AN: Wow I don't know what happened today, but I just sat down and wrote all of this. I've had some bad writers block in everything, but apparently reading 99 chapters of the new manga (Fairy Tail) I'm into in three days, liberal doses of Levy X Gajeel fluffiness in fanfictions (If you haven't seen/read Fairy Tail you won't know who I'm talking about), and getting some real sleep finally after getting not one, but two jobs and dealing with college classes is the cure. Hope you like next chapter will be Harry POV probably and to the reviewer who asked the reason Kyoko said "your war" was because she blames Mikoto's generation for both starting the war and Fugaku for backing the decision for Konoha to get embroiled in it, not that they had much choice.
The Choice
Kushina had a bad feeling. One that had started when she realized Mikoto was avoiding her. It had left her restless and irritable, something her fellow shinobi had quickly picked up on giving Kushina and her infamous hair trigger temper a wide berth. Minato's absence certainly didn't help either. Her blond boyfriend was usually good at calming her down. Without him the feelings just built and built until she found herself unable to stand it. Usually this led to Kushina doing something incredibly reckless, dangerous, hilarious, or some combination of the three.
Like right now.
Kushina was sneaking into the Uchiha compound and more specifically the Head's home. Kushina had learned a lot about Uchiha politics during her time as teammate and once rival to Mikoto and one thing she knew for sure best friend or not, no Uchiha would take kindly to her entering the Clan Head's home to visit their pregnant Lady without so much as a by-your-leave. Kushina though had learned to follow her instincts and her instincts were screaming to get to Mikoto now, Uchiha security be damned. Even Kurama had been antsy recently, muttering to himself about the reports of foreign shinobi so close to the border. True he refused to explain why the information Kushina and her team had collected on the Hokage's behest had so interested him, but when tied in with the gleam that entered his eye when he'd learned about Mikoto's pregnancy Kushina didn't like it. At all.
Hence the sneaking.
"Fuck." Kushina hissed barely stopping a fire trap in time as she went over Mikoto's roof. Even with her quick sealing skills she still got a little singed to Kurama's amusement. Kushina directed some angry thoughts to him, not bothering to completely verbalize knowing he'd get the picture. Kurama brushed it off, remaining strangely more there than usual, but keeping his mentions under wrap so not to distract her.
Kushina didn't like it.
She's finally managed to make a sort of pact with him three years ago, after hating each other equally for so long and they'd formed an almost working relationship. Kurama had even cracked a few jokes, most of them rather violent and definitely mean spirited when compared to Kushina's own sense of humor, but revealing the change in their relationship dynamic nonetheless. She'd begun learning quite a bit about him sense then. One thing Kushina knew for sure, Kurama was never so aware and attentive in her mind unless she had a should-be-fatal wound or he found something incredibly interesting. And Kurama's definition of interesting didn't exactly coincide with Kushina's.
Kushina paused over the kitchen entrance from one of the large house's many courtyards. She listened with the heightened hearing allowed her and realized something disturbing. There was nothing. Swinging down from the roof Kushina bit back a gasp at the sight of a broken cup with a sickly sweet smelling tea surrounding it and the sliding door wide open. That was definitely not like Mikoto. Kushina's nose wrinkled instantly as she bent closer to get a better scent of the tea. She didn't know what was going on, but she knew it was bad and she wanted as much information as she could.
Damn it Kurama what is that smell? She demanded worry for Mikoto making her tone harsher than it had been in a while. She could feel him contemplating whether or not to answer her.
It's called the Ice Flower. It grows native to the Northern Countries. When used in poisons it makes the victims limbs feel like ice, paralyzing them for hours, if not given the antidote the victim can suffer permanent paralysis and death. It's almost extinct and grows only in high mountains. It wouldn't be surprising if the Slug Woman didn't know about it much less you.
Before Kushina's panic could fully take hold at the confirmation that something horrible had definitely happened to her friend she heard another sound. Something like an animal snuffling. Turning around this time she found herself unable to strangle her gasp. It was a deer, but very different from the Nara animals, he was huge with magnificent antlers. Most of all he was glowing made entirely of silvery light and warmth. The animal looked at her with calm wonderful eyes and took a step forward nudging her with his nose. A tingle spread through Kushina from where he touched exploding as warmth in her chest as her fondest memories of Mikoto and Minato, the two most important people in her life, rushed through her mind.
Following him as he rushed down the halls she could feel Kurama fully alert and not bothering to hide any more.
Do you know what it is?
No. And that is a feat in itself.
Do you think it's dangerous?
Does it feel dangerous you moron?
Kushina didn't bother to respond the warmth still lingering in her chest as she ran after the animal through the mazelike turns of the homes. Normally Kushina was fascinated by the intricate house her friend had married into, but now she was to worried to care about it. The stag stopped outside a bathroom and swung his large head towards the door before vanishing in the air. Kushina felt a chill go down her spine. Kushina would never admit it, even to Minato, but she'd always been unnerved by ghost stories and any tales of strange apparitions and now she'd met one.
Throwing the door aside the first things Kushina noticed was that her feet were wet and that the water was running in the bathtub. Approaching it cautiously she hesitated only for a second before pulling aside the currents. She was met with the strangest sight she'd ever beheld, including the creature she'd just met. It was an infant complete submerged in water with an air bubble surrounding his head. Even as Kushina registered the sight she was grabbing the baby and pulling him out.
The child gasped as she pulled him out pulling in a deep breath and shuddering against her chest ice cold. Remembering Mikoto's basic medical training she'd drilled Kushina over right before the Chunin Exams she instantly began pumping chakra through his small body to warm him, trying her best to not use to much so he didn't get chakra poisoning. Finally the shivering stopped and his messy Uchiha hair was dry and incredibly soft against Kushina's neck as it went every which way.
His eyes had the Sharingan.
Kushina was confused now. Mikoto was gone, likely kidnapped, a strange creature had appeared out of nowhere and led Kushina here, and here was what seemed to be the failed attempted drowning of an infant Uchiha. Kushina didn't understand how these connected together, but she did now that the more time she spent here this likely she was to catch up with Mikoto. Frustrated and worried Kushina looked down at the infant held awkwardly against her chest.
"Do you know where Mikoto is little one?" Kushina answered voice tight and going through the quickest routes from here to where the reports of the foreign shinobi. She might not now who had taken Mikoto are where she was right now, but she had a feeling those shinobi had something to do with it.
In answer the stag appeared to her left and nuzzled her side impatiently. Looking into the frustrated, now startlingly green eyes of the infant she gave a nod.
"I can take a hint." Kushina told him and followed the creature once more hoping that it, or rather she suspected the infant, knew what he was doing.