It was the first morning of senior year. Stephanie McMahon wakes from her deep, dream induced slumber as her alarm blares. The blue-eyed brunette stretches her arms over her head and then reaches over and turns off her alarm. It's the first day of senior year and she can't wait. Maybe this year she'll get what she's been waiting on for a very long time. The chance to tell the man of her dreams she's in love with him. As she sits in bed her phone rings, knocking her out of it. She reaches over to get the phone and 'Paul calling' is what it says.

"Speak of the devil," she says smiling at the phone.

"Hey, I was just dreading talking to you," Stephanie answers.

"Oh, is that how it is McMahon? After knowing each other as long as we have, I mean really?"

"No that's not how it is, I promise. We'll always be best friends, no matter what."

"Now that McMahon is what I like to hear," Paul answers back smiling.

"So, ready for the first day of senior year?"

"Oh hell yeah, you know I am. I can't wait to be out of here."

"Oh, so you were planning on leaving just like that?"

"No Stephanie, of course you're coming with me."

Stephanie sighs and looks down at her bedroom floor. She couldn't go with him even if he wanted her to; Trish wouldn't appreciate that too much. "Well, too bad I can't."

"Why can't you," Paul asks confused?

"Well, Trish of course!"

"Oh, you mean my ex-girlfriend?"

"Wait, what? What do you mean ex?"

Stephanie's heart skips a beat as he tells her what she has been hoping for months was going to happen. She hated that stupid bitch with everything in her, and it wasn't only the fact of stealing Paul, Stephanie had hated Trish Stratus since the eighth grade when Trish told the whole school lies about her and what she "did" over summer vacation. Now she could tell Paul everything, since they weren't together anymore.

"I mean we broke up last week Steph, I told her that we needed to see other people, being it is our last year and all, and it's not like I was in love with her or anything anyways." Paul hates lying to Steph, but he can't tell her the reason they really broke up, not when all he'll be is the sympathy case. That's not what he wants to be for Stephanie, he wants to be her everything.

Stephanie goes off into her own little day dreaming world, while Paul, still talks on and on about what went wrong.

"And… Steph, Stephanie, are you there?"

"Huh? Oh yeah… sorry kind of went out of it there for a little bit."

"I'll say. So, I have to get ready, but I'll be by in a little bit to pick you up. You can ride with the most popular kid in school on the first day."

"Ha, you think you're funny Levesque. You're so conceded sometimes I swear."

"Ms. McMahon, I most certainly am not, I just like to give in to what my peers think of me, makes it a whole lot easier than going through the trouble of being me. Don't you think?"

"No Paul, I like the non-conceded jock you. You're a really great guy whether you want to let everyone else see it or not."

"Thanks Steph and that is why you'll be the only one who has ever seen or ever will see me that way, because you understand me, while everybody else doesn't."

"Well, as long as you don't hide the real you from me, I'll be ok, I promise."

"Good, but alright I'll see you in a little bit."

"Bye Paul." Stephanie hangs up the phone too fast for Paul to have a chance of replying.

"I love you Stephan… If you only knew Steph, if you only knew."

What Stephanie doesn't know is that Paul has been in love with her since freshman year when he took her to hang out at the park; they were sitting on a bench while she was talking about some guy she liked. He was listening to her talk and feeling really jealous of this guy, and didn't know why but, his feelings for her seemed to change. He didn't know how, all he knew is he has seen her in a different light since then. He wants to tell her how he feels, but is scared of her rejecting him because her thinking of him as only a friend. He doesn't blame her for not liking him though, how could she when at school everyone thinks he has screwed every girl he's dated and has him pegged as a stupid jock. Of course Stephanie knows the truth, but she probably still didn't want to be around that fake stuff. He loves everything about her. Her beauty, brains, charm, just every little thing gets to him. Her eyes are what hit him the most, when he looks into her eyes he feels like he's looking into her soul, and he's the only one that can see into it. But, she'll never be his. Not when every other guy is after her, and she probably won't give him the time of day anyhow.

"Guess I'll have to just stick with friends then huh Steph?"

Back in Stephanie's room, she sits and stares at her bathroom door, while trying to figure out why Paul doesn't love her, like she loves him. She has loved Paul since the night in the park freshman year, he begged her to dance, there was no music but, he wanted to dance anyhow. She would do anything Paul asked her to, she may put up a fight each and every time, but she knows if he asks her to jump off a cliff, nine times out of ten she'll do it. Only problem being that he is the star athlete and Mr. popular to everyone else, while to her, he is just Paul Michael Levesque. She may be head cheerleader but she doesn't want to be with Paul as the cute and popular couple, because she knows that is what it would turn out like. Just like with him and Trish last year. Trish and Paul started dating at the start of junior year, their relationship turned into the drama fest of a life time, and Stephanie just doesn't want that. She wants the sweet, kind, caring, lovable, romantic, and shy guy she has known for almost five years. But, when Paul became the star athlete during freshman year, he became known as the cocky, inconsiderate, conceded, manipulative jock. He dates girls and makes people think all he does is "hit it and quit it" which isn't the case at all. Stephanie knows he is still a virgin, as is she, but people don't consider it cool, so Paul doesn't either. Stephanie actually likes to think that if her and Paul ever really get together, that he could be her only, and her his only. They would belong to each other in the fullest sense of the word. But, it doesn't look like that is going to happen.

"Guess we'll always be friends, huh Paul?"

Paul gets to Steph's house at seven, school doesn't start till' eight so he figures he'll take her to get some breakfast. Paul walks to the door and rings the doorbell. He's nervous seeing her as he hasn't seen her almost all summer. The door opens and he thanks God it's her dad.

"Paul, how are you son," Vince asks?

"I'm doing great sir, how are you and the wife?"

"Were doing well, come on, come in. Have a seat and relax, Stephanie will be down in a couple of minutes. Do you want something to drink?"

"Umm, no thank you sir, I was going to take Steph to breakfast before school starts."

"Ok Paul sounds good, but can I talk to you for a second about Stephanie?"

"Umm, yeah ok, so what is it?"

"Well, I need you to watch after her this year, seems she has an eye for some guy in the school, I just don't want her getting hurt, or me having an asshole for a son-in-law."

"Ha-ha, Vince I promise you no guy will come near her unless I have a say so. I'll take care of her."

He doesn't want to be too forward, but Vince is hoping that Paul got the just of what he's saying. He wants Paul to keep Stephanie away from all boys period. Except Paul of course, he wouldn't mind having him for a son-in-law, he knows Stephanie likes Paul, and they would be perfect together. Vince knows he has to let Paul know in a more bold way that he needs to make his move.

"Paul I am being serious right now. I know you will take care of her, just don't let anybody hurt her."

"Vincent, if Stephanie has an asshole near her trust me, I will personally beat the hell out of him."

"And that my boy is what I like about you; you protect my daughter and make sure she's treated right. Not every man will do that."

"Yeah, well I'm not every other guy."

"I know you aren't Paulie, I know you aren't."

After the conversation ends, Paul sits there for a second then he hears her bounding down the stairs, he starts smiling as he gets up, jogs over to the bottom of the steps and stands smiling at her.

"Paul!" Stephanie jumps in to Pauls' arms as she sees him at the bottom of the steps. She can't stop smiling at the fact that he is here.

"Stephanie." Paul holds on to Stephanie tightly, not wanting to let go. Not now and not ever. He can never lose her; he doesn't know what he would do without her.

Paul puts Stephanie down reluctantly as he realizes they have to go.

"Anyways, Steph are you ready to go?"

"Not really, but let's go anyway."

Vince stands staring at the two best friends and is very proud of this moment, the moment he figures out, that in a few short months he'll have to let his baby go, the moment her figures out she's finally all grown up and the moment he figures out that the two best friends are so in love it is so oblivious to the other. He sits back down in his black, leather recliner and watches them as they go out the door.

"You kids be safe out there. Have a great day."

"Ok we will dad. I'll call you later."

Stephanie walks out the door and to Paul's ivy green 1966 Mustang Shelby GT-350 with the two white stripes down the middle. "Your chariot my lady," Paul states while opening Stephanie's door.

Stephanie looks shocked as she gets into his car. She then looks up at Paul and teases him. "Why thank you kind sir, how gentleman like for the usual barbarian."

Paul put his hand over his heart and acts as if Stephanie's comment hurt him. "Hey, I am so not a barbarian. I'm not that bad am I?"

Stephanie rolls her eyes thinking of all the times she has had to see Paul grope the cheerleaders and whichever other girl he was with on that day. "You haven't seen yourself in the halls all over girls?"

Paul sighs and jogs around to his side of the car, along the way trying to think of what to say back, he was only all over the girls because it was what the rest of the guys did. He decides to stick with a sarcastic reply, just hoping Steph takes it as a joke. Paul opens his door and looks over at Steph and chuckles. "Please, they're all over me." He stands there for a second and stares at Stephanie, trying to figure out how he's going to tell her and if he is even going to tell her. He gets in and starts his car. Paul looks over and notices that Stephanie is wearing the outfit he likes so much; the black, tight fitting, leather pants and the red, long-sleeved shirt with her black heels. He turns back around cranks the car, puts it in drive, and backs out of the McMahon's driveway and heads towards McDonald's.

Steph looks over at Paul and realizes she never finished teasing him about all 'barbarianism,' and she decides to finish it off. "Oh and about the conversation from earlier Paul; it's whatever you want to say or make people think 'Clinton.'"

"Hey, you know I have never slept with anyone. I am saving myself for that special person. Thank you very much Ms. McMahon."

"And everyone else can't know this because?"

"Because it's just easier to lie I guess. I mean, I really don't know."

"Well, I know that the real you I know, is a really great guy whether you want to admit it or not. He could probably "get with" a girl before the "cool" you could even make a move."

"Hey, what makes you think that? I mean that's the "uncool" side of me that no one likes."

"Oh, so I'm a no one?" Stephanie asks acting hurt. "I like that side of you Paul."

Paul looks over at Steph and smiles. "Thanks Stephanie. That means a lot." He continues driving down the street until they are out of Steph's neighborhood.

"You're welcome Paulie. So, where are we going? I mean it is way too early for school."

"We are going to McDonald's to get my best friend an egg mcmuffin and a coffee," Paul replies smiling over at Stephanie.

"Wow that sounds really good."

"Ha-ha… of course it sounds good to you. But, I can't buy you one every day this year. I have to save some money for whatever girl thinks she's going to "get with" me."

"Excuse me? Paul, that was downright mean," Stephanie replies as she hits Paul on the arm. "And another thing, why do you think you have to have a girlfriend all the time huh? I mean you're a wonderful guy Paul, you'll find the right girl when it's time."

Paul leans over towards his side of the car trying to figure out what he said that made her jump off the handle like she did. "Well, first off that really hurt, and second I mean I don't know, everybody has one, I mean you don't need all those asshole jocks that you go out with all the time."

Steph knows she only goes out with those 'asshole jocks' because she can't have Paul, but at least most of the guys she has been with have treated her right, unlike Paul's bitch girlfriends. "You go out with a bunch of skanks that don't even love you. What's the difference?"

Paul looks out the window feeling as if a meteorite just hit him in the gut at three-hundred miles per hour. Steph is right about the girls he goes out with, but at that moment it wasn't what Paul needed to hear. Especially when Steph doesn't know the reason he broke up with Trish yet. "The difference being at least I don't actually screw them."

Paul messed up big time and he knows it, but he didn't mean to say it. It just came out in the heat of the moment. But, he of all people knows she hasn't had sex yet. They would have both told each other when and if they did, they tell each other everything, they're best friends. But, when she said that the girls he went out with didn't love him, it really hurt him considering his current situation. But, he hurt her worse and he knows that.

Stephanie looks out the window. She cannot believe he just said that. He should know she has never done anything remotely close to sex with anybody. This is why she hates Paul and his "coolness" persona. She really wishes he could stay the guy she knew, instead of; well whatever this was.

Paul sighs and looks over at Steph, first day of senior year and he has already messed up. "Steph please look at me. I'm really, really sorry."'

Does Paul really think a fake apology is going to work? It's not like he didn't mean to say what he did. If he hadn't meant it, then he wouldn't have said it. "I don't care Paul, whatever. Just drop me off at school, that way I won't ruin your reputation. Tell Trish I said hi."

Trish, there she goes again bringing up Trish. Steph has had big problems with her since he can remember, yet he still went out with her last year. If he really cares about her, why would he do that? Oh yeah, peer pressure. He looks back at Steph and sees her contemplating getting out, the car is still running but he has slowed down enough for her to jump out without getting hurt. "Stephanie, come on. Don't do this! Don't leave this like it is."

Paul notices his car is in front of the school now, and Stephanie opens the door trying to get out. Paul grabs her hand, and tries to pull her back towards his side of the car.

"Where are you going Stephanie? We were going to go get something for breakfast remember?"

She throws her hands up in the air, does he really not know where she's going? What is she going to do, get out of the car and go jump in some other guys? Actually that's not a bad idea. She decides it's not the best tactic if she wants to still have a ride home today. "I'm going to school Paul and until "you" decide to come back to school, I'm not going anywhere with Levesque the jock!"

"Stephanie are you serious? Come on, I'll take you to get something to eat, please let me make it up to you." At this point Paul is not above begging her, not if he wants to keep his best friend.

Make it up to her? How do you make a comment like that up to somebody? "No Paul, how in the hell do you plan on "making this up" to me? Huh?"

"I don't know… I…"

That' exactly what she thought. "Exactly, you don't even know who you are, so how the hell are you going to know that?"

"Stephanie, I didn't mean it."

"Call me when you've figured out how to "make it up" to me."

"I'm sorry about that Stephanie, I really am," Paul said as he tries apologizing one more time.

"You know you keep saying that today, and I'm getting sick and tired of hearing it. I mean God knows that's all it's been with you since last year with Trish is drama. You've changed; you're not the same guy I once knew."

Stephanie gets out of the car and starts to walk towards the school away from Paul, leaving him sitting in his car stunned. Paul turns in to the school parking lot, parks his car, realizing he is thirty minutes early, but he doesn't care. This gives him more time to think. Paul isn't wasting any more time. He can't, otherwise he'll lose the love of his life. He has to start making changes on himself and he has to start making them now. Paul walks to class, feeling saddened by the fact that he may have lost his chance with the most beautiful and perfect girl in the world.