. Carlos and Stephanie instantly clicked and started dating about a year ago. Kendall briefly dated but was always too concentrated on hockey. James on the other hand, flirted with any single girl he could find. Logan and Camille became best friends, with the occasional flirting.

It took them a while to get through the crowd but they finally managed to reach the boys. They hugged each other and said hello as they tried to find available seats at the Lounge.

"Final year," Kendall clapped his hands together.

"About time," Jo agreed.

James' eyes wandered, "I don't know… I'm sure going to miss the girls…"

"Cradle robber," Carlos coughed.

"I heard that," James cut his attention to him.

Jo suddenly stood up, "Jett!"

She walked out of the room before any of them could say goodbye. Once she was out of earshot, Kendall said,

"I don't know why she's still with him."

"You and I both," Camille grumbled.

"And there's my cue," James smiled widely, "I see the Jennifers walking down the hallway."

"Didn't you already hook up with all three of them?" Carlos asked.

The tall brunette straightened his shirt, "Yep. But they don't know that – the Jennifers aren't as close as you may think. It's always a competition for them."

"I think we got a glimpse of that last year," Stephanie commented.

The gang suddenly remembered last year's play where Jennifer A. (blonde) got the lead role. Jennifer V. (brunette with bangs) threw a tantrum, while Jennifer H. (curly hair) tried to sabotage her so-called best friend. The director was furious and almost cancelled the play but they were already halfway through rehearsals. Practice was torture for Camille, who had a small role and told them about the drama.

"Let's not have a repeat of last year, ok?" Camille warned James.

He scoffed, "I've been hooking up with them since sophomore year and they've never known. I'll be fine."

James left the Lounge to hang out with the girls, leaving Kendall as the odd man out. Stephanie and Carlos were too busy flirting, while Logan and Camille awkwardly sat next to each other. Kendall glanced at the pair and shook his head.

"I'm out," he looked at them, "As much as I love being fifth wheel, the ice rink calls my name."

Kendall immediately left the couch, giving Camille and Logan enough room to separate from each other.

"So what now?" Logan asked.

"I don't know about you two," Carlos held his girlfriend close, "But Stephanie and I are going to get something to eat. You're free to join us."

"Not that hungry," Logan replied. Camille nodded.

The couple shrugged and said their goodbyes before heading to the cafeteria. Logan faced Camille.

"I could use your help unpacking," he suggested.

She pretended to be shocked, "Logan Mitchell isn't finished unpacking yet? This is a first."

He rolled his eyes, "So did you want to help or not?"

"Lead the way," she smiled at him.

The pair walked side by side, greeting some of the seniors and helping freshman who seemed to have gotten. It was a ten minute walk to the dorm area – buildings were separated by grades and the floors were separated by boys (first floor) and girls (second floor). They finally reached their destination as Logan closed the door behind them.

Camille looked around, "Nice dorm."

"Mhmm," was all Logan said before grabbing her by the waist and pulling her close.

The action caught Camille off guard for a second but she quickly smiled when she felt his lips on hers. Without any hesitation, her hands weaved its way into his hair as his settled on her hips. They moved in sync, occasionally grazing their tongues against one another. Logan pulled away first, resting his forehead on hers.

"I thought that was a one-time thing," she whispered.

"It doesn't have to be," he whispered back, "We did do that the whole week you were at my place."

"If I remember correctly –which I do," Camille playfully narrowed her eyes at him, "We were both drunk the first time we kissed."

Logan shrugged, "That didn't stop you the next day."

"I could say the same to you," she pulled him in closer.

He only smirked as he leaned down to kiss her yet again. This time Camille pulled away.

"What if Kendall walks in?"

"You know Kendall would live in that rink if he could," Logan answered.

"So we should make use of this time?" she fixed his shirt.

"Of course," he agreed, "I'd hate for us to waste our time."

"Exactly," Camille giggled before their lips found each other's again.

A/N: So… What do you think? Am I off to a good start? Oh man, I have all these ideas for this story that I want to incorporate and I think they sound awesome. Like I said, updates won't be as often but I'll definitely continue on with this story if you all like it! =) Please review? Thanks.