A/N: Hey guys, here's a fresh new chapter for you. At least you didn't have to wait a year for it x_x

Chapter 5:

Gumball had been sitting at the table waiting for Marshall Lee to awake. The pink male finally decided to exit before the Vampire King had actually done so. PG was confused. Their kiss late that night had been a confusing one to say the least. When he finally arrived to the Candy Kingdom once more, he had felt more befuddled than he had when he left. He remembered it clearly now. Gumball definitely wasn't happy. Not because he didn't care for Marshall Lee but, because he felt that Marshall Lee was taking some type of advantage of him. His temper was ferocious. Something that Gumball had always known. But the way he had acted that night? It was sort of frightening.

Sometime In the Present…

Gumball had remembered the night well. The problem was when would he be able to forget it? Things would never be the same between Gumball and Marshall Lee. Or so it seemed. Lumpy space Prince had already been on the other side of the room. It seemed nobody cared. It seems that Marshall Lee in Gumball's business had just been that, their business. Gumball wasn't sure how he felt about this. The pink Prince lingered on the bed. He shuffled through the notes. He wasn't quite sure if he wanted to read them anymore.

"I guess it's all in my mind" He said as he lowered his head in embarrassment. He was quiet with his words, his memories had haunted him and these recollections had just made things worse. Gumball slid off his bed and headed towards the window of his bedroom, near his desk. He shivered as a breeze entered the room.

"Well PG, I'm tired and junk. I'll see you later." Lumpy Space Prince called out as he floated towards the doorway. "Lumps, out!" He yelled. Prince Gumball jumped a little as the purple prince exited. He nodded as he turned to the window once more. He let out a sigh, everything in his being telling him to just go to bed but, he couldn't help but keep reminiscing. Gumball thought of Marshall's song again. If he didn't care about him why would he still be dwelling on their past? Or was Marshall just still angry about it? Bubba dragged his feet as he went towards his bed, spotting another note with the picture of a cupcake on it. He narrowed his eyes because he remembered that day to every detail. He picked it up and flipped it over.

"…Feed me- Marshall Lee."

Sometime In the Past…

The Prince's head had been peeking into his oven. He pouted a little as he closed it once more, pulling off his oven mitts and placing them on the counter. He turned to look at Marshall Lee who had been drinking the red from a giant candy cane in the corner of the room.

"If you keep doing that you're gonna get full before I'm done making your cupcakes." Gumball muttered as he walked towards him. Lee slurped up the last bit of red then wiped his mouth.

"Eh, I'll be fine." He waved his hand dismissively as he floated away from the pink male. Bubba sighed again as he trailed after him. Marshall Lee hovered over to the counter and began to gently tap it as he whistled. Gumball shook his head as he walked past him to retrieve the cupcakes from the oven.

"Glob, you're restless today." He said breathlessly as he gently opened the oven door.

"I'm restless every day. I'm undead." He chuckled. Gumball simply shook his head as he placed the tray of cupcakes on the counter in from of the Vampire King. He reached for one and Gumball's mitted hand gently slapped him away. Marshall pouted as he glared at the Prince.

"You have to let them cool first or you'll burn your hands." He explained. Bubba jogged away from the oven and took a seat beside Lee. The two were quiet for a bit before Marshall finally broke the silence.

"So, I noticed you never wear any of the clothes I gave you." He blurted out. Gumball jumped a bit as he turned his head to glance at Marshall Lee.

"Well, I do. Just not today." He replied with a shrug. Gumball had been neglecting the things the vampire had been giving him but only because of fear of tarnishing his reputation. He had a whole kingdom to think about.

"You hate them." Marshall added with a sigh as he lowered his head, his raven locks covering his face.

"I don't! I already told you I liked them." He answered quickly but Marshall Lee seemed unfazed. He nudged the other gently and nodded towards. Marshall was stationary. Gumball nudged him once more with his head and flashed him a soft grin.

"Jetzt essen, go ahead." He whispered. Lee lifted his head as he reached his hand out to grab a cupcake. He sucked all the pink off of it before he tossed it behind them. Bubba hopped up and scooped it off the floor.

"Marshall Lee, that was unnecessary!" He scolded as he tossed the pastry into the trash. He knew he didn't want Peppermint Maid scurrying into the room whilst Marshall Lee was around. The Vampire King slid off of his seat as he swooshed over to where Gumball had been. He licked his lips as he gazed down at the Prince. Bubba flushed a darker shade of pink as he lowered his head bashfully. Marshall placed a finger under Gumball's chin and lifted his face once more.

"I didn't just come here for cupcakes." He whispered. Gumball shivered as he pushed himself more into the counter. Marshall planted a small kiss on his lips and Gumball began to breathe heavily, seeing there was no escape.

"You're my actual dessert." He added as he started to lick and kiss Gumball's neck. The pink prince shivered once more as he gulped, trying to stare at the ceiling to distract himself. It was for naught, he attempted to squirm but Marshall Lee continued.

"Not here." He whined.

"Yes here." The vampire replied while letting out a soft moan. Gumball blushed again; he hadn't heard Marshall make those noises since they first started "practicing". It was hardly practice now. They were almost like experts at this point. Marshall Lee's hand drifted down Gumball's torso and finally towards the front of his pants. The Vampire began to kiss more fervently. His lips made their way to Gumball's . They were small pecks, it was obvious that Marshall wanted more than that though. He stopped and glared at the Prince.

"Open your mouth when you're kissing me." He demanded in an angry whisper before he went back to kissing him and finally sliding his tongue into Gumball's mouth. At this point Bubba had been trying to move away from the vampire but it was no use. His hand still lingered at the entrance of Gumball's pants. Lee finally decided to slide his hand inside but was quickly stopped by the candy prince's hand blocking his.

"Lee, no." He whined.

"…Yes" He whispered as the two struggled while still kissing. Finally Gumball grasped Marshall's wrists and pushed him away.

"Marshall, what is this? What are we doing?" The prince started. "This isn't innocent anymore, this is different." Marshall Lee simply stared at Gumball then began to lower his head.

"You never answered me the other night." He added.

"You left before I could even say anything!" Marshall Lee shouted.

"You had plenty of time while we were kissing! And even now when you had your tongue down my throat." Bubba began to shout back. "And what would you have said if I did stay Marshall? What? I don't think you would've said anything." He sighed as he shook his head. Gumball turned to walk away from Marshall.

"Well why would I? So you can avoid me again?" The vampire called out. Gumball stopped in his tracks as he let out another sigh. Marshall began to float over to him once more. "What is your problem with me? Why do you hate me?" He yelled.

"I don't hate you!"

"So what is it? The only way we can do anything is if I'm sure and secure and perfect like you?" Lee shouted, his voice cracked halfway through the sentence. Bubba shook his head as he turned to face Marshall Lee once more.

"I never said you had to be perfect." Gumball whimpered as he reached over to Marshall, trying to softly place his hand on the other male's face. Marshall Lee slapped his hand away as he started to float towards the window.

"You didn't have to." He replied softly with a twinge of pain in his eyes. Marshall finally left the Candy Castle and Gumball had assumed the Candy Kingdom as well. The guilt bellowed up into the pit of Gumball's gut. He stared outward at the window then let out a sigh as he made his way to his bedroom.

Hours had passed and Gumball had been on his bed, trying to fall asleep. It wasn't working out well. Gumball jumped up when heard the sound of wind gusting into his bedroom, he gripped his sheets as he sat up and glanced around at the darkness of the room. Finally a figure had appeared, hovering over Bubba's beside. The pink prince turned on the light, revealing that it was Marshall Lee. He let out a relieved breath and glanced up at him again. Marshall stared downward before leaning downward and gently kissing Gumball.

"I thought you were gone for the night." Gumball said, his voice muffled into their kisses.

"I never even left the kingdom." Marshall whispered. The prince blushed a little as they stared at each other in the bleakness of the room.

"Lee, I-" Gumball started as Marshall finally took a seat on his bedside. His sentence couldn't be finished because Marshall Lee had begun kissing him once more. Marshall laid Gumball down under him as he switched the light back off.

"Marshall, I don't want to do something I might regret." Gumball whispered as he finally broke the kiss. The Vampire King stared down at him in the darkness.

"I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to do." He replied as he simply rested his head on Bubba's shoulder. The prince began to pat his raven head as they laid in silence.

"I don't want t—" Marshall choked, not even finishing the sentence. Gumball raised a brow as he glanced down at the vampire.

"Don't want to what?" He repeated in a whisper. Gumball suddenly felt his shoulder become hot and damp, he assumed from Marshall's tears. He pretended he didn't feel it, he wasn't sure if Marshall even wanted to him to acknowledge it.

"Marsh?" Gumball started quietly.

"Yeah?" He answered, clearing his throat.

"Let's just go to sleep." He suggested, he felt Lee nod his head as he loosened his grasp on Gumball and slid off his sneakers and shirt and got under the covers with the candy prince. He removed his head from his shoulder and simply laid flat on his back beside him. Gumball wrapped his arm around his waist and rested his head on Marshall Lee's chest. Lee placed a kiss on the Prince's forehead before he closed his eyes. Gumball knew there was something Marshall Lee couldn't say to him. Maybe that he was sorry? Maybe he just couldn't express himself and he was frustrated. He couldn't quite figure it out. He laid there in the darkness with his eyes closed but he wasn't quite sleeping. He suspected the same of Marshall.

"I'm not going anywhere." Gumball finally whispered and at that moment he felt calmness from Lee, and the two had at last fallen asleep.

Sometime In the Present…

It wasn't often that Marshall had spent time in Gumball's bed, so he remembered that night vividly. The pink male frowned as he looked at the note. Was this counterproductive? He sat back down on his bed amongst the mess of notes. He curled up into a ball and turned away from the window, Gumball closed his eyes as he attempted to ease his anxieties with sleep.

Outside on Gumball's balcony a something had lingered, Marshall Lee. It appeared he had been there for a while, every-so often he'd turn invisible and check up on the candy prince. He hovered over the ledge of the balcony for most of the night. He wasn't ashamed of it, but he certainly couldn't come out and say anything about it. Marshall slowly turned his head and saw Gumball finally turning away from his direction. The Vampire King made himself tangible once more and floated closer to the entrance of Gumball's room. He inhaled deep then finally exhaled hard as he hovered there. He frowned as he gazed at Bubba's sleeping form.

A/N: There you guys go, leave a review or favorite if you like it. Thanks for reading, you're mucho appreciated. :3