how long has it been? Three...almost four years? Ouch. So I want to apologize! I got sucked into a new Fandom and recently started on Naruto ago which helped pique my interest in Inuyasha. I'm going to try to give this story another go as well as finish When We All Fall Apart. So once again, I'm sorry! And here's a new chapter!

Long pristine hair dripped the warm bathwater. Sesshomaru stood alone in the bathing quarters, wringing her hair out. Her chest wrap had been thankful discarded, allowing her the freedom her chest desperately needed. It was not often that Sesshomaru was given the chance to glide around in the nude. When she was younger she had always been quick to bathe and redress, as if her true body was something to hide away in disgust. Now however, there were days where she wanted nothing more than to keep this body...perhaps walk around public and show everyone what she truly was. She knew she made an attractive woman. Those she laid with were quick to stare. Her breast were smaller but lovely. Her legs were long and pale. She was a lovely specimen. Only for it to be ripped from her. She dressed slowly, knowing she would be traveling again soon.

"Jaken," She called once dressed. "We will be leaving within the hour. Prepare Rin."

"Yes, My Lord!" She heard the imp reply swiftly, scampering off to do as she bid. Sesshomaru turned swiftly on her heel, her frustration still strong in her chest. She finally made her way out her door, gliding down the vast halls. Servants bowed as she passed and she returned with curt nods. Rin and Jaken met her hear the gates, Rin's smile wide as she watched Sesshomaru approach. She scampered forward, ignoring the imp as she called out to her Lord.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" She cried out happily and the Demon offered her a small fond smile that vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

"Rin. You are prepared to travel?" The Demon questioned.

"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru!" The girl replied, grinning toothily. Sesshomaru nodded once, glancing towards Jaken.

"Come then." She bid them forward. Jaken raced towards his Lord, squawking as Rin left him behind.

"Where are we going Lord Sesshomaru?" Rin asked, skipping at the Demon's side. Sesshomaru glanced at her young charge. Ah Un moved forward slowly, prepared to move.

"We are visiting my mother." Sesshomaru replied and Jaken blinked in shock.

"My Lord?"

"Really?" Rin beamed. "Is she pretty?" Sesshomaru closed her eyes at this question. She pictured her mother in her mind. The woman Sesshomaru could never become.

"Very much so." Sesshomaru replied. She glanced over her shoulder as the castle gates closed behind her. Rin made an excited noise.

"Ohhhh I can't wait to meet her!" Rin babbled on happily and Jaken scrambled to Sesshomaru's side. He stared up at his Lord who did not spare him a glance. Her footsteps assertive as she moved.

"My Lord?"

"Jaken." Sessomaru replied in acknowledgement.

"We are truly going to see your Lady Mother?" His voice lowered at this and Sesshomaru narrowed her eyes. She eyed the imp, face devoid of emotion.

"Is that not what I just said?"

"Yes, yes of course my Lord...but it has been so many years..." Sesshomaru ignored the ramblings of the retainer and moved onward. It had been many years since she had seen her mother. But now it seemed Sesshomaru had little choice. With Inuyasha aware of her...predicament, Sesshomaru needed to take every precaution. Even if that meant facing the mother who had abandoned her years before.

Inuyasha returned to his group the night after confronting Sesshomaru. They were curious. Curious to what Sesshomaru and he had spoken of. Curious about the dark truth that lingered beneath the Lord's clothing. Sango had already began to research old tomes and books that mentioned the Inu. With Miroku at her side, she poured over these dusty words but found herself coming up empty handed. Inuyasha had told them everything Sesshomaru had admitted to him. Leaving out the part where he threatened to out her of course.

Sango was appalled by the news.

"She is stolen away and tortured, and yet she is punished for it!? How could your father willingly do that to his child?" She whirled on Inuyasha who lifted his hand defensively.

"Don't ask me. I don't know the guy." He retorted. Sango shook her head, expression stern.

"That's his daughter. How could he willingly take her identity from her..."

"I guess he was trying to protect he-" Inuyasha tried to defend his father but was quickly cut off.

"No!" Kagome shot in. "That's not protection! That's in my world. Girls are raped at night but they are vilified because they dressed a certain way or drank too much. Girls are given pointers and tips on hw to avoid being targeted and raped! Not the boys who commit the crime! It's the victims who are judged! It's victim blaming."

"Dad wasn't blami-"

"Oh really? Then why else would he force her to change her gender?"

"Sesshomaru could be lying for all we know." Miroku chimed in earning a glare from Kagome.

"Oh yes, she's lying. You know, you sound a lot li-"

"Guys cut it out!" Inuyasha snapped. He did not like this. The pity he felt for Sesshomaru. It changes nothing. Sesshomaru was still the fucking piece of shit they had always been...with tits. Inuyasha had enjoyed being able to taunt her and threaten to spread her secret but he knew very well that he would never do such a thing. No matter how much of an asshole Sesshomaru was. That did not mean he was not going to hold it over her pretty little head though. He stood, stretching out and yawning loudly.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm exhausted. G'night!" He waved his hand dismissively before darting for a tree, leaving his friends staring after him. Kagome scowled and shot to her feet, suddenly unable to think straight. She bid her two companions goodnight before stalking off the sleep. Sango followed shortly afterwards, checking in Shippou before settling down for the night, leaving Miroku very troubled. In the distance, the Hanyou found himself a tree to sleep in. Inuyasha settled himself on a thicker branch and crossed his arms over his chest.


They were on Sesshomaru's side? Sesshomaru's!? After everything he-...she had done? It shouldn't matter that suddenly she's another gender. She was still Sesshomaru. Inuyasha was not so naive that he would think his brother turned out to be sister would be kinder and fairer. Nothing had changed. It ate at the Hanyou. How many skeletons did Sesshomaru have in her closet? What else was she hiding? Inuyasha could take advantage of this. He could switch their positions and make Sessomaru the powerless one for once. See how she likes it?

With this in mind, Inuyasha turned on his side and fell into a fitful sleep.