The Worst Guy To Fall For

Chapter 6

News Getting Around

As Ivan walked into the meeting room for the Allies, he looked around to see if Alfred saw there. He wasn't. Ivan looked at Arthur and walked over to ask him if he had scene Alfred. But before he could say anything, Arthur glared at the Russian and said, "No I have not seen your new 'Boy-Toy'. But I swear Ivan, if you even hurt Alfred, I will hunt you down and gut you like a fish! You understand me?"

Ivan bent down and glared back at him. "Alfred isn't a 'Boy-Toy' to me, Arthur. And I would NEVER hurt him, unlike you. So, how did you find out me and Alfred are together?" he replied then sat down.

"Gilbert sent me a text saying that you and Alfred had sex and were planning on having sex again tonight at Alfred's place," Arthur said, gritting his teeth at the thought of Ivan and Alfred having sex.

Ivan twitched in anger. "Do you know how Gilbert knows we had sex? And we were not planning on having sex tonight. We were planning on having dinner," he asked, getting angrier every second that he knew that Gilbert the gossip knew.

"He said that Matthew told him. Because I knew Alfred wouldn't tell Gilbert something like that," Arthur answered with a sigh. "And it's sad but Gilbert can get ANYTHING out of Matthew, even secrets he gets from Alfred sometimes. Gilbert will do ANYTHING to get some new gossip. Probably all the nations know by now."

Ivan twitched again. He stood up, picked up his chair and threw it at the wall as Alfred walked in the door with a hamburger in hand. "IVAN! What's wrong?" Alfred exclaimed, tossing the burger aside and running to his new lover.

Ivan turned around and saw Matthew standing by the door. He scowled and walked over to Matthew. "Why. Did. You. Tell. Gilbert. Me. And. Alfred. Had. Sex…?" Ivan gritted through his teeth.

Alfred looked at Matthew in surprise. "You TOLD Gilbert? Mattie! How could you? I told you that in private and you went and told Gilbert? Probably him and Francis have told EVERYONE by now! Matthew how could you do that to me?" Alfred yelled, tears rolling down his cheeks in anger.

"I-I didn't mean to! I was texting him when we were going to get some lunch that I was buying you a hamburger to cheer you up. He asked why did you need to cheered up. I told him you didn't know what to do about something and he kept asking what was it and I just had to tell him! I love Gilbert and he REALLY wanted to know so maybe he could help you!" Matthew explained.

Ivan growled and Alfred ran out of the room crying. Ivan ran after him, leaving Matthew to be talked to by Arthur. "Alfred wait!" Ivan called as he ran after the younger male.

The blonde slowed down and leaned against the nearest wall. He covered his face and slid down it. He pulled his knees close to his chest and began to cry. Ivan sat next to him and held him close. The Russian began to stroke the American's hair and hum a lullaby.

"Ivan…Do you think everyone knows that we had sex last night?" Alfred asked as he wiped his tears from his cheeks. "Oh and sorry for crying on you dude. Just felt betrayed."

Ivan sighed. "Yes everyone probably knows we had sex. But I don't care. We are together and people should be okay with that. And if they aren't, I will scare them till they are. And it's okay to cry Alfred. Crying is a way to get your emotions out. It's better than throwing chairs at walls," he said with a small smile.

Alfred laughed. "True that, dude," he said.

"Come on, my little sunflower. I don't want to go to the meeting so how about we go to your house and have that dinner we were planning to have?" Ivan said as he stood up and helped Alfred up.

Alfred nodded and smiled. "So are you gonna cook or am I? 'Cause I can make some really good hamburgers," he asked as they walked down the hall.

"How about I cook you something special so you don't have to eat hamburgers for two meals in a row, da?" Ivan replied with a smile on his face.

A/N; Hey Guys! I Really Hope You Like This Chapter Even Tho Alfred Cries In It :'( Depressing I Know But I Had To Put SOME Drama In It! Haha Anyways, I Hope You Guys Review!

DISCLAIMER! Any/All Flames Will Be Used To Roast My Marshmallows That I Will Share With Any Ppl Who Ask For Some! Also, I Sadly Don't Own Hetalia (If I Did, Many Of The Characters Would Have Had Some Sexxii Man Sex! xD). I Just Own The Idea The Fanfiction Was Written About:D



P.s. To TheRebelx3, Sorry Hunny But Ivan Is Mine xD Back Off Sweetie!