Disclaimer: I do not own anything that doesn't have my name written next to it in pretty pink pen. I don't even own my horse Tig…that's how broke I am. I only claim ownership on Asher Hayden, Sarah Stevenson and anyone else that you do not recognise.

Summary: She went to the shut the door but paused, smiling slightly to herself despite the glare from the girl on her knees in front of the biker. "You do realise this is a twelve year olds birthday party?" It all started at a twelve year olds birthday party in a Tacoma backyard ten years ago. Happy/OC

It took me forever to decide on a first chapter because I had written a few to start this story. With great deliberation I chose this one. Please please let me know what you think.

Stylized Violence – choreographed violence used in film and television to portray the illusion of real violence.

Prologue: White Blank Page

But tell me now where was my fault,
in loving you with my whole heart?
Her white blank page & a swelling rage,
You did not think when you sent me to the brink,
You desired my attention but denied my affections,
But tell me now where was my fault, in loving you with my whole heart

-Mumford & Sons

13th March 1998

"Alright, well that's all I suppose." The grey haired man said as he looked around the large table at his brothers. "Anyone got anything to add?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at the younger man in the corner who was fumbling with his lighter. "Donut, what the fuck?"

"Shit, sorry Prez." The floppy haired man said as he placed down the lighter and gave up trying to set the ends of a pen alight. "Just…you know…" he shrugged. The President nodded.

"Yeah, I know Brother, but this a favour to the mother charter." Turning his brown eyed glare on the man sitting two down from his left he jerked his chin slightly. "Can I trust you to keep him out of trouble?"

"Kozik won't be a problem Blue." The gravelly voice replied.

"Good, last thing I need is another fucking kid to look after. Anyone actually know what he did?"

"I heard he fucked Tiggers woman." Someone piped up and Blue rolled his eyes before looking over at the man he'd just been speaking to.

"I don't have to worry about Tig turning up do I Hap?" The bald man shook his head.

"I got it under control Prez."

"Good. Right, church is adjourned. Which one of you douchebags is on the beer run?" Blue asked, looking pointedly at his Vice President. "You got beer detail Lorca?"

"Nah, I got kid duty." A loud catcall went up from the others and Blue growled.

"Watch your mouths."

"It's Lorca you gotta watch with them young ones." Donut teased and earned a glare from the VP. "And the Prospect." Blue sighed, running a tired hand over his face.

"Lorca, send the Prospect for beer. Hap, you go sort out the kid." Happy nodded as Blue banged down the gavel and they all stood, heading for the door. The sweetbutts were waiting as soon as they stepped out into the crowded clubhouse and descended on each one of the sons.

Happy surveyed the crowd. He could stay, but he knew Blue would skin him if he didn't do as he was told. Not to mention kid duty was not that bad. Walking out into the cool lot he climbed on his bike and started it up. He didn't need directions, like his brothers did every other weekend he'd just follow the noise.

Twenty minutes later he pulled up in front of the huge white house with blue shutters on the opposite side of town. There were kids pouring out of the place and loud music was blasting from an expensive set of speakers. His eyes surveyed the crowd before they landed on the girl sitting on the brick wall surrounding the house. She hadn't heard him, her legs swinging back and forth the heels of her boots thumping on the wall behind her. Poised in front of her lips, in the same direction as her head was a cigarette, held between two blunt black nails as she stared off into space. He had a brief image of those nails digging into his back, the long legs and the boots locked around his waist before he killed the engine.

Her baggy, but short dress was hitched up on her thighs, large black and white beads hanging in piles around her neck and her blonde messy hair was pulled into a bun high on her head, the brown and black streaks through the blonde standing out in the lamplight.

Calling out her name, she turned her head slowly to lay heavily eyelined blue eyes on him.

"You?" she said, no greeting no formalities and not a hint of fear at the sight of him astride the Harley nearby.

"Me." He replied appraising her long lean legs up to the hem of her skirt. He watched her take a painfully long drag of her cigarette before jumping off the wall and looking up at him as she swung her shoulder bag over her shoulder and strode over to him.

"At least it wasn't Lorca." She sighed, taking the helmet he offered to her and pushing it down on her hair. "Can we get something to eat I'm starved." She added before swinging her leg over the back of the bike and wrapping her arms around his waist as he started the bike again and pulled out of the street and headed back to their side of town.

Five minutes later the two of them were sitting in the diner across from Tacoma Auto, Happy watching the girl as she squeezed ketchup and mayonnaise onto her fries. She didn't say anything and Happy was thankful for it as he ate his burger. They'd had the same understanding since he'd first prospected for the club all those years ago. The long silences were never awkward, just normal.

He watched with amusement as she went for her soda, pulling off the plastic lid and straw before rummaging through her handbag and producing a silver flask. The smirk tugged at his lips as she poured the amber liquid into her soda and stirred it with her straw before returning the flask to her bag. Finally he thought it was time to broach the subject of her missing boyfriend.

"Where's the kid?"

"Dunno." She replied, sipping at her soda before picking up one of her fries, he didn't miss the eyelash bat she threw him or the small smile that had most of his brothers toeing the line.

"Don't pull your slutty shit on me." He growled and she shrugged, not affected by his tone.

"He left early, Academy won't let him in if he gets picked up underage."

"So he left you there?" Another shrug. The little bitch had it down to an art these days, avoiding the question, lying.

"Hmm." He growled inwardly. She took another sip of her drink and put it down in front of him before fixing her blue eyes on him. "You got something you wanna say?"


"Good." She replied, sipping at her drink again before polishing off the rest of her fries and throwing a few bills down on the table as she stood up. "I'm ready to go now."

Happy looked up at the teenager from where he sat in the diner booth and clenched his jaw to refrain from saying something. It was fucking tempting to give her a lecture about safety and brains, but he knew it was a lost cause. It was a bit hypocritical for them to preach to her then take her home to her current living situation. Standing up he threw a few more bills down before picking up hers and shoving them towards her.

"Put it in your fucking piggy bank or something." He growled when she gave him an amused smile.

"His name is Eddie." She said as he passed her and he pulled up short his hand pressed flat on the glass door of the diner.


"My piggy bank- his name is Eddie." Then she cocked her head to the side and gestured for him to continue out the door. He felt a tug at the corner of his mouth as she strode past him and waited for him to get on the bike and start it before she was climbing on behind him. He dropped her off in the driveway and waited until she'd jumped the chainlink fence into her yard and was through the front door before he turned around and headed back to the clubhouse.

Yeah kid duty was never that bad when the kid in question was Asher Hayden.

Eight year old Sarah Stevenson watched the Harley pull away from the driveway in the dark and saw the lights in the house next door flick on. She jumped when she heard the door of her bedroom open and dashed from the window to jump into bed and pull the covers up to her shoulders pretending to sleep.

"I know you're not sleeping Sarie." Her oldest brothers voice whispered in the dark and she sat up to see him standing in the dim light of the hallway.

"What're you doing?" She hissed at him and he grinned.

"It's two am- you wanna wake Thomas up?" Sarah grinned, jumping off the bed and bouncing over to her brother, taking his large hand in hers and sneaking down the hall with him, careful not to wake their mother as they passed their parents door. Her brother held a finger up to his lips to remind her to be quiet as they pushed open her other brothers door and snuck over to the bed. Thomas was sleeping quietly when the oldest wrapped his hands around Sarah and hoisted her up and dropped her on top of Thomas both of them laughing as Thomas jolted awake.

"Happy Birthday Tommy." Her brother laughed and Sarah bounced up and down on the mattress in her nightgown.

"Happy twelfth birthday Tommy!" Sarah chorused before her leg was grabbed and she fell flat on her back, giggling as both her brothers started to tickle her relentlessly despite their sleeping mother down the hall. It was perfect.

The wind was howling in her ears as she clung tightly to the firm body that was controlling the machine in underneath them. Her blonde hair whipped around her face as they weaved their way through the motorway traffic, not slowing down at all. It was perfect. Her life could only get better from here on out.

Mia James grew up in a good home in Orange County and like many teenagers had rebelled, smoked, drank and did drugs. Like normal young people. It hadn't taken long for her to break out of her parents grip and catch a bus anywhere but Orange County. And that's how she found herself in Charming, California. And the only thing worse than Orange County was Charming. Small, no Starbucks, no shopping centres. Just people and their families. And the only good thing about Charming – the Sons of Anarchy. To say the Sons were everything she needed would be a lie, but at twenty-three and rebellious, the Sons were everything she wanted.

After meeting a few girls at the local hair salon she'd been introduced to the Sons. All rugged men smelling of leather and smoke. They oozed sex appeal and charm. The girls taught her the ropes and within months she was a sweetbutt, or a Croweater as they were known in Charming. She didn't mind sleeping with various members though, because one day one of them was going to realise was a good Old Lady she was going to be. One day she wasn't going to be the sweetbutt in all the Old Ladys jokes. She was going to be one of them. And she was going to be better than those stuck up bitches like Gemma Teller and Luann Delaney. One day.

But, the day when she got a free ride out of Charming would come before any of those SAMCRO boys would realise what they were missing. When Kozik had packed his bag and walked out of the clubhouse, Clay Morrow and Tig Trager watching after him, Mia had seized her opportunity.

"I don't need anything, I just want to get out of this town."

"I ain't takin' some sweetbutt with me to Tacoma."

"Please, Koz, I won't be any trouble."

She'd melted him, the big bad blonde biker had sighed loudly, voicing his distaste and telling her to pack her shit before they were speeding towards Washington State. Soon enough she would be doing her part in Tacoma. Doing as she was told until someone realised what a good Old Lady she would be. That's how she found herself on her knees in a bathroom, blowing the hottest biker she had ever seen at a twelve year old birthday party. Yeah this was a new start, she was thinking as he tugged at her hair. This was the first day of the rest of her life.

If she'd known back then, that that was merely the beginning of the end for her, that one day she would regret getting on her knees for him and insulting her she would have stayed in Charming.